Date: 4/5/16
Provider: Topeka Rain
Phone: 7858616037
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Topeka
State: Kansas
Address: Couldn't tell ya
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: NCNS
Session Length: 30
Fee: 100
Hair Length and Color: Don't know
Age: ?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Called Rain around 830 or so, made arrangements for an appointment outcall. Heard a child crying in the background, verified a couple of concerns for her. Advised Rain that I was locked out of ECCIE due to password issues on mobile device but gave her my handle. Said she would call 20 mins out with meeting place... Nada! I'm a pretty understanding guy, life happens, kids, etc. So I called, asked if she was running late, she said yes it would be another half hour.... and nope! I though maybe she was concerned about LE and I got my laptop out and reset my password, finally able to send her a PM, crickets. Needless to say two hours of my life were completely wasted. I'm sure there's a logical explanation but I am over it.
Recommendation: No