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Old 01-27-2016, 10:53 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You fucked up again, SLOBBRIN!

You referenced a hulabaloo.

You really meant a brouhaha.
shut the fuck up old man, it's past time for your depends diapers to be changed! .. you STINK! and it's past your bed time!

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Old 01-28-2016, 12:04 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
megan fugly will have her head spinning
Her name is Megyn and she ain't fugly. Assup in a depends diaper ^^^ is fugly.

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Old 01-28-2016, 12:19 AM   #48
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You idiots. Trump isn't afraid of the moderating. Hell, he looks like an idiot in every debate, and he WINS them! Pulling out of the makes him the story. Look at all the press he's getting. Look at all the free air time he's getting. The entire debate will be about "Where's Trump"? And where will he be? Raising money for disabled vets.

This guy is a master of the media. If he showed up to the debate drunk and pissed onstage, he'd still be the winner. He has nothing to gain from the debate. He withdraws, and ALL of the attention is on him. Trumpers are as blind to the truth as the Obamatons.
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Old 01-28-2016, 03:12 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Trumpers are as blind to the truth as the Obamatons.

By "Trumpers" do you mean those persons who look upon him favorably?

The most recent Real Clear Politics poll ...

...has Clinton favored by only 2.4% against Trump for the General Election.

That's got to be within the "margin of error"!

Then one must examine the data base used for polling for comparisons over 2015-2016.

Based upon Clinton's history nationally and her current lack of credibility problems (which have haunted her since she was a "Goldwaterette") having a margin of error polling status 10-11 months before the general election is not good......coming down from the "heir apparent" to the "throne"! And she hasn't even been "Trumped" yet!
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Old 01-28-2016, 07:03 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
By "Trumpers" do you mean those persons who look upon him favorably?

The most recent Real Clear Politics poll ...

...has Clinton favored by only 2.4% against Trump for the General Election.

That's got to be within the "margin of error"!

Then one must examine the data base used for polling for comparisons over 2015-2016.

Based upon Clinton's history nationally and her current lack of credibility problems (which have haunted her since she was a "Goldwaterette") having a margin of error polling status 10-11 months before the general election is not good......coming down from the "heir apparent" to the "throne"! And she hasn't even been "Trumped" yet!
If you can call your supporters dumb, and your numbers go up. They are.
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Old 01-28-2016, 06:04 PM   #51
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Two good ones...

Why Trump Scares Fox

Fox Desperate for Trump
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Old 01-28-2016, 06:05 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Considering that LL is far smarter than you, if he is mentally challenged, what are you?
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Old 01-28-2016, 06:06 PM   #53
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Trump knows wtf he is doing ijs
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Old 01-28-2016, 07:18 PM   #54
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Here's why TRUMP!

Donald Trump Is Shocking, Vulgar and Right
And, my dear fellow Republicans, he's all your fault.

By Tucker Carlson

About 15 years ago, I said something nasty on CNN about Donald Trump’s hair. I can’t now remember the context, assuming there was one. In any case, Trump saw it and left a message the next day.

“It’s true you have better hair than I do,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “But I get more pussy than you do.” Click.

At the time, I’d never met Trump and I remember feeling amused but also surprised he’d say something like that. Now the pattern seems entirely familiar. The message had all the hallmarks of a Trump attack: shocking, vulgar and indisputably true.

Not everyone finds it funny. On my street in Northwest Washington, D.C., there’s never been anyone as unpopular as Trump. The Democrats assume he’s a bigot, pandering to the morons out there in the great dark space between Georgetown and Brentwood. The Republicans (those relatively few who live here) fully agree with that assessment, and they hate him even more. They sense Trump is a threat to them personally, to their legitimacy and their livelihoods. Idi Amin would get a warmer reception in our dog park.
I understand it of course. And, except in those moments when the self-righteous silliness of rich people overwhelms me and I feel like moving to Maine, I can see their points, some of them anyway. Trump might not be my first choice for president. I’m not even convinced he really wants the job. He’s smart enough to know it would be tough for him to govern.

But just because Trump is an imperfect candidate doesn’t mean his candidacy can’t be instructive. Trump could teach Republicans in Washington a lot if only they stopped posturing long enough to watch carefully. Here’s some of what they might learn:

He Exists Because You Failed

American presidential elections usually amount to a series of overcorrections: Clinton begat Bush, who produced Obama, whose lax border policies fueled the rise of Trump. In the case of Trump, though, the GOP shares the blame, and not just because his fellow Republicans misdirected their ad buys or waited so long to criticize him. Trump is in part a reaction to the intellectual corruption of the Republican Party. That ought to be obvious to his critics, yet somehow it isn’t.

Consider the conservative nonprofit establishment, which seems to employ most right-of-center adults in Washington. Over the past 40 years, how much donated money have all those think tanks and foundations consumed? Billions, certainly. (Someone better at math and less prone to melancholy should probably figure out the precise number.) Has America become more conservative over that same period? Come on. Most of that cash went to self-perpetuation: Salaries, bonuses, retirement funds, medical, dental, lunches, car services, leases on high-end office space, retreats in Mexico, more fundraising. Unless you were the direct beneficiary of any of that, you’d have to consider it wasted.

Pretty embarrassing. And yet they’re not embarrassed. Many of those same overpaid, underperforming tax-exempt sinecure-holders are now demanding that Trump be stopped. Why? Because, as his critics have noted in a rising chorus of hysteria, Trump represents “an existential threat to conservatism.”
Let that sink in. Conservative voters are being scolded for supporting a candidate they consider conservative because it would be bad for conservatism? And by the way, the people doing the scolding? They’re the ones who’ve been advocating for open borders, and nation-building in countries whose populations hate us, and trade deals that eliminated jobs while enriching their donors, all while implicitly mocking the base for its worries about abortion and gay marriage and the pace of demographic change. Now they’re telling their voters to shut up and obey, and if they don’t, they’re liberal.

It turns out the GOP wasn’t simply out of touch with its voters; the party had no idea who its voters were or what they believed. For decades, party leaders and intellectuals imagined that most Republicans were broadly libertarian on economics and basically neoconservative on foreign policy. That may sound absurd now, after Trump has attacked nearly the entire Republican catechism (he savaged the Iraq War and hedge fund managers in the same debate) and been greatly rewarded for it, but that was the assumption the GOP brain trust operated under. They had no way of knowing otherwise. The only Republicans they talked to read the Wall Street Journal too.

On immigration policy, party elders were caught completely by surprise. Even canny operators like Ted Cruz didn’t appreciate the depth of voter anger on the subject. And why would they? If you live in an affluent ZIP code, it’s hard to see a downside to mass low-wage immigration. Your kids don’t go to public school. You don’t take the bus or use the emergency room for health care. No immigrant is competing for your job. (The day Hondurans start getting hired as green energy lobbyists is the day my neighbors become nativists.) Plus, you get cheap servants, and get to feel welcoming and virtuous while paying them less per hour than your kids make at a summer job on Nantucket. It’s all good.

Apart from his line about Mexican rapists early in the campaign, Trump hasn’t said anything especially shocking about immigration. Control the border, deport lawbreakers, try not to admit violent criminals — these are the ravings of a Nazi? This is the “ghost of George Wallace” that a Politico piece described last August? A lot of Republican leaders think so. No wonder their voters are rebelling.

Truth Is Not Only A Defense, It’s Thrilling

When was the last time you stopped yourself from saying something you believed to be true for fear of being punished or criticized for saying it? If you live in America, it probably hasn’t been long. That’s not just a talking point about political correctness. It’s the central problem with our national conversation, the main reason our debates are so stilted and useless. You can’t fix a problem if you don’t have the words to describe it. You can’t even think about it clearly.
This depressing fact made Trump’s political career. In a country where almost everyone in public life lies reflexively, it’s thrilling to hear someone say what he really thinks, even if you believe he’s wrong. It’s especially exciting when you suspect he’s right.

A temporary ban on Muslim immigration? That sounds a little extreme (meaning nobody else has said it recently in public). But is it? Millions of Muslims have moved to Western Europe over the past 50 years, and a sizable number of them still haven’t assimilated. Instead, they remain hostile and sometimes dangerous to the cultures that welcomed them. By any measure, that experiment has failed. What’s our strategy for not repeating it here, especially after San Bernardino—attacks that seemed to come out of nowhere? Invoke American exceptionalism and hope for the best? Before Trump, that was the plan.

Republican primary voters should be forgiven for wondering who exactly is on the reckless side of this debate. At the very least, Trump seems like he wants to protect the country.

Evangelicals understand this better than most. You read surveys that indicate the majority of Christian conservatives support Trump, and then you see the video: Trump on stage with pastors, looking pained as they pray over him, misidentifying key books in the New Testament, and in general doing a ludicrous imitation of a faithful Christian, the least holy roller ever. You wonder as you watch this: How could they be that dumb? He’s so obviously faking it.

They know that already. I doubt there are many Christian voters who think Trump could recite the Nicene Creed, or even identify it. Evangelicals have given up trying to elect one of their own. What they’re looking for is a bodyguard, someone to shield them from mounting (and real) threats to their freedom of speech and worship. Trump fits that role nicely, better in fact than many church-going Republicans. For eight years, there was a born-again in the White House. How’d that work out for Christians, here and in Iraq?

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/sto...#ixzz3yazHmwIy
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Old 01-28-2016, 08:41 PM   #55
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This is what I'm talking about...

Don’t Watch Fox News – Boycott Their Progressivism

Posted by Al @ 6:31 pm


I, personally, do not watch Fox News any longer – going on 4 years. For any American who truly loves American individualism, exceptionalism, sovereignty, liberty, and freedom, you should not support Fox News for the same reasons I don’t support them. I do not support Globalists, UN toe-lickers, or Marxists.

This is not an expose on Fox’s Globalist/Progressive agenda. Open-borders, big government, military interventionism, and crony capitalism are some of Fox News’ featured menu items offered for daily consumption, served up by Ruppert Murdoch and Co. While they seem to offer the only televised “right side” major televised news alternate in America, they are money-grubbing globalists looking for the latest rating buck, with the hope of being able to sell out America at the same time. They do a pretty good job of fooling a lot of Americans. And if you happen to be a Donald Trump supporter, then Fox News is flipping you the bird 24-hrs. a day. If you want to put down that 8-headed hydra that’s contradicting your political common sense and pushing non-Americanism, then stop feeding the beast.

Trump has caused the beast, known as “Mainstream Media”, to rear its disgusting, Anti-American, Cultural Marxist head and convulse in agony, as many, many Americans are rejecting their American-destroying agenda. The latest stunts executed by Fox News should be the last “F#@% You” you should ever want to receive from this news propaganda network.

They hosted a feature for National Review’s “Conservative” Trump Bashfest.

Fox News interviews a giddy Marxist, Michael Moore, while they justify attacking Trump.

Fox News/Google plan ambush question by Muslim activist that called Trump Hitler.

Fox News /Google plan ambush question by 1994 illegal alien.]

Fox News Executive’s Daughter works for the Rubio campaign (go to 6:00 min. mark). (difficulty linking to actual video- see video, Trump’s Campaign Manager Speaks Out on linked website).

For an excellent analysis of this revelation, go read it here at The Conservative Treehouse – Internecine Politics – Fox News Debate Executive’s Daughter Is Marco Rubio Press Secretary…

And now ask yourself two things. First, had you been Donald Trump, would you have walked onto that minefield? Second, do really want to watch a Progressive/Marxist-controlled propaganda outlet that insults your intelligence by selling out your country, but expecting your viewership?

HERE: http://theconservativetreehouse.com/...y/#more-111589

Boycott Fox News!

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Old 01-28-2016, 08:49 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
This is what I'm talking about...

Don’t Watch Fox News – Boycott Their Progressivism

Posted by Al @ 6:31 pm


i'd rather watch re-runs of the Beverly hillbillies

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Old 01-28-2016, 09:02 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
i'd rather watch re-runs of the Beverly hillbillies

more of that carbon/CO2 racism...

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Old 01-28-2016, 09:20 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
more of that carbon/CO2 racism...

you mean smog? why we all know that means small hog yeah? even Jethro who went to Oxford knows that!
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Old 01-28-2016, 09:26 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
you mean smog? why we all know that means small hog yeah? even Jethro who went to Oxford knows that!
Yeah, that... and this

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Old 01-29-2016, 06:38 AM   #60
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How was Trump's fund raiser?

Around $6 million of which $1 million was his. Worthwhile substitution of events.
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