Originally Posted by Wakeup
I wouldn't say there a demand for it. There's a demand for plentiful, cheap pussy. The morons who frequent these places just don't want to believe where it comes from. If they'd have told all their clients "all our girls are underage sex slaves brought her against their will", most of the guys would have left. They just actively tried to not realize what these girls were.
I guess hell just froze over as I agree with Wakeup with his post.
I posted many times in the 'other reviews' forum that places like Las Palmas had some girls that were sex slaves. Because a certain few liked 60 dollar pussy, they were in complete denial that the girls were basically kidnapped and were working hard to either pay their pimps or pay toward money that would free them.
This is the part of the hobby that I totally detested. Early in my hobby life, maybe in 2000 or 2001 I went to a place on Clinton and banged a couple of chicas. Over the years that is one of the things that I was most ashamed of. Looking back, I was interested in 60 dollar pussy and some of the girls were pretty hot. It was like Boystown in Nuevo Laredo had came to Houston.
Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Her name is Hortensia LOL.. how appropriate.
There's a special place on the darkside of hell for those who prey on children.
Speaking of hell freezing over, I admit that I fully agree with this post.