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Old 01-19-2016, 05:28 PM   #136
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
When two boats from a COUNTRY that has been patroling the waters and keeping the peace that are full of UNIFORMED sailors you don't treat them like some South American cartel members unless you consider them the enemy. What are you today dumbass? The enemy? Do you also know that it is against the Geneva Convention to photograph them like the did, to force them to "confess", and to steal any of their possessions? Your friendly neighborhood Revolutionary Guards deserve a nice US Navy cruise missile down their throats for this. I would also like the real explanation about how those US sailors got there. Not buying either the mechanical breakdown or the off course story. Definitely not buying that no one realized that they were missing. We have Aegis on the Anzio and it can see every surface and air contact for a hundred miles around.
Seeing you are the authority on all things navel.

There are two armed boats with armed Iranians on board inside the 12 mile limit what is your protocol?
Do you wave ask if they need you to call for help, order then a pizza?.

Disarm them and hold them till things are sorted out?
fire a missile up their ass?
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Old 01-19-2016, 05:39 PM   #137
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Hey. It all still goes back to that "Muslim Shit".

Iran is run by a bunch of Religious Thugs. Things might change on the surface, the Polititians and Mulla's will put forth a amiable front so our Idiot in Chief will feel that his "legacy" is intact, while all the time continuing their iron grip hold on a Nation, in the name of their Genocidal, Pedophilic Prophet.
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Old 01-19-2016, 08:11 PM   #138
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I see Yekim is doing his 0zombie dance again...

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Old 01-20-2016, 06:04 AM   #139
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Old 01-20-2016, 06:39 AM   #140
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Seeing you are the authority on all things navel.

There are two armed boats with armed Iranians on board inside the 12 mile limit what is your protocol?
Do you wave ask if they need you to call for help, order then a pizza?.

Disarm them and hold them till things are sorted out?
fire a missile up their ass?
On my watch this would not have happened. The boats would be tracked just like flight ops in a control tower and we would know the minute they went off course (unless someone high up ordered them to go to Revolutionary Guard Island). A couple of F-18s would fly a CAP over them while a helo would provide any needed aid. If things can not be sorted out quickly then a frigate, destroyer, or their equivalent would be dispatched to stand by to render assistance. One thing is certain, no US navy ship is going to boarded on the high seas by a bunch of pirates without paying a heavy price.

Still you have to wonder....one of the things that was thought about was why Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi that day? One theory that was advanced in the media was Stevens was put there to become a hostage on purpose. That way Obama could trade some Gitmo detainees for Stevens...just like we did for Bergdahl, the Iranian Nuclear Treaty (that they have yet to sign), and the sailor grab. How curious?
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Old 01-20-2016, 08:10 AM   #141
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Actually he was looking for the Malaysan Airlines 777, JDrunk. It's way too early in the morning to be slobbering.
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Old 01-20-2016, 08:13 AM   #142
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
On my watch this would not have happened. . How curious?
On JD's watch , he would have captured ten sailors and made sure they were all gay. He damn sure wouldn't trade ten gay soldiers for 150 Billion dollars!

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Old 01-20-2016, 03:49 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
On my watch this would not have happened.

If things can not be sorted out quickly then a frigate, destroyer, or their equivalent would be dispatched to stand by to render assistance.
I recall being on a relatively small island during a particularly tense time and the "indigenous" navy "parked" off shore and that country's sailors came ashore, and not long afterwards a pristine, well appointed frigate from a nearby U.S. fleet dropped in and set up shop just outside the "local gunboat" and it was refreshing to hear the sounds and see the colors being raised as a suggestion of superior presence. Reassuring to wake up in the morning to some familiar sounds.....and observe the relative comparison of a disciplined crew to the local conscripts. I'm not sure exactly what the little fuckers from the gunboat had in mind, but I suspect it passed quickly. Those days are gone for at least a while.
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Old 01-20-2016, 03:57 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
On JD's watch , ......
On your watch here's what is happening ....

"Protecting the "Home Land"!"

Just what WTF "ordered" .... pull back into the shell!!!!
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Old 01-20-2016, 04:24 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I recall being on a relatively small island during a particularly tense time and the "indigenous" navy "parked" off shore and that country's sailors came ashore, and not long afterwards a pristine, well appointed frigate from a nearby U.S. fleet dropped in and set up shop just outside the "local gunboat" and it was refreshing to hear the sounds and see the colors being raised as a suggestion of superior presence. Reassuring to wake up in the morning to some familiar sounds.....and observe the relative comparison of a disciplined crew to the local conscripts. I'm not sure exactly what the little fuckers from the gunboat had in mind, but I suspect it passed quickly. Those days are gone for at least a while.

LL, nobody cares what our Navy did in the War of 1812
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Old 01-20-2016, 09:05 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
When two boats enter waters claimed by a country,with armed personnel on board there is a reaction till it is sorted out.
If that were actually true Eva, then the US should have "reacted" and captured the 5 Chinese warships that entered US territorial waters, inside the 12 mile limit near Alaska in Sep 2015, while Obama was up there filming for his appearance on the Bear Grylls. Show.

It was more than two boats, all with armed personnel in military uniforms. So, was Obama wrong to not capture them like you think was an appropriate response?
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Old 01-21-2016, 04:21 AM   #147
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
If that were actually true Eva, then the US should have "reacted" and captured the 5 Chinese warships that entered US territorial waters, inside the 12 mile limit near Alaska in Sep 2015, while Obama was up there filming for his appearance on the Bear Grylls. Show.

It was more than two boats, all with armed personnel in military uniforms. So, was Obama wrong to not capture them like you think was an appropriate response?
Red, his answer (after his rant about "dicks" and "fags") is "that's different"!!!
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Old 01-21-2016, 04:25 AM   #148
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I recall being on a relatively small island during a particularly tense time and the "indigenous" navy "parked" off shore and that country's sailors came ashore, and not long afterwards a pristine, well appointed frigate from a nearby U.S. fleet dropped in and set up shop just outside the "local gunboat" and it was refreshing to hear the sounds and see the colors being raised as a suggestion of superior presence. Reassuring to wake up in the morning to some familiar sounds.....and observe the relative comparison of a disciplined crew to the local conscripts. I'm not sure exactly what the little fuckers from the gunboat had in mind, but I suspect it passed quickly. Those days are gone for at least a while.
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
On your watch here's what is happening ....

"Protecting the "Home Land"!"

Just what WTF "ordered" .... pull back into the shell!!!!
Originally Posted by WTF View Post

LL, nobody cares what our Navy did in the War of 1812
WTF, you've proven, yet again, it does you, WTF, NO good to open a book regardless of the topic or the "political leanings"!

I recognize that it must be internally painful for you, WTF, to realize your stupidity, but it's the first step to the healing process of being informed. Kind of like AA meetings and the 12-step program to resolving your ignorance, WTF.
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Old 01-21-2016, 05:12 AM   #149
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
If that were actually true Eva, then the US should have "reacted" and captured the 5 Chinese warships that entered US territorial waters, inside the 12 mile limit near Alaska in Sep 2015, while Obama was up there filming for his appearance on the Bear Grylls. Show.

It was more than two boats, all with armed personnel in military uniforms. So, was Obama wrong to not capture them like you think was an appropriate response?
Inside the "12 mile limit near Alaska...???!!!" Don't mind to provide some credible link(s) to corroborate your accusation...?
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Old 01-21-2016, 07:12 AM   #150
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Originally Posted by andymarksman View Post
Inside the "12 mile limit near Alaska...???!!!" Don't mind to provide some credible link(s) to corroborate your accusation...?
Andy, irrespective of that specific incident, this country (and others) get "penetrations" into our "space" (or what others "deem" to be "their space") and whether it be surface vessels or aircraft. The question is not whether they were "illegally" there, but how they were treated upon being discovered.

As a practical matter in this instance, if our craft had intended some "hostility," based on the comparative "dogs in the fight" it seems our "ten sailors" would not have been "captured" by a handful of fiberglass speed boats.

So the "parading" and "displaying" of our servicemembers was PURELY for propaganda purposes, both internationally and domestically, for the Iranians.
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