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Old 04-30-2016, 01:36 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by BigLouie View Post
Gas prices are down, way down, which is killing a lot of Industries. Apple is not selling as many iPhones as before dragging down their stock and the market. How is any of this Obama's fault
You're blaming slow economic growth on low gas prices and lagging sales of i-phones? Seriously?

Every one-cent reduction in the gas price puts $1 billion into the pockets of American consumers. It's like getting a tax cut. That should stimulate the economy, not weaken it. And yeah, I know you're talking about how it has also slowed down spending and other activity in the fracking and energy industries. But on balance, most economists still view lower gas prices as a positive factor. As for i-phone sales, they may impact Apple shareholders, but they barely move the needle when it comes to US GDP growth.
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Old 04-30-2016, 06:15 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You're blaming slow economic growth on low gas prices and lagging sales of i-phones? Seriously?
Lower gasoline prices recently has slowed the "economy" in The Woodlands.
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Old 04-30-2016, 08:14 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You're blaming slow economic growth on low gas prices and lagging sales of i-phones? Seriously?

Every one-cent reduction in the gas price puts $1 billion into the pockets of American consumers. It's like getting a tax cut. That should stimulate the economy, not weaken it. And yeah, I know you're talking about how it has also slowed down spending and other activity in the fracking and energy industries. But on balance, most economists still view lower gas prices as a positive factor. As for i-phone sales, they may impact Apple shareholders, but they barely move the needle when it comes to US GDP growth.
Actually the low price of oil is killing a lot of industries and this will have a ripple effect.
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Old 04-30-2016, 08:20 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Obama has had 7yrs to get the economy going. The GDP has been historically low during his term. Reagan took over a bad situation and the GDP hovered around 4. Same with Clinton. Obama has had 2 terms to do something, it's terrible. So yes, we can blame him.
No you cannot. When Reagan was president the modernization of the work office was just beginning. Companies were investing in computers, internal networks, new software. This drove the economy for a number of years. Right now you are seeing the result of 50 years of business trends over which no president has control. Remember all that TQM, Total Quality Management where companies tried to produce the same product at the same quality level with less people and resources. You do that long enough and it catches up to you. And it will not change no matter who is president. Trump, Clinton. No matter, they will not be able to stop business trends which produce a stalled economy.
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Old 04-30-2016, 08:26 AM   #20
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Listening to Lardass argue economics is like reading his reviews. Sad, just sad. Trust me.
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Old 04-30-2016, 09:06 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Listening to Lardass argue economics is like reading his reviews. Sad, just sad. Trust me.
Who would trust you?
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Old 04-30-2016, 09:19 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by BigLouie View Post
When Reagan was president the modernization of the work office was just beginning. Companies were investing in computers, internal networks, new software. This drove the economy for a number of years.
Reagan "presided" over the savings & loan/real estate CRASH that drove down the economy for 99% of those who "invested" in the most expensive purchase most will make their life times ..... talking shit about "Fortune 500" companies buying "hardware" is just that .... talking shit!

"We" have the same bullshit today ..... Obaminable "Politics" has driven "the little guy" out of the job market and onto the streets. Most of them are Black...not in numbers, but % of their population!

He could give a shit about "the people" .... it's all about him!

Gruber owns you, BL.
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Old 04-30-2016, 09:20 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Who would trust you?
Obaminable, of course! Even as he loses his health coverage!!!!
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Old 04-30-2016, 10:13 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Listening to Lardass argue economics is like reading his reviews. Sad, just sad. Trust me.
Reading a lying pig oink is pathetic. Cockstalkng, cocksucking pig.
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Old 04-30-2016, 10:47 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by BigLouie View Post
Actually the low price of oil is killing a lot of industries and this will have a ripple effect.
To use your "logic", really high oil prices are good for an economy? So why did the great and powerful Obama lower them from where they were five years ago?
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Old 04-30-2016, 11:01 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Obaminable, of course! Even as he loses his health coverage!!!!
Last year Assup was bragging about his savings with his health care coverage - guess he got burned in the interim and has learned to shut his mouth...
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Old 04-30-2016, 11:07 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by BigLouie View Post
No you cannot. When Reagan was president the modernization of the work office was just beginning. Companies were investing in computers, internal networks, new software. This drove the economy for a number of years. Right now you are seeing the result of 50 years of business trends over which no president has control. Remember all that TQM, Total Quality Management where companies tried to produce the same product at the same quality level with less people and resources. You do that long enough and it catches up to you. And it will not change no matter who is president. Trump, Clinton. No matter, they will not be able to stop business trends which produce a stalled economy.
Yes I can.


That's a pathetic record. Obama owns it.
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Old 04-30-2016, 12:33 PM   #28
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Make America Grow Again

The economy barely dodges recession, and Washington yawns.

April 28, 2016 7:27 p.m. ET

When did Americans decide that 1% or 2% economic growth is acceptable, that puny wage increases are inevitable, and that we should all merely shrug and get used to the country’s diminished expectations? Those questions come to mind watching the desultory reactions to Thursday’s report that the U.S. economy grew by a meager 0.5% in the first quarter of 2016.

No worries, mate. Isn’t the first quarter always lousy? We’re told the job market is strong enough, growth will perk up the rest of the year, and the Federal Reserve is on hold. The White House issued its typically upbeat GDP analysis, with the only discouraging word being that “even with the solid growth in recent years, there is room for further expansion.”

President Obama didn’t comment on the first quarter, but the New York Times rolled out an interview with him Thursday, part of a larger apologia for his economic record, in which he offered this beauty: “I actually compare our economic performance to how, historically, countries that have wrenching financial crises perform. By that measure, we probably managed this better than any large economy on Earth in modern history.”

Mr. Obama has already compared himself favorably to every President except Lyndon Johnson, FDR and Lincoln, so why fake humility in his home stretch?

The reality is that the first quarter is further evidence of what has been the weakest economic expansion in the postwar era. The 0.5% growth is subject to revision but it follows 1.4% in the fourth quarter. Growth over the last six months has averaged about 1%, and under 2% over the last 12 months. The usual definition of recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth, which we barely ducked.

The first-quarter growth details aren’t any more reassuring. Private investment chopped 0.6% off GDP, falling 25.5% from the fourth quarter. Consumer spending slowed, despite falling gasoline prices. Both declines reflect a lack of confidence in future growth. If it weren’t for housing (up 19.3%) and state and local government spending (up 12.6%), GDP in the quarter would have been negative.

The second quarter is looking a little better but hardly gangbusters if corporate profits are a guide. Business surveys are anticipating that profits will fall for the third quarter in a row, the longest streak since the end of the financial panic. When even Apple Inc. reports a sales decline, you know the outlook is difficult.

All of this continues the slow-or-slower pace of this entire expansion that began nearly seven years ago. Each year has had a similar GDP dip, and growth has never exceeded 2.5% (2010). The American economy hasn’t grown by more than 3% since 2005 (3.3%), the longest such stretch of malaise that we can find in the Bureau of Economic analysis tables going back to 1930. Even the Great Depression saw a snap back to rapid growth from 1934-1936.

Yet Americans are supposed to accept this as the new abnormal that no one can do much about. As Kevin Warsh notes nearby, the latest excuse is to blame slow growth on the rest of world. So America would be booming if not for China, which would be booming if not for Europe, which blames Japan, which blames America.

This is more convenient than questioning their economic policies, which with few exceptions have been similar since 2008. First blowout government spending, followed by record-low interest rates and unprecedented central-bank bond purchases, along with ever-tightening regulation across the private economy. The result has been what even Bernie Sanders and Bill and Hillary Clinton have conceded on the campaign trail are declining economic prospects for millions of Americans.

As for Mr. Obama’s financial-crisis excuse, how many more years can he dine out on that one? The U.S. economy has recovered faster from other deep recessions, including the savings and loan collapse of the early 1990s. The difference is that the government pursued supply-side policies, and in the case of S&Ls rapidly cleaned up the bad assets and didn’t layer on a new wave of regulation.

Faster growth is possible, but it will take better policies. The reason even Donald Trump may have a chance in November is because most Americans don’t want to accept a 1% or 2% growth future.

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Old 04-30-2016, 12:41 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Listening to Lardass argue economics is like reading his reviews. Sad, just sad. Trust me.
Hey oinkboy, are you actually trying to speak economics here? The little pig wants to play with the Big Dogs, eh?

That reminds me... we're still waiting for you to tell us how many unemployment data series does the BLS publish each month... did you find out yet?

(Oh, and don't forget... BLS stands for the Bureau of Labor Statistics and NOT what you like to do with the Bulgarian cocksucker.)


Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Here's a question for you, Asswipe. We all want to be fair, so we'll give you a chance to redeem yourself on the subject of labor economics. How many separate unemployment measures does the Bureau of Labor Statistics publish each month, and how are they different?

C'mon oinkboy, give it a shot!

Don't be lazy! Google it!

You can do it! We're all rooting for you!
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Old 04-30-2016, 03:10 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by BigLouie View Post
Actually the low price of oil is killing a lot of industries and this will have a ripple effect.
if you happen to be in the oil industry, and some related industries, of course cheap oil affects your profits.

it doesn't mean Exxon Mobil is in trouble of going under. will low oil prices force some smaller marginals out of the game? of course as the market always does.

for many other industries, low fuel prices are boon to their profits. just to name a few obvious examples, the trucking and airline industries. it should be good for any big package handler like FedEx and UPS also.

it's good for consumers also. their cost of living goes down. yes gas is a cost of living Louise, you have to drive to work don't ya? when gas is cheap, people takes more vacations because it costs them less to drive.

so dazzle us weezy and other than the obvious, what are the industries you claim are going to be negatively affected?

this thread was about Obama's horrible economic growth during his terms as the COTUS .. Clown of the United States

if you don't think low growth of GDP doesn't directly affect my stock portfolio then you are a bigger idiot than we thought you were.
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