Originally Posted by RandB fan
Well if this is not a "scandle" i don't know what could be?
Toy"Z can you reveiw thet play I think it's a score!!!!!
Nah it's wide left...no evidence just imagined conjecture per norm Whaaaa-spurz will cling to my 10 day wrist slap close to a year ago as his go to move till the end of time...it's all he's got.
It's the verbal equivalent of the fat kid on the playground screaming that he's gonna tell the teacher after getting his ass whipped.
No doubt he has RTM'd and screamed at the top of his lungs...but I'm still here aren't I?
The question should be will the next Whaaa-spurz midnight rant against the Happy-Hippo MOD give them enough to send his angry butt to the sideline?
{{{Waaa-spurz will now spend the next couple of hours desperately looking for links to try & substantiate this old character assassination attempt....I've waiting to edit this until the last minute to make him waste time trying to look smart...now he will either tie the links...or try a different tactic since I told him what he was going to do...two steps ahead of you oh corpulent one-BONK}}}