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Old 04-19-2016, 01:12 PM   #16
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He already has been! However, like you, he most likely has me blocked. Since he is unable to see himself in the mirror, like a good 'il Trumpette, narcissist.

Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Watch it my friend, before some one rewards you with an innuendo.
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Old 04-19-2016, 01:34 PM   #17
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Ok-- I'll bite.

I personally have no feelings, objections, or concerns when it comes to being called a whore. While, I generally prefer the company of gentlemen who find it distasteful to use the word when referring to myself or any other member of the demimonde, I personally don't attach any anger towards the term. I've found in general, the only time I hear those words during a session tend to be in heated moments of dirty talk.

Being a whore has enabled me to provide my children with opportunities that should ensure that they never feel marginalized. Education, travel, a good place to live, healthy food, a mom who has a good bit of spare time to spend with them because her chosen profession gives excellent pay at a reduced time expense. Do they know what mom does? Of course not, because while I don't care if I am stigmatized, my preference is to protect them from any such repercussions.

All in all, its just another word. Why would I give it such power? Particularly when those most likely to use it are those least likely to see me?
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Old 04-19-2016, 02:03 PM   #18
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I'd be proud to take you to dinner as man and woman only.

Miguel de Cervantes

Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
Ok-- I'll bite.

I personally have no feelings, objections, or concerns when it comes to being called a whore. While, I generally prefer the company of gentlemen who find it distasteful to use the word when referring to myself or any other member of the demimonde, I personally don't attach any anger towards the term. I've found in general, the only time I hear those words during a session tend to be in heated moments of dirty talk.

Being a whore has enabled me to provide my children with opportunities that should ensure that they never feel marginalized. Education, travel, a good place to live, healthy food, a mom who has a good bit of spare time to spend with them because her chosen profession gives excellent pay at a reduced time expense. Do they know what mom does? Of course not, because while I don't care if I am stigmatized, my preference is to protect them from any such repercussions.

All in all, its just another word. Why would I give it such power? Particularly when those most likely to use it are those least likely to see me?
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Old 04-19-2016, 03:33 PM   #19
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Every person deserves respect unless their action harms someone. I have been enriched by peopleI have met in the hobby and choose to treat them with respect because that's how I want to be treated. Derogatory names doesn't lead to further respect or a better experience.
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Old 04-19-2016, 04:19 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by dumars View Post
I'd be proud to take you to dinner as man and woman only.
She would probably prefer to be paid. She acknowledged the word has no power over her. She's not here looking for dinner dates.

You demean her more looking to steal her time.
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Old 04-19-2016, 04:26 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by southkcman View Post
Every person deserves respect unless their action harms someone. I have been enriched by peopleI have met in the hobby and choose to treat them with respect because that's how I want to be treated. Derogatory names doesn't lead to further respect or a better experience.
In many cases labels doesn't mean a lack of respect or more negative experience.

In this thread it is clear to see that time spent with Grace would probably be better quality time then with the likes of Gemma.

Grace is much more in touch with her chosen lifestyle and far more accepting and comes across rather well balanced. Gemma displays a more unstable attitude born in probable self loathing and disgust with her life choices.

A shame really as I very much find white thigh highs a turn on....

grace offers up a story born in reality of a man uttering the word whore in the midst of a passionate encounter. In the heat of the moment per se..... It can happen..... If the same guy was with Gemma it could immediately turn a session into a real mess if she reacted along the lines her post indicates she would.

a pretty convincing argument that a Whore in acceptance of her chosen profession including the labels she faces is a better choice than one that lives in denial.
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Old 04-19-2016, 04:35 PM   #22
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I see what you're attempting to do. It doesn't bother me. I'm in competition with no one. I stand by my original statement. If a man were to call me any derogatory names, he would pay the consequences. I won't stand for it, probably why I won't ever see anybody of your nature, and why I really could care less about your lady preferences.

In my experience, it's usually the men packing micro pieces that feel the need to degrade women.
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Old 04-19-2016, 04:53 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
In many cases labels doesn't mean a lack of respect or more negative experience.
But, in your case it does! You're in denial if you want to do some song and dance to get away from that!

Miguel de Cervantes
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Old 04-19-2016, 05:28 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
I see what you're attempting to do. It doesn't bother me.

It seems to. If you do not like hat you do you should look for something else.

I'm in competition with no one.

That's not true. With every post here in CoEd you are marketing yourself with all the other posting as well as non-posting whores that are active members on the site and advertise.

Men are going to make choices for a variety of reasons and you've reached the age and physical condition of one that actually needs to be actively competing for dollars. That is not meant in any form as an insult but it's simply a young girl's market.

I stand by my original statement. If a man were to call me any derogatory names, he would pay the consequences.

Even in the heat of passion? That's rather unforgiving... Men reading this should be forewarned!

I won't stand for it, probably why I won't ever see anybody of your nature,

LOL... You would never know if you did..... I am like many other guys that maintain accounts on here.... I do not typically book appointments as "whispers".... It was enjoyable for the first few hundred reviews back on ASPD

and why I really could care less about your lady preferences.

LOL.... You know my preferences?... I make no secret about how I choose to spend my money so that's not hard to know.....

In my experience, it's usually the men packing micro pieces that feel the need to degrade women.
I don't understand? I thought you said that you do not see men that degrade women.... Yet you know about their dick size?....

You chose the profession and unlike the young ones that are new to it, at your age, there are few excuses that could be offered...... That choice, in and of itself, is self degrading by most of our societies standards....

This a website where information is exchanged and frank discussions occur .....

Over the years it is not the labels that most women I've met here find degrading....... It's the content of the reviews they read and comments that follow......

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Old 04-20-2016, 12:51 AM   #25
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The issue is your lack of respect towards Woman in general in an open KCforum as a guest!!!!.....maybe a reflection of your understanding of the meaning of the word "denial".. .you are moving this discussion into a total different direction so let me comment.

The 3 groups of people in society you referring to are the same people that hang around in bars and engage in "one night stands', having affairs, fathering children and then abandon them and engage in unethical behavior in their professions to benefit them and their families packaging it in such a way that it become socially acceptable and some how our society look the other way and be the first to pick up stone to throw, point finger and condemn!!!!! you don't need to be a "rocket scientist" to understand why I don't pay much attention or put much faith in the opinion of these people around me!!!!!
One thing all these Ladies have in common was to analyze their personal situation and stop being a victim took charge of their lives and find a way to support themselves and their family the best way they can. This is something to be proud of and to admired!!!!!! I am proud to keep the company of the Ladies I know much more than most of the hypocritical people you mentioned in the 3 groups!!!
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Old 04-20-2016, 01:20 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by lovelydonn View Post
The issue is your lack of respect towards Woman in general in an open KCforum as a guest!!!!.....maybe a reflection of your understanding of the meaning of the word "denial".. .you are moving this discussion into a total different direction so let me comment.

The 3 groups of people in society you referring to are the same people that hang around in bars and engage in "one night stands', having affairs, fathering children and then abandon them and engage in unethical behavior in their professions to benefit them and their families packaging it in such a way that it become socially acceptable and some how our society look the other way and be the first to pick up stone to throw, point finger and condemn!!!!! you don't need to be a "rocket scientist" to understand why I don't pay much attention or put much faith in the opinion of these people around me!!!!!

One thing all these Ladies have in common was to analyze their personal situation and stop being a victim took charge of their lives and find a way to support themselves and their family the best way they can. This is something to be proud of and to admired!!!!!! I am proud to keep the company of the Ladies I know much more than most of the hypocritical people you mentioned in the 3 groups!!!

Has anyone ever suggested you were a female posing as a man? You sure write like one so I can't imagine the thought not crossing someone's mind....

I think the most ludicrous statement you make and one ver much reflective of a whore in denial is

Originally Posted by lovelydonn View Post
One thing all these Ladies have in common was to analyze their personal situation and stop being a victim took charge of their lives and find a way to support themselves and their family the best way they can. This is something to be proud of and to admired!!!!!! I am proud to keep the company of the Ladies I know much more than most of the hypocritical people you mentioned in the 3 groups!!!
The vast majority of the whores plying their trade here are not much different than the ones on street corners or in hotel bars...... They actually have NO control over their lives and are usually a victim only to the poor choices they make in life.....
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Old 04-20-2016, 03:10 AM   #27
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if we are throwing stones here I will be the first man on this thread to state and I quote! I am a whore myself I sell my services every day for financial gain.

we all are whores even independent business owners whore themselves to clients on a daily basis. as do employees for corporations. I accept that I have to do things that sometimes don't sit well with me!

but I am a whore non the less and make a damn good living whoring myself out on a daily basis!
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Old 04-20-2016, 10:12 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
When a woman takes money in exchange for sex she is a whore.
how pedantic
these women are working women, they are doing what it takes to make money
whether for fun or its the only job they can find, they arent sitting on their butts, they are out working
you can feel free to take small picture/ and idiocy elsewhere
no one cares what you think
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Old 04-20-2016, 10:15 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by lovelydonn View Post
The issue is your lack of respect towards !!
the issue he is jealous
he wishes people would payu money to spend time with him

they won't so all he has left, since he can't rise to their level, is to try to sink them to his level.
all you can do is look at him the way you look at the retarded kid on the short bus, say a comment,"you poor thing!" then ignore him and get back to your life
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Old 04-20-2016, 11:01 AM   #30
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Default Ladies who support their children alone.

Originally Posted by lovelydonn View Post

One thing all these Ladies have in common was to analyze their personal situation and stop being a victim took charge of their lives and find a way to support themselves and their family the best way they can. This is something to be proud of and to admired!!!!!! I am proud to keep the company of the Ladies I know much more than most of the hypocritical people you mentioned in the 3 groups!!!

Very good. I more than agree. We should admire those ladies who are supporting their families. Being a good mother is a difficult job.

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