Congratulations! By volume I believe you are the bored's most prodigious contributor.
Roughly 45,000 posts in six years plus who knows how much time reading other's posts here.
Let's just have some fun with the numbers.
For the sake of argument, let's say every post takes you 5 minutes. Not five minutes of time to actually type the post but five minutes of engagement with the board (to read what others have written, contemplate your thoughts, etc. That may be very might be more.
Anyway 45000 x 5 minutes/post = 3750 hours
It would be easy to say 3750 x hourly escort rate is $xxxxxx in lost revenue but that isn't a fair comparison. It is different work and it wouldn't have been practical to actually see clients all those hours.
But consider 2000 is typically what is viewed as the average American full time work week (40 hours a week x 50 weeks).
3750/2000 is roughly the equivalent of 2 years worth working a regular fulltime job.
Remember that's 3750 hours of "productive" (I use the term loosely since we are talking about a SHMB

) activity.
Most 9 to 5ers (or shift workers) don't actually spend 40 hours a week producing or making something (e.g. billable hours). They are in internal meetings, training, travel, holidays, paid vacation, etc. etc. so let's haircut that by a third.
Then her 45000 posts is roughly equal to 3 years of a full time job (across six years)
Or if my 5 minutes of bored engagement per post is too conservative and really it's more like 10 (or more :gasp

her ECCIE engagement is LITERALLY a fulltime job
In any event, congratulations.
(& of course I'm making all kinds of simplifying assumptions here..any of them could be quibbled with...point is it is a lot of hours on eccie)