Originally Posted by moebeedick
You two really need to get it on already, lol! The sexual tension/electricity is gonna kill us all! 
Love this approach.. to life .. Make Love Not War xoxo Mwah!
Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
We are whores wtf does size matter all I care about is if you are normal and don't cause problems.. If you brag about your dick size and the money you have it usually is because you have neither.. I do look at posts but just to get a vibe & see if we would actually click.. If your a whiney bitch or disrespectful I will decline you
Liked this - xoxo - Ditto - Only about this comment - no other beefs, don't care about what it is responding to, or for or opposed, or any other opinions lol Just. This.
And I don't mind if you're extra sweet and sexxxy - but yeah I don't even need you to have a cxxk to be honest. I don't even own a dildo... D size is of no importance ...
A cute smile, discretion, fun attitude, or brain size will get you farther with my girl and me, and yeah, no drama, no bs.
We all have enough to worry about in the hobby, who wants extra crap to worry about?
I try to balance that out by making it more fun than more drama.
A hint that you're drama and I lose interest because safety is my primary interest.