Originally Posted by rooster
She took one for the team. Gotta love someone who is so willing to call bullshit that they'll go down for it. 7 days, she'll be back.
I thought she mentioned getting 15 - 20 points over this shit.... If so, she probably pointed out and the vacation is 90 days.....
Jimmie Cock a doodle do -- you gonna apply for your old position back???
Originally Posted by Perryay
Let's hope 7 days is all she got. More would be a travesty. 
Jimmie Sparkling Water... yes, paint her a tapestry.....
Originally Posted by Celso
The whole thing is a travesty that we can't even warn others of serious issues!!!.....
She should be commended not banned!!!..... 
Ol Jimmie Mary.... she should be coronated instead of that barking dog Shillary cunt....
Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
Completely agree
Look at Jimmie Stepstool giving out his coveted Seal of Approval!!!
Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
but anything less and it goes against, what is it, guideline 15 I believe? Doesn't matter, she rocks, I know for a fact I won't be seeing that girl anytime soon because of the issues, thank you ElleW, enjoy your mini vacation and come back just as strong!!
Jimmie Burger for modtard!!!!
What could possibly go wrong?????