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Old 04-11-2016, 11:29 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
Again, race doesn't matter. If it mattered, blacks would be better off with Obama in office. My point was the system has always been corrupt and Hilary Clinton will be our next president. It's just a matter of what position and if lube will be involved at this point.
You are exactly right on this point.

Racism is institutional and generational. It started with the so-called "Civil War", which was mainly a federal power grab by Lincoln to centralize power. Then Andrew Johnson fucked up Reconstruction by capitulating to the rich Southerners and didn't complete the program. This gave birth to Jim Crow laws and "separate but equal" policies. Then came "The Great Society" which started to tell people of color they weren't equal, and would never make it without government help. This created a culture of dependency, which even LBJ admitted was designed capture the African-American vote for the Democrats for generations.

We're now in a position where there is very little we can do. The culture is entrenched. It's going to take some very strong, very courageous African-American leaders to begin to change this. It's sad. But the only community that can change this culture is the one that has been victimized for generations. It's not fair. But it is the only way. No one is born violent. No one is born prejudiced. It is learned. The culture has to change.

And this culture is not exclusively African-American. It has spread among all racial and even class lines. It shows no signs of abating. The end result? Of course. A police state controlled by the elitist Establishment for "our protection". What a surprise.
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Old 04-12-2016, 05:25 AM   #47
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Holy crap......CuteOldGuy is cluless. Maybe he should move to Houston or somalia.
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Old 04-12-2016, 06:56 AM   #48
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Please explain how I am clueless. Thank you.
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Old 04-12-2016, 09:27 AM   #49
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Well, you have some points.... when it comes to anti white racism. But you make it sound as if white folks have the market cornered on racism. Institutions such as our education systems and media brainwash non whites into resentment and entitlement. Im sure their parents, also brainwashed by "education" and media, also contribute to the generational factor you mentioned. In addition, our education systems and mainstream media brainwash quite a few whites into self-loathing.

White folks become "racist" not from institutions and generations, but their personal experiences. How many negative experiences must one have with a person of a certain color before they notice patterns in behavior? How many times can one expect to touch a hot stove and expect different results? So, many whites prefer to live in "low crime" neighborhoods, and go to "good" schools.

Obeying their survival instinct makes white people bad, terrible, racists. All you deluded white folks who claim you dont see color wouldnt dare walk into a black neighborhood, much less send your children there.
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Old 04-12-2016, 09:28 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
So you do until you start losing the argument, then you don't.

Got it.
Mebbe she's related to assup and EKIM that way ? !
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Old 04-12-2016, 09:51 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by cockmeatsandwich View Post
Well, you have some points.... when it comes to anti white racism. But you make it sound as if white folks have the market cornered on racism. Institutions such as our education systems and media brainwash non whites into resentment and entitlement. Im sure their parents, also brainwashed by "education" and media, also contribute to the generational factor you mentioned. In addition, our education systems and mainstream media brainwash quite a few whites into self-loathing.

White folks become "racist" not from institutions and generations, but their personal experiences. How many negative experiences must one have with a person of a certain color before they notice patterns in behavior? How many times can one expect to touch a hot stove and expect different results? So, many whites prefer to live in "low crime" neighborhoods, and go to "good" schools.

Obeying their survival instinct makes white people bad, terrible, racists. All you deluded white folks who claim you dont see color wouldnt dare walk into a black neighborhood, much less send your children there.
I was addressing black racism. Now you're making stuff up and attacking me. Are you WPF?
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Old 04-12-2016, 10:32 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
You are exactly right on this point.

Racism is institutional and generational. It started with the so-called "Civil War", which was mainly a federal power grab by Lincoln to centralize power. Then Andrew Johnson fucked up Reconstruction by capitulating to the rich Southerners and didn't complete the program. This gave birth to Jim Crow laws and "separate but equal" policies. Then came "The Great Society" which started to tell people of color they weren't equal, and would never make it without government help. This created a culture of dependency, which even LBJ admitted was designed capture the African-American vote for the Democrats for generations.

We're now in a position where there is very little we can do. The culture is entrenched. It's going to take some very strong, very courageous African-American leaders to begin to change this. It's sad. But the only community that can change this culture is the one that has been victimized for generations. It's not fair. But it is the only way. No one is born violent. No one is born prejudiced. It is learned. The culture has to change.

And this culture is not exclusively African-American. It has spread among all racial and even class lines. It shows no signs of abating. The end result? Of course. A police state controlled by the elitist Establishment for "our protection". What a surprise.
You've always been one of my favorite posters.
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Old 04-12-2016, 10:49 AM   #53
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Racism is best experienced first hand in order to truly understand it and if one has not been taught to have compassion for those who do experience it. I atually never experienced it first hand until my early twenties. And then it was reverse racism or whatever the PC term is. I didn't really spend a lot of time dwelling on the matter, because I learned early on to see people's demeanors, actions, and responses to anything as who they were, first and foremost. That was important as a young person in a hostile world full of people who say one thing, yet do another, etc.

Anyway, I can empathize with unfair practices due to belonging to a specific group. It sucks, but I completely understand, more so, that perpetuating something that is not a "thing", simply adds to the chaos. Don't state you got it bad, when it sure as shinola no longer appears as though you, your race, nationality, or gender are being oppressed or subjected to unfair practices. Expend that energy talking about or doing something about what you know can do to a group of folks who have been subjected to the same crap. Aren't there still those being subjected to inappropriate treatment by those who feel it's ok, understand the rest of the world doesn't, but they do it anyway? Focus on what's really an issue now. What happened in the past was horrible, but it is not occurring now as stated here.

You got some incentive to ensure it stops because you can empathize with such as others currently are actuallly experiencing. However, all I see is whining around about mentalities that are not prevalent to most of the population. Please don't lump us with individuals in the minority.

You want life to be fair? Then lead by example. For instance, there were riots after one young black man was killed by a police officer. A black teen participated, and his Mama went out and found him and started beating him up in public, and even in front of cameras. This was shared nationwide for ALL to see. Really? Because, that's the message she wanted to send to the rest of the world? It's ok to beat a young black man in public, even your own kid? Seriously? And the black population is STILL holding the white population responsible, and calling party foul? Yeah. I don't get it. I nearly lost my mind when everyone gave that woman a thumbsup and were ranting and raving how she did the right thing. Really? Now folks can see, that if a black woman thnks this is how young black men deserve to be treated, then it must be ok? Of course it was subconscious, but good golly, she planted a seed that perpetuates exactly what whites are accused of.

I dunno, police your own behaviors, understand what it is you perpetuate and how. DO something different, if what you are doing doesn't work, and in order to get a better outcome.

Again, I hate the misconception being portrayed as something it is not. I can't relate to being black, but black people are not, in any manner the only ones who have been treated unfairly or poorly due to a group specific hate or prejudice, and I can relate to their oppression because I'm in one of these groups, as well as, having had the tables of racism turned on me in the past. So, yes....I understand what it feels like, white as I am.
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Old 04-12-2016, 10:55 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Mebbe she's related to assup and EKIM that way ? !
Maybe she will peg you if you pay her.
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Old 04-12-2016, 01:38 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Racism is best experienced first hand in order to truly understand it and if one has not been taught to have compassion for those who do experience it. I atually never experienced it first hand until my early twenties. And then it was reverse racism or whatever the PC term is. I didn't really spend a lot of time dwelling on the matter, because I learned early on to see people's demeanors, actions, and responses to anything as who they were, first and foremost. That was important as a young person in a hostile world full of people who say one thing, yet do another, etc.

Anyway, I can empathize with unfair practices due to belonging to a specific group. It sucks, but I completely understand, more so, that perpetuating something that is not a "thing", simply adds to the chaos. Don't state you got it bad, when it sure as shinola no longer appears as though you, your race, nationality, or gender are being oppressed or subjected to unfair practices. Expend that energy talking about or doing something about what you know can do to a group of folks who have been subjected to the same crap. Aren't there still those being subjected to inappropriate treatment by those who feel it's ok, understand the rest of the world doesn't, but they do it anyway? Focus on what's really an issue now. What happened in the past was horrible, but it is not occurring now as stated here.

You got some incentive to ensure it stops because you can empathize with such as others currently are actuallly experiencing. However, all I see is whining around about mentalities that are not prevalent to most of the population. Please don't lump us with individuals in the minority.

You want life to be fair? Then lead by example. For instance, there were riots after one young black man was killed by a police officer. A black teen participated, and his Mama went out and found him and started beating him up in public, and even in front of cameras. This was shared nationwide for ALL to see. Really? Because, that's the message she wanted to send to the rest of the world? It's ok to beat a young black man in public, even your own kid? Seriously? And the black population is STILL holding the white population responsible, and calling party foul? Yeah. I don't get it. I nearly lost my mind when everyone gave that woman a thumbsup and were ranting and raving how she did the right thing. Really? Now folks can see, that if a black woman thnks this is how young black men deserve to be treated, then it must be ok? Of course it was subconscious, but good golly, she planted a seed that perpetuates exactly what whites are accused of.

I dunno, police your own behaviors, understand what it is you perpetuate and how. DO something different, if what you are doing doesn't work, and in order to get a better outcome.

Again, I hate the misconception being portrayed as something it is not. I can't relate to being black, but black people are not, in any manner the only ones who have been treated unfairly or poorly due to a group specific hate or prejudice, and I can relate to their oppression because I'm in one of these groups, as well as, having had the tables of racism turned on me in the past. So, yes....I understand what it feels like, white as I am.
Unfair as it is, that is the only solution. Those caught up in that culture have to turn it around. Government can't do it, in fact, government thrives on division. Thugs and gangsters can no longer be the role models for youth. There are lots of people who have pulled themselves out and have become doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and honest blue collar workers. Those need to be role models. Jesse Jackson used to be great. He held rallies urging young black men to take care of their babies, be responsible, be proud and to make something of themselves. Then he got addicted to TV cameras, and that went to hell.
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Old 04-12-2016, 01:47 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Come on over, hon. I'll stand on a scale for anyone. Hope ya don't feel too silly when the results are in...LOL

Yours or mine?
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Old 04-12-2016, 02:52 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Maybe she will peg you if you pay her.
So how much did YOU have to pay, EKIM ? We all know that YOU getting pegged ranks right up their with picking fresh dingle berries and working YOUR gloryholes !
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Old 04-12-2016, 03:21 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Unfair as it is, that is the only solution. Those caught up in that culture have to turn it around. Government can't do it, in fact, government thrives on division. Thugs and gangsters can no longer be the role models for youth. There are lots of people who have pulled themselves out and have become doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and honest blue collar workers. Those need to be role models. Jesse Jackson used to be great. He held rallies urging young black men to take care of their babies, be responsible, be proud and to make something of themselves. Then he got addicted to TV cameras, and that went to hell.
Saints cornerback Keenan Lewis presaged those sentiments yesterday morning:

After Will Smith's death, Keenan Lewis has a message for New Orleans

"When people ask me where I am from, I am always proud to say New Orleans: that's 504. But it's sad when tourists start to believe the area code is 911.😞 I know it's hard for tons of people to survive in this city when there is not to much to look forward to.

"For example, guns have replaced football, basketball and baseball. Funerals have greater attendance than schools. Coffins get more bodies than sleeping beds, and, everyday, tears are continuing to pour out. We're a family, we can make a difference. We cannot expect the mayor, the city or police to do it by themselves. It's not possible.

"Listen to the stories from some of your parents, grandparents and older relatives, when they were coming up. They enjoy those times because their hearts were filled with love, and it was okay to love one another. Not to make this a race thing, because that is not my message, but for my African American brothers, we have to understand the importance of family. Children need their fathers and mothers. Please let's stop subtracting these numbers and add on to the small amount we have....

"New Orleans it's time we get our city together. Love all, and I hope this message can have a special place in each and every one of y'alls hearts and minds..... Love Keenan Girod Lewis."
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Old 04-12-2016, 03:29 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
So how much did YOU have to pay, EKIM ? We all know that YOU getting pegged ranks right up their with picking fresh dingle berries and working YOUR gloryholes !
Jeesh, is repeating what people say to you all you got, gay rey? Did you ever get through high school? Are you still meeting woomby on the sly?
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Old 04-12-2016, 07:24 PM   #60
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According to wikipedia, New Orleans is 60.2 percent black. Yeah.... definitely dangerous.
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