Originally Posted by down4fun
I have been with a girl that was all about me doing that but I found it hard to castrate on what I was doing it. So been there done that but not for me.
I needed that smile this morning. But I understood what you were trying to convey!
Originally Posted by ugotme10
What about using a collar with a chain and pulling on that?
What's worse about using a collar, or some will use a belt, is that you cannot feel what they're feeling.
There have been several topics about choking in this forum in past years. I'll try to find them and attach them to this topic.
Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
Most who say they like to be choked enjoy having a firm hand around the throat during play. Real choking is painful, uncomfortable, and very dangerous if not done correctly.
Completely agree. I don't think that it's a good idea to do with clients. Guess that if there is that trust. But what if they're clueless? Or too excited and not thinking? The throat is delicate And men are very strong, especially when they're excited.
Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Maybe to you but not to others Ymmv I like it but Im not going to trust a random tard on eccie to participate in those activities with me unless they have some damn good references then I may allow it..
Originally Posted by thecooldude
...Can I just spank you or turn on your stomach and rip your pants and panties off and stick it in deep and hard.
Originally Posted by AngelEYESofLUST
I do like to take it to the point I pass out just for like 2-3 seconds. Coming back out of that is such a blissful feeling
When you present ideas like this on a board such as this one, be prepared to have guys "want to please you and let me do what you like!" Be careful about that. It looks like you're relatively new on the board. Dealing with clients is different than dealing with a close friend/SO/partner.
Originally Posted by Fancylady
No.Pass.I don't think I could choked clients
I can honestly admit, there have been a few times (more than a few) that I FELT like choking the living crap out of a client. Or spanking him ... HARD.
Originally Posted by Victoria Columbari
I don't mind minimal choking but don't want to be passed out.
A little bit of that goes a long way with me as well. As of now, I don't wish to even play with choking. Too many variables.
Originally Posted by SydSky
Not my thing at all.
What you wrote reflects my feelings, too. I used to really like being dominated but I've been hurt by guys who have assured me that they were experienced, and they were not.
So I err on the side of caution. There is only one of me!!!
I'm just writing my thoughts as a fellow sex worker. But there are several articles, from well thought of people in the BDSM world, that will share what a dangerous thing this is.
I'll also try to find that article and attach it to this topic. I think that most will find it interesting and informative!
Kind regards,