Originally Posted by SweetDulce
.....it makes me wonder if they never looked at their Dad's porn magazines as a kid or listened in to an older sibling getting it on and felt that powerful tingling sensation for the first time.
That is so funny.
The first fat mexican cutie I fucked had found VHS porn in her garage that her single dad had hidden.
He worked shift work at a refinery and was gone odd hours. She invited me over one night her gf/cousin was spending the night. I knew that chula, too.
Anyway, I stop by looking all hot and sexy and they both have their eyes glued to the 25" CRT "big screen" CRT watching 80's porn.
I never would have expected it...them watching it AND inviting me to watch them watch it.
I'm surprised i never got hard watching it...watching porn with two hotties. Maybe it was the anxiety of seeing some 10 inch dick on screen and being judged.
Me and the chubby big-tittied one snuggled on the couch....then the said "Let's go" and dragged me to her room.
We make out like newlyweds losing clothes piece by piece.
I nutted three times total staying hard the entire time,...the first in the air as I promised not to cum in her mouth....she examined the gooey goodness seeing it for the first time live.
Then I ate her pussy until she was squirming....Then I fucked her for a while nutting twice in her cunt telling her I didn't LoL.
All while her big DDDs bouncing all around.
Oh yeah, that was the night she lost her virginity.
Not me though LoL.
Those were the dayz.......