a historic ...milestone has happened!
...yer plastic man has ...hit 5000 helpful ...informative an most of ...all supportive posts on the ol jimmie board
...plastic man would like ta take the ...time ta thank ...plastic man fer this monumental ...achievement
...but now fer the specialist of special news ...it almost be too ...emotional ta say but yer plastic man an his gay ...lover ...ol mary celso have decided ta tie the ...knot
...it was perfect timing ta have the ...weddin at this years democratic national convention in ...july with none other than ...jon balls performin the ceremony!
...while the nation honors the nomination of ...hillary what better time ta celebrate ...love
...mary is ...hopin ...osd an fat paulie will be his ...bridesmaids while ol strapped gives him away
...everyone be ...invited ta join an share the ...joy an as a teaser heres a ...pic of mary tryin on some weddin ...dresses