Originally Posted by !VI!
This post kinda made me giggle.
People are not as ballsy as you think, or give them credit for.
i was running a fun test for about 2 months, i had willingly given my address to find out how "crazy" the hobby is. People don't really kill now adays, especially over a hooker who is wanting to be found.
I gave people everything they needed to find me, from my real name to my true social media. in the process of this seven pimps contacted me... all of them "talked" big and dangerous, but the reality is now it's all internet talk.
So rest easy... talk is cheap 
Look, I finally decide to ruin my much reserved 666 post to respond to you. I wanted some hell of a good time review for it, but your shenanigans even makes the devil cringe.
So, you reveal your personal info and address as a test for some "crazy" to come and kill you huh? We're Johns, not Cons. We're only sex addicts. Sex addicts are not cold blooded killers or service dogs, ya know. You are basically a pipe bomb, only effective for those who care.
I actually find funnier that you are willing to be a hooker who wanted to be found so easily. Too easy I would say.
You do realize that 'Johns' and 'Perverts' are NOT THE ONLY ONES who would go after you, right? Seeing your rl name is reveal in public, yet besides your tumblr with cryptic post and your pornhud filled with 'faceless' clients, I cannot find anything else of value, like news stories or...umm...mugshots? That tells me what's really going on than what you are bragging about. Wonder if you get immunity from how many people you are outting.
"Pride rises before the fall." You should be very careful whose cards your dealing with, even best laid plans backfire.