Hey guys,
I'm sure you all noticed the big swop banner and I wanted to give you all a little more
info. We are not a bunch of stupid hippies that think we can go on rally on the senate
steps about decriminalizing prostitution. Yes, decriminalization is the ultimate goal but
it is a very long term one also.SWOP is laying the foundation for future policy change
and helping people realize that the way things are now is not working. This whole
anti-trafficking movement has made it harder for us to do our jobs and if nobody
speaks up, it will get much worse in the future.
We all decided to provide or patronize sex work for our own individual reasons and
we are not sicko, perverts, crazies, or victims. We are decent people who don't
deserve to be pushed underground into the black market for an act between
medically cleared adults that is mutually beneficial.
I am just a hoe (sex worker, hooker, escort, lady of the night) that has enough respect
for the biz and appreciation for all it has provided me over the years to feel compelled
to work toward a better future for the next generation of providers, because there will
be a next generation of providers. For me, it's been a blast to learn a lot of new things
about sex worker rights. There is a lot of information online about the movement here
and it gets really interesting when you look internationally.
We do fun stuff. We went to Miami to talk at Amnesty International conference, we
talked to a human rights class at SMU and we may be getting our own internet radio
show! We are very much involved in the upcoming Desiree Alliance conference in
New Orleans this summer and were invited to attend a Harm Reduction conference
this fall in San Diego! Also, we work with other organizations in the community
and it helps kind of re-assimilate us to "normal" interaction. We make new friends
(NOT WORK FRIENDS, PLEASE!) . People are surprisingly receptive and
supportive and we have tons of plans for the future.
Membership is easy and we are definitely not a demanding or
uptight group. Members contribute as much or as little as they
please, but everything is acknowledged and appreciated.
Basically you can either:
JOIN-attend meetings, help with programs.
*CONTRIBUTE-people do not think consenting sex
workers exist or that it is anything but violent and
degrading. reading stories from real sex workers will
humanize the issue
*DONATE-we do have 501c3 status so all donations are tax deductible
*FOLLOW US/EDUCATE YOURSELF-do some research of
your own and visit the SWOP Dallas site periodically to
stay on top of what we are doing.