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Old 12-12-2015, 08:19 AM   #16
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by davidfree986 View Post
I find it funny that on most of the "no" recommendation reviews, the OP of that review gets commended on how honest the review was. Those type of reviews do not get published very often due to provider and/or WK backlash
which is why a "no" review (notice I say review, not recommendation) typically carries twice the value of a "yes" review.. it's easy to explain why it was worth getting some pussy.. a lot harder, in the face of backlash, to tell me why I shouldn't get it for myself.
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Old 12-12-2015, 08:30 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
which is why a "no" review (notice I say review, not recommendation) typically carries twice the value of a "yes" review.. it's easy to explain why it was worth getting some pussy.. a lot harder, in the face of backlash, to tell me why I shouldn't get it for myself.

Well, not necessarily. A guy can write a "no" review, not just because he did not have a good time, but there may be other factors as well. For instance, she did not give him a discount because he is a prominent reviewer, she would not do BBFS, she kicked him out after his paid time was up and he wanted to stay longer for free, ect. One will never know the motivation, but reviews are solely opinions by the reviewer, so don't be fooled.

No one can be sure 100% what they are going to receive BCD from a provider. It will take multiple reviews, by different guys, and not the ones in a dick clique, and if the service(s) are pretty much the same, then you will have a better idea of what the provider does.
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Old 12-12-2015, 08:36 AM   #18
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by davidfree986 View Post
Well, not necessarily.
well sure.. my statement is contingent on believing the review details.. a significant number of "no" reviews are hatchet jobs to discredit a Provider, with little or no basis in fact.. those reviews are usually easy to spot.
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Old 12-12-2015, 10:02 AM   #19
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I review to keep my access so sometimes if I see someone and I still have a month of access I might not review. If I had a great time or want to brag I'll write a review.

Every review is taken with a grain of salt :-) I look at pictures , location and services combined with reviews and see whoever I want. Early in my mongering I saw some BP providers that if I had reviewed would have been no's. Now I will write the ROS to let people know there was less than 100% satisfaction but probably still give a yes at the end.
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Old 12-13-2015, 09:03 PM   #20
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all my reviews are the result of an active imagination in a dream world. Reader be advised.
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Old 12-14-2015, 05:57 PM   #21
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Do guys rather read short and to the point reviews or do you guys rather more in depth reviews with a lot of details? It seems the shorter reviews, in general, seem to get more comments than the longer ones. (Excluding the ones from guys like Justinslayer, randomtxguy, Logan, Chung, biglatinmale, etc. How can you not enjoy reading those? No matter how long they are. Great stuff.)

Anyway, when I'm done writing a review, I wonder if I made it too long and if anyone will bother reading it.
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Old 12-14-2015, 06:53 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by sh!724 View Post
Gentlemen are you always honest in your reviews? Do you sometimes not post a review because it would be a no?
No, my reviews are exactly as I perceived the experience. However, I will put a yes when the content says "NO".

I think a "NO" review can be some of the most valuable but draw the most criticism.

At least half of the ladies I see do not advertise on ECCIE and they request me not to submit a review.
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Old 12-14-2015, 07:39 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by albundy View Post
Do guys rather read short and to the point reviews or do you guys rather more in depth reviews with a lot of details? Anyway, when I'm done writing a review, I wonder if I made it too long and if anyone will bother reading it.
I'm guilty of being long winded myself, but I don't write reviews expecting everyone to read them; just people interested in seeing that provider. When I do my research, more is better. I just got to get on board with pics and keep up.
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Old 12-15-2015, 02:52 PM   #24
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I had an epiphany this year. Let the girl know before hand you are going to review her. There are some girls that like men and love to fuck. Others, if they know they're being reviewed will probably pretend alot better.

One would think the possibility of being reviewed os enough to keep up appearances, but surprisingly enough not always.
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Old 12-15-2015, 04:39 PM   #25
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So I had written 1 "No" review ever, and somehow after that review was approved, and all was set and done, like a month or two later I looked and it had been deleted...I don't even remember including anything necessarily negative, just that we hadn't clicked and I didn't prefer how some things went down, but nothing bad happened during. And yet it was removed...
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Old 12-16-2015, 07:33 AM   #26
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by gentlegiant88 View Post
So I had written 1 "No" review ever, and somehow after that review was approved, and all was set and done, like a month or two later I looked and it had been deleted...I don't even remember including anything necessarily negative, just that we hadn't clicked and I didn't prefer how some things went down, but nothing bad happened during. And yet it was removed...
Hmm.. I would have asked a Mod for an explanation.. which I did upon discovering one of my reviews was deleted.. that review was probably my best ever, a resounding "yes", it was deleted because the Spa requested a no-review policy sometime later.
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Old 12-16-2015, 08:04 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Hmm.. I would have asked a Mod for an explanation.. which I did upon discovering one of my reviews was deleted.. that review was probably my best ever, a resounding "yes", it was deleted because the Spa requested a no-review policy sometime later.

They can do that? I kinda thought that part of being in the board was being willing to be reviewed. Reviews are a big part of what ECCIE is all about,no? I would get it if prior to a session, you agreed to not review. After the fact though , too bad so sad. Hopefully she didn't suck at sucking.....
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Old 12-16-2015, 10:59 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by albundy View Post
One thing that I have noticed in provider reviews is a lot of guys REALLY exaggerate how a provider looks. I'll read a review and the guy makes her sound like she came straight out of Victoria's Secret and when I see her in person, she looks more like the Goodwill Store.

Usually, it's not THAT bad, but on a few occasions I couldn't help but be disappointed. Everyone has different tastes, I get that. But it seems a lot of guys try to kiss ass with the providers and heap WAY too much praise on some of them. I get it. But, more critical reviews are more helpful and better prepare me for what to expect.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and reviews are subjective. If it sounds like a guy a fantastic time, maybe the lady made him feel that way and the chemistry clicked.

No reviews should be given, but again it's just subjective and guys shouldn't be bashed for giving one. Maybe he didn't enjoy her attitude or wasn't as tolerant of a pig sty incall. Maybe her pics are out dated and didn't enjoy being greeted by a worn out looking housekeeper. Gotta remember one man's gold is another's trash.
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Old 12-16-2015, 11:44 AM   #29
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I rely on this site and the reviews to ensure that I do not have an experience that would warrant a NO recommendation. Some of the reviews do have that certain level of embellishment, but if you read more than 1 review for the lovely lady, the exaggerators become apparent.
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Old 12-16-2015, 12:18 PM   #30
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I'm honest. And most of the time it's easy, as I've enjoyed over 95% of the providers I've seen. My reviews tend to be on the longer side. I try and describe more the look and feel of the meeting than how awesome all the acrobatic sex was—12 pops by me, 20 o's by her…BS like that. Reviews like that don't do much for me. I'm most interested in communicating 2 things—was she "cool" (a combination of fun, nice, easy-going, has something to say)? And did she act somewhat interested in my being there? After that, I don't even care how the session plays out.

I think I've given a couple "no" reviews, and in those cases, that was easy to do too. Girls who were really good looking, but had a really shitty attitude.

Once or twice I've given a luke-warm "yes". The line between yes and no can be fine sometimes. I remember Kaylee from Venezuela…hotter than hell, and certainly went through the motions, but there were just a few odd little things along the way. In context, every FS session I've had since seeing her has blown hers away. So while the review was yes at the time, now it would be a marginal no.
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