Originally Posted by Guero69
I must have missed that memo . . . . back to the gym for me. You know, to work off all this tension you've created in me!! 
Ahhhh, Hope the gym helped all your tension...
Haha Sonya. I am flattered for the invitation. But I am more of a One on One guy and only ok embarrassing myself in front of a lady and not others. Haha. Hmmm. Maybe I need to get verified with you. Just incase.[/QUOTE]
Got it! Just thought I'd ask since you were in the middle.

What is there to be embarrassed about?
Originally Posted by Guero69
I'd have to pass on this one Sonya . . . concerns of accidental pokes, prods, or other types of penetrations  would take my focus off of you. I'm still up for the Latinas though. No worries there!!
Aww, no fun! (Ok all Latinas)