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Old 04-03-2016, 01:19 PM   #1
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Default If Trump loses, where do the angry go?

Trump will likely lose, seems like he has too many negatives to beat anyone but Hillary, with all her negatives, but it still feels like a longshot even against her.

So where does the hated poor white man go with all his anger at his displacement?

This article from the liberal rag "Salon" speculates about that problem in a relatively fair treatment of the subject.


Uh-oh: Where does all the white rage go when Donald Trump loses?
They're too angry to sit still. Too many to ignore. But too few to elect a president. Where do they go after Trump?


For all Donald Trump’s dark pronouncements about immigrants and Muslims and the sporadic fistfights at his rallies, the Republican frontrunner has so far channeled the rage and fear felt by his constituents into an election campaign. Violence is never far from the surface at a Trump rally, and as has happened with sickening regularity in recent weeks, it occasionally breaks through in wild sucker punches and outright beatings of protesters, but the goal of the Trump campaign could not be more conventionally political: to propel its candidate to the Republican Party nomination, and from there, to the presidency.

But what happens when his campaign fails, as it almost certainly will? Trump is openly at war with his own party, and even if that badly splintered organization magically unites behind him after the convention, there simply are not enough angry white people in America to elect him president. Where will all that anger, which has been slowly building among America’s white working class for half a century, go once it is left without a viable political outlet?

In the months since Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has shifted from amusing diversion to cold political reality, the narrative favored by America’s political and media elite has been one of chickens coming home to roost. The Republican Party, the story goes, having for too long cynically played upon the ignorance and fears of its white lower-middle class base to gain the votes to pass ever more lavish tax breaks for its wealthy donor class, has had its electorate stolen by a clownish billionaire willing to say in plain English what Republican leaders have for decades been communicating to their constituents only in whispers and dog whistles.

This narrative is true, of course, but in the telling, the focus invariably falls on Trump, who is portrayed as a shameless but politically astute demagogue in the mold of Louisiana’s Huey Long or Alabama’s George Wallace, able to sniff out deep wounds in the body politic others have missed and transform them into votes. But this is absurd. For all his bluster, Trump is at best a mediocre politician. He has no core political philosophy, he rambles at the podium, and quails at even the mildest questioning from the press. Half the time, he doesn’t even seem that interested in the office he’s running for. The night he won the Florida primary, knocking the home-state Senator Marco Rubio out of the race and cementing his position as his party’s frontrunner, Trump spent much of his prime-time televised speech touting his eponymous line of steaks and wines.

Trump is the P.T. Barnum of 21st century American politics, a gifted impresario able to spot a sucker a mile off, but he isn’t the phenomenon we should be watching this spring. His constituency is. Lower-middle class white voters from the Rust Belt and South have fallen under the sway of Republican leaders for more than half a century now. In some cases, those Republicans were brilliant politicians like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Just as often, though, white working class voters pulled the lever for empty suits like Mitt Romney and George W. Bush.

What changed, then, in 2016? It wasn’t the Republican. Party’s strategy or the quality of the candidates it put forward. Jeb Bush, with his jaunty exclamation point and famous last name, was a more substantive version of his twice-elected younger brother, and Ted Cruz has the sweaty, aggrievement-fueled intensity of a young Richard Nixon. In any other election cycle, one of them, most likely Jeb Bush, would be honing his acceptance speech by now.

That didn’t happen this year because lower-middle class white Americans are hurting as they never have before. No group, after all, has been hit harder by globalization than the white working class in the Rust Belt and South. Drug addiction, long considered an “urban” (read: African American) scourge, is spreading through white society, especially in rural areas and former industrial hubs. A recent study by a pair of Princeton researchers found that, alone among all cohorts of Americans, the death rate for white middle-class people has been rising, thanks to spikes in alcoholism, drug overdose, and suicide.

It’s easy to argue that working-class white Americans have no one to blame for their predicament but themselves. For generations, white people were favored in virtually every area of American life. Then, thanks in part to liberal legislation and court rulings, America became more color-blind and meritocratic, while at the same time free-trade agreements helped push factories overseas, hollowing out whole towns. The wiser children of factory workers got an education and joined the information economy. Those who stuck it out in the industrial heartland hoping the mid-century American gravy train would return instead got left behind.

This, obviously, is not how Trump’s white working-class constituency sees it. They blame 1960s-era legislation and court rulings for promoting the interests of minorities and immigrants over their own, just as they blame the free-trade policies of both parties for sending their jobs offshore. Their economic power waning and their social status under threat, they lash out at the minorities and immigrants themselves, fearful that these once lower-caste workers are fast climbing past them on the ladder of American society.

Ultimately, though, whether one views Trump’s supporters as victims of American progress or as a bunch of overprivileged bigots matters less than the undeniable facts that they exist and there a lot of them and they are stuck. Having lost faith in the traditional Republican Party, they have pinned their hopes on Donald Trump, but even if Trump could deliver the jobs and self-respect they seek – a doubtful proposition, to say the least – they lack the numbers to make him president. So, then what? All that highly combustible anger and fear we’re seeing on the nightly news and in shaky YouTube videos shot at Trump rallies – where will it go once Trump is gone?

We may already be getting a chilling preview of a possible post-Trump future in the spasms of seemingly random gun violence such as those at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs and the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston. Neither of these alleged shooters has been brought to trial and there is much we do not know, but what is clear is that we are in the midst of an unprecedented epidemic of mass shootings, a disturbing number of which seem to be carried out recently by emotionally troubled white men harboring right-wing views.
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Old 04-03-2016, 02:48 PM   #2
JD Barleycorn
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Liberal writers are too stupid and self absorbed to understand that the angry don't go anywhere. They just get more angry. Of course the use of the word "angry" is a liberal construct. If you see rules being flouted (such as the Constitution) then you get upset and concerned. Those doing the dirty deed see that as anger. Frankly, it would be hard to care less what this writer thinks about much anything.
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Old 04-03-2016, 03:24 PM   #3
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We ain't going no where... We going to WIN... or

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Old 04-03-2016, 03:32 PM   #4
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
We ain't going no where... We going to WIN... or

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Old 04-03-2016, 08:11 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Liberal writers are too stupid and self absorbed to understand that the angry don't go anywhere. They just get more angry. Of course the use of the word "angry" is a liberal construct. If you see rules being flouted (such as the Constitution) then you get upset and concerned. Those doing the dirty deed see that as anger. Frankly, it would be hard to care less what this writer thinks about much anything.
I thought he was a good writer, and when you consider that Salon is normally a ridiculously liberal magazine, in that context, I thought it was fair. Plus, I thought it was a good warning to their audience that the right wing is tired of getting treated like shit, especially blue collar working men.

They might lay off their condescension, but I doubt it. At least this writer is trying to understand the other side.
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Old 04-04-2016, 12:19 AM   #6
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People are tired of being fed the same old shit by the same old liars. Trump is right. America does not win anymore. We all know that. He's tapped into the simmering frustration building after years of political correctness, promises broken, hearing that government can fix this problem, and then only makes it worse. The Establishment Democrat and Republicans have been lying to us for decades, and have also convinced us that there are only two choices. We're tired of the same old choices, who never do what they say, and bow to their owners. The people are getting fed up. Trump is not the person to lead us into the promised land of freedom and constitutional republicanism. But he may be making the path straight for that person. This anger will not go away once Hillary is placed in the White House (or her surrogate if she is indicted or has a stroke). The government will have to clamp down, but it may not be easy as they like. This could be an interesting few years.
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Old 04-04-2016, 06:33 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
People are tired of being fed the same old shit by the same old liars. Trump is right. America does not win anymore. We all know that. He's tapped into the simmering frustration building after years of political correctness, promises broken, hearing that government can fix this problem, and then only makes it worse. The Establishment Democrat and Republicans have been lying to us for decades, and have also convinced us that there are only two choices. We're tired of the same old choices, who never do what they say, and bow to their owners. The people are getting fed up. Trump is not the person to lead us into the promised land of freedom and constitutional republicanism. But he may be making the path straight for that person. This anger will not go away once Hillary is placed in the White House (or her surrogate if she is indicted or has a stroke). The government will have to clamp down, but it may not be easy as they like. This could be an interesting few years.
Lead us to the promised land? Is that a old fuckarwe legend?
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Old 04-04-2016, 08:44 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
If Trump loses, where do the angry go?
JLIdiot, it is not a matter of "If Trump loses".

It is a matter of When "Trump loses"!
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Old 04-04-2016, 08:49 AM   #9
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For somebody that has wanted to run for President for years on end, you would think he would have a real plan other than catch phrases.
If he were going to a bank to get a loan based on what he has to say, he would not make it past the lobby.
True, he says the catch phrases that some people believe much like kids and animals can be distracted by something shiny. Unraveling what has been done to bring this nation down will not happen in a single term of a showman but in years of careful incisions into the morass of bloated government that destroys the ability to restore our greatness and uniqueness among all nations..
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Old 04-04-2016, 09:01 AM   #10
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Trump was the right idea but the wrong messenger.

He may yet pull this off. But he'll NEVER be elected POTUS.
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Old 04-04-2016, 09:26 AM   #11
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Until his awful performance last week, I thought that he might luck into the Repube nomination.

With each passing day, Trumpy's path to the nomination becomes more difficult for him to attain.

Bottom line: If Trumpy does not have 1237 delegates in his pocket at the end of the 1st ballot, I do not believe he will be able to hold on to his committed delegates during the subsequent balloting process.

IMHO, there seems to be a growing amount of buyers remorse for Trumpy's candidacy!

Actually, I believe Trumpy getting the Repube nomination would prove to be a guaranteed winner for the Dems in November. And that would probably be up and down the ballot.
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Old 04-04-2016, 10:00 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Trump was the right idea but the wrong messenger.

He may yet pull this off. But he'll NEVER be elected POTUS.
I agree with you completely. It is going to have to go to a contested convention, and possibly blood in the streets.

Hillary should be beatable, but Trump, who I personally like, cannot win.
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Old 04-04-2016, 10:07 AM   #13
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Whenever I hear someone talk about anger and whites and Republicans, I can't help but think of all the anger on the Demoncrat/liberal side of things, and this is after they've won elections. They are running things in cities like Baltimore and Chicago and Flint, and have been for decades, but they are still so pissed at the way things are run. They just have to keep looking harder and harder for white conservatives to blame.
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Old 04-04-2016, 10:15 AM   #14
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Until his awful performance last week, I thought that he might luck into the Repube nomination.

With each passing day, Trumpy's path to the nomination becomes more difficult for him to attain.

Bottom line: If Trumpy does not have 1237 delegates in his pocket at the end of the 1st ballot, I do not believe he will be able to hold on to his committed delegates during the subsequent balloting process.

IMHO, there seems to be a growing amount of buyers remorse for Trumpy's candidacy!

Actually, I believe Trumpy getting the Repube nomination would prove to be a guaranteed winner for the Dems in November. And that would probably be up and down the ballot.
Mebbe if you were to help Miz " I Did NOT... " with her P-O-L-L-I-N-G, Trump might have a chance Mr. " Triple Crown " WINNER !
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Old 04-04-2016, 01:57 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by filbone View Post
Whenever I hear someone talk about anger and whites and Republicans, I can't help but think of all the anger on the Demoncrat/liberal side of things, and this is after they've won elections. They are running things in cities like Baltimore and Chicago and Flint, and have been for decades, but they are still so pissed at the way things are run. They just have to keep looking harder and harder for white conservatives to blame.
You would think eventually it would all come to the point where people realize multiculturalism just divides people.
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