Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He was never disciplined in a military court as he was no longer in the military when the infraction occurred.
I have yet to see any confirmation as to a date when his relationship with his mistress actually began, but there is a "beginning line" of email communications with her prior to his retirement date which was in August 2011. Based on what I had read the methodology of communication was through email drafts (as opposed to transmissions) in an email account for which both had access to avoid a "transmission" record.
She was writing a book about him, and perhaps through the information gathering details of his knowledge were disclosed. That's the problem with "draft" communications, as far as third-party resources, but when you open a draft from the "folder" it "transmits" through several servers. One has to track the location and operator of the "viewing" computer.
Additionally, it is my understanding that was a "pre-indictment" plea by Patreaus, which implies a complete investigation into all activities may not have been disclosed in details to the public media (or in court documents).