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Old 04-05-2016, 03:52 PM   #31
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Old 04-05-2016, 09:40 PM   #32
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OK....Best BBJTCIM was my first CIM finish.....younger women....her 21 birthday back to her place after dinner and walking on the beach........I was working it real hard to get in her panties (they were black BTW)........finely get in bed and after a while she is giving me a OMFG over the top DTBBBJ......she asks me where I want to come and I tell her to DT me again.....she does all the way down.......I reach down and cup my balls, she yells NOOOOO and I shoot what feels like a gallon of Cum in her mouth and she gulps it all down.

The pounding I gave her later was awesome too.........I was a 24 year old geek......I finish up blowing my 2nd load inside her that night (she was on BC and not a provider).....and after catching her breath she says and I quote........she was "pleasantly surprised at my performance"
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Old 04-05-2016, 09:54 PM   #33
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Best was the elevator BJ I got and came so close to finishing before we exited due to voices down the hall as the elevator stopped. Turns out it was a couple of friends and one joined us as we snuck off to the closed ball room and proceeded the trist with an additional friend. He pounded her on an open table while her head was hanging over the other side fully engaged with my cock. The encounter was cut short due to cleaning lady making rounds. I think it was the excitement of the event over her skills but definitely a memorable one!
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Old 04-05-2016, 11:17 PM   #34
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Yellow rose. My girlfriend is an ex dancer so knows all the gals and staff. Rose is her go to happy hour place. Having drinks. And she says about a nubile ebony dancer girl she knows but never had fucked. She said. We aren't Levin here without her. What's a man to say. Ok. We uber ed to a local hotel. I relaxed on one bed prepared to watch a show on the other double. Nope. She orders the girl...suck his dick. Then it was a squirming sweaty mass of bodies for 2 hours. Most memorable moment was finger one girl while eating out the other. Then vice versa. And then we uber ed her back to work so she could go make more money and we fuxked till dawn. A sublimely awesome evening. And here I thought me and the girlfriend were goi ng to have a limited term relationship because she doesn't like to suck cock. Deal breaker. She says. But I'll find women to suck your cock. Deal unbreaker. Lol. I like her a lot. Next she wants a blond. Ummmm. Ok honey, if that makes you happy.
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Old 04-06-2016, 02:19 AM   #35
Hope I haven't bored you!
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1989.... Sitting on a couch at my office manager's apartment in San Antonio with her head on my lap watching TV. (Petite blonde that believed in sleeping with the boss for a promotion).... Richt at the opening credits and music to a Hill Street Blues episode she pulled me out and started a very slow and sensual BJ that lasted the entire show. I popped 20 minutes in and she took it and never stopped.......I got about half soft but the attention to my balls brought me back and she did not stop till bell 2 which coincided with the end of the show.... Never able to repeat it.
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Old 04-06-2016, 10:53 AM   #36
Jeffrey Spaulding
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Phoenix Yes that is exactly how. We start off with doggy then finished with a bj.when the time came for the money shot she let if fly and float away
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Old 04-06-2016, 11:10 AM   #37
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My bosses' daughter, a nurse. In the 70's, in a church parking lot in downtown San Antonio, and her coming up afterward saying "You taste good!".
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Old 04-06-2016, 01:04 PM   #38
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I'm always hoping the next one will be the best, but I'm a bit of a romantic :-)
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Old 04-06-2016, 03:35 PM   #39
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24 years old had been fuckin around with one of my friends ex girlfriends. We were on a drive back from Johnson City coincidentally. It wasn't my first driving bj experience but it was my first CIM experience. Pretty funny cause apparently she hadn't thought it all the way through. We were following some other friends and it would've been a little fishy to pull over...so gulp! Down my whole load went as she typically was a spitter I guess. Pretty funny!
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Old 04-06-2016, 06:16 PM   #40
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About 4 weeks ago: Wife got me a 4-some (herself included) in San Antonio. We went to a club, where she was talking to a tight young 22 year old spinner 5'2" very light blonde and very pale blue... that agreed to come back with us for a fee. She felt a little vulnerable, and asked if a friend of hers could come along as her security... a girl. The girl was 20 and had blonde and read hair, light blue eyes, and 5'7" ish.

We got to our luxe room and the spinner went with the wife to the bathroom to indulge in something we shall not discuss on this board... meanwhile the taller one just starts taking off my pants without saying a word... she pulled my dick out and starting giving a world-class BBBJ...

the wife and shorty come back in, giggle some, and get naked... Wife puts her strap-on on and tells the girls to get face down, side by side on the bed...

I cover and enter the taller one, she mounts the shorty and we hold hands between us, fingers locked while we fuck the shit out of our new-found friends...

The combinations and acts to follow were numerous... The short one left at 5:30am. Her bf was blowing up her phone every 2 minutes... (guess he was feeling like maybe she was somewhere she was not supposed to be LMAO) The tall one stayed the night...

As a note... The taller one claims to not be a player normally. She sort of bonded with my wife... They are now lovers in RL (not a pay for play thing) and I get to be in the mix more often than not.. She identifies as "our girlfriend". We all went and got tested together, and she sleeps over 2-3 nights a week now in Austin... then goes back to SA to work 2-3 days...

I'm not sure how the hell this fell in my lap. I'm not sure how long this ongoing thing will last... What I know is that I am quite possibly the luckiest asshole ever... They are both really sweet and likable ladies, aside from the sexual part. It's more than amazing... It's like winning the sexual lotto. And a wife secure enough to not just me fuck other girls, but to encourage it... Wow!

"I can't wit til Thursday... I'll just leave it at that!"
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:01 PM   #41
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Leebezy you are a fucking huge winner right now. Enjoy every minute cuz thats what I would be doing!
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:09 PM   #42
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Default pics and video

I have pics and video of a few sessions, not that night, but since.
Just not comfortable posting it semi-publicly. (Has faces)
Maybe crop faces out of block out and post a few soon...
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:33 PM   #43
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Default I wasn't getting serviced but ...

After that last post this shall be tame but still makes me laugh when I remember it.

On my way back to MO after picking up a "new to me" Mercedes CE36 Renntech on the east coast. After driving late at night trying to keep up with a Ferrari and a Lambo, that were tearing up the tunnels on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, I grabbed a motel room and crashed, I slept in, grabbed food, and hit the road. I fell in behind a black Honda Accord at about 10MPH above speed limit, and sat back and enjoyed the ride, cranked the stereo with some road tunes, and kept about a 1/3 of a mile between me and the Honda. Then without speeding up I realized I was closing on it. Being on it's ass, I realized that the passenger seat was laid back. I didn't think twice about it and just sat back behind it when all of a sudden the car jerked halfway into the other lane and then snapped back, a head appeared, the passenger's window went down, hair was flying, and she spat his goo out the window (not a swallower).

I grabbed the legal envelope the papers were in and a sharpie, pulled along side and showed them a sign is scribbled out. At first reaction was a look of horror, then laughter from all three of us. We pulled off for gas and had a good laugh.

My sign said
"Either I'm next
clean my
next gas station"

My mind was in the gutter all the way home, not to mention the hard on I was sporting just thinking about it.
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Old 04-07-2016, 06:48 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by LeeBeezy View Post
About 4 weeks ago: Wife got me a 4-some (herself included) in San Antonio. We went to a club, where she was talking to a tight young 22 year old spinner 5'2" very light blonde and very pale blue... that agreed to come back with us for a fee. She felt a little vulnerable, and asked if a friend of hers could come along as her security... a girl. The girl was 20 and had blonde and read hair, light blue eyes, and 5'7" ish.

We got to our luxe room and the spinner went with the wife to the bathroom to indulge in something we shall not discuss on this board... meanwhile the taller one just starts taking off my pants without saying a word... she pulled my dick out and starting giving a world-class BBBJ...

the wife and shorty come back in, giggle some, and get naked... Wife puts her strap-on on and tells the girls to get face down, side by side on the bed...

I cover and enter the taller one, she mounts the shorty and we hold hands between us, fingers locked while we fuck the shit out of our new-found friends...

The combinations and acts to follow were numerous... The short one left at 5:30am. Her bf was blowing up her phone every 2 minutes... (guess he was feeling like maybe she was somewhere she was not supposed to be LMAO) The tall one stayed the night...

As a note... The taller one claims to not be a player normally. She sort of bonded with my wife... They are now lovers in RL (not a pay for play thing) and I get to be in the mix more often than not.. She identifies as "our girlfriend". We all went and got tested together, and she sleeps over 2-3 nights a week now in Austin... then goes back to SA to work 2-3 days...

I'm not sure how the hell this fell in my lap. I'm not sure how long this ongoing thing will last... What I know is that I am quite possibly the luckiest asshole ever... They are both really sweet and likable ladies, aside from the sexual part. It's more than amazing... It's like winning the sexual lotto. And a wife secure enough to not just me fuck other girls, but to encourage it... Wow!

"I can't wit til Thursday... I'll just leave it at that!"
If I hadn't just gotten sucked and fucked real good, I'd have a hard on from that story.

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Old 04-08-2016, 06:17 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat View Post
outdoors, car dates and adult movie theaters?

are you a street walker as well as an internet provider?
I can't stop laughing
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