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Old 12-13-2015, 07:36 AM   #166
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post

Ok folks, woomby just hung a big fucking target sign on his back again! He wants all of us to CALL HIM STUPID!

Go for it!

Yeah sewer rat, you asked for it.... YOU SURE ARE STUPID!

But,but,but woomby SAYS he has " a degree in journalism " !! Must be a mail order degree ( since he's SOOOOO busy building his gloryhole empire and proudly touring with his DOTY award ) from the Jason Blair School of " bein' a scribe ". woomby's quick to use race when cornered on his lies like Blair called all of his accusers racist. woomby must have taken his "journalistic ethics " class from Slick Willy, Shrillary and Rachel Dolezal !
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Old 12-13-2015, 12:18 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
And who said anything about "getting rid of people you don't like"? I'm not advocating tossing gays off buildings, am I? There's nothing "dishonest" about my arguments either. I'm willing to be as honest as Masters and Johnson.
If you are trying "cure" them with phony therapy, then you are trying to get rid of them. Who says they need to be changed? Other than Bible thumpers?

Here are your posts in Blue:
Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, they don't. Because they are not homosexuals. They are bisexuals. They are different to begin with.

If you agree it's a continuum, then the differences blur as you go from 100% straight to 100% gay. I didn't say homosexuality is ALWAYS a choice. I said it obviously can be a choice for bisexuals. By definition, a bisexual can choose to have a same-sex OR an opposite-sex relationship.

Try to remember that YOU brought bisexuals into the conversation when I said homosexuals don't have a choice. If that was your rebuttal, then quite obviously you WERE saying that same sex attraction was a choice - even for gays. And a bisexual may choose with whom to have a relationship, be he or she does NOT have a choice about which sex he or she is attracted to.

And your point is? The "split" attraction of bisexuals is no more relevant to homosexuals than it is to heterosexuals. That sword cuts both ways. Are you not really straight - like you think you are - because someone else is at least partially attracted to both sexes? That means heterosexuality is a choice, too, right?

My point is there is a whole category of people out there (bisexuals) who can't say “I don't have a choice – I was born that way”. I didn't say this makes you less straight or Rock Hudson less queer.

See above. Bisexuals - to the extent they are TRUE bisexuals and not gays faking it - don't have a choice about being attracted to both sexes. It simply happens and phony therapy doesn't make it go away.

Not true. Even if it was something of a choice, that does NOT mean that therapy can affect it one way or another.

So if someone is 90% straight and happily married with a family but is tempted to throw it all away because he/she has occasional same-sex attractions, therapy is completely futile and can offer no help? How can you so rashly dismiss it out of hand and for every situation?

Yes, therapy is futile because it does NOT work. It's a pseudo-science scam to get money.

And why do you assume the gay part has to be treated? Why can't the therapy try to "cure" the hetero attraction and turn the alleged bisexual 100% gay? Is that acceptable therapy to you?

And I recall reading about a survey that studied bisexuals that were put in a situation where one of their partners forced them to make a choice. The overwhelming majority of bisexuals chose to break off the hetero relationship and stay with their homosexual partners.

They should have figured it out BEFORE they entered into hetero marriages or relationships. The fact that they failed to do so is horribly unfair to their hetero partners and their offspring.

Maybe the part that was terribly unfair was societal pressure from family, friends, church and the rest of the community for gays to stop being gay and pretend to be straight to the straight people wouldn't be grossed out. Maybe is gays weren't routinely ostracized and derided, they would settle into healthy, happy relationships with persons of the same gender and then they wouldn't be entering hetero marriages under false pretenses.

You are putting blame in the wrong place. I don't know why straight society would think it smart to pressure a gay man into suppressing his true attraction and enter marriage with a straight woman. Sooner or later, he will give in to his true attractions. And the straight woman's life is ruined. That isn't the fault of gays. That is the fault of straight society.

What does that tell you about "bisexuals"? Perhaps that a LOT of them are not really attracted to the opposite sex. They just play the part to fit in to society, perhaps for family or religious reasons.

If they're not attracted to the opposite sex at all, they're obviously gay, not bisexual. You are really just trying to substitute one behavioral excuse (“Society made me do something against my nature”) for another (“I was born that way”). That argument might work for people who are 100% gay, but not for bisexuals. They have a degree of choice and should be held responsible for their choices.

I have no idea what the nonsense above means. You're rambling. But really? "Held responsible for their actions"? Like what? Jail?

And "true" bisexuals - very rare in reality - do NOT have a choice about being attracted to at least some degree to both sexes. Got that? Stop saying they do have a choice. They make pick one gender to be in a relationship with for NOW, but that does not stop the attraction to both genders.

So, your argument rests on the alleged choices of people who are mostly faking same sex attraction.

You mean faking opposite-sex attraction, right? Bisexuals don't have to fake anything – they can reach orgasm and meet their sexual needs with partners from either sex. And I'm not in favor of faking anything. Your argument rests on the assumption that sexual orientation is essentially dichotomous – you're either gay or straight, nothing in between - and bisexuals are really just homosexuals who haven't admitted it yet.

Obviously, you can't read, I never said sexual orientation was dichotomous. I did say that a lot of gays pretend to be bisexual (and straight for that matter) in order to fit in better with society. Bisexuality exists, but it is much rarer than people believe.

And there you give away your whole argument. Thanks for putting cure in italics.

It's all about getting rid of people you don't like. And you will grasp at any dishonest straw to give yourself hope. Even phony reparative therapies that not only don't cure homosexuals, but often inflict significant emotional damage on them.

What about the emotional damage inflicted on a spouse and children when a self-indulgent bisexual chooses to dump them because he/she wants to explore new sexual preferences? Look, I am not an expert on “reparative therapies” and neither are you. It's ok to have a healthy skepticism but on what basis can anyone say they're all phony and can never work? The gay crowd is driven by politics, not empirical evidence.

See above. "You are putting blame in the wrong place. I don't know why straight society would think it smart to pressure a gay man into suppressing his true attraction and enter marriage with a straight woman. Sooner or later, he will give in to his true attractions. And the straight woman's life is ruined. That isn't the fault of gays. That is the fault of straight society."

Perhaps you should look at the emotional damage inflicted by straight society instead of gays or "self-indulgent" bisexuals.

As for political agendas, the Bible thumpers are driven by a political agenda, too.

You can't pray the gay away. No matter how much you pray you can.

Who said anything about praying? I was talking about professional therapy and counseling. For bisexuals, if not for gays.

FIND ONE THAT WORKS. Professional psychiatry has deemed all such therapies as ineffective and frequently fraudulent and recommends AGAINST them.

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Old 12-13-2015, 12:32 PM   #168
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Who wants to "cure" them? Let them do want they want. They're not a scourge to society. Only dumbfucks like Wombtard are.
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Old 12-13-2015, 01:25 PM   #169
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Who wants to "cure" them? Let them do want they want. They're not a scourge to society. Only dumbfucks like Wombtard are.
But, but, but woomby claims to provide "therapeutic services " with HIS vast locations of gloryholes !
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Old 12-13-2015, 01:43 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
If you are trying "cure" them with phony therapy, then you are trying to get rid of them. Who says they need to be changed? Other than Bible thumpers?

Here are your posts in Blue:
Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, they don't. Because they are not homosexuals. They are bisexuals. They are different to begin with.

If you agree it's a continuum, then the differences blur as you go from 100% straight to 100% gay. I didn't say homosexuality is ALWAYS a choice. I said it obviously can be a choice for bisexuals. By definition, a bisexual can choose to have a same-sex OR an opposite-sex relationship.

Try to remember that YOU brought bisexuals into the conversation when I said homosexuals don't have a choice. If that was your rebuttal, then quite obviously you WERE saying that same sex attraction was a choice - even for gays. And a bisexual may choose with whom to have a relationship, be he or she does NOT have a choice about which sex he or she is attracted to.

And your point is? The "split" attraction of bisexuals is no more relevant to homosexuals than it is to heterosexuals. That sword cuts both ways. Are you not really straight - like you think you are - because someone else is at least partially attracted to both sexes? That means heterosexuality is a choice, too, right?

My point is there is a whole category of people out there (bisexuals) who can't say “I don't have a choice – I was born that way”. I didn't say this makes you less straight or Rock Hudson less queer.

See above. Bisexuals - to the extent they are TRUE bisexuals and not gays faking it - don't have a choice about being attracted to both sexes. It simply happens and phony therapy doesn't make it go away.

Not true. Even if it was something of a choice, that does NOT mean that therapy can affect it one way or another.

So if someone is 90% straight and happily married with a family but is tempted to throw it all away because he/she has occasional same-sex attractions, therapy is completely futile and can offer no help? How can you so rashly dismiss it out of hand and for every situation?

Yes, therapy is futile because it does NOT work. It's a pseudo-science scam to get money.

And why do you assume the gay part has to be treated? Why can't the therapy try to "cure" the hetero attraction and turn the alleged bisexual 100% gay? Is that acceptable therapy to you?

And I recall reading about a survey that studied bisexuals that were put in a situation where one of their partners forced them to make a choice. The overwhelming majority of bisexuals chose to break off the hetero relationship and stay with their homosexual partners.

They should have figured it out BEFORE they entered into hetero marriages or relationships. The fact that they failed to do so is horribly unfair to their hetero partners and their offspring.

Maybe the part that was terribly unfair was societal pressure from family, friends, church and the rest of the community for gays to stop being gay and pretend to be straight to the straight people wouldn't be grossed out. Maybe is gays weren't routinely ostracized and derided, they would settle into healthy, happy relationships with persons of the same gender and then they wouldn't be entering hetero marriages under false pretenses.

You are putting blame in the wrong place. I don't know why straight society would think it smart to pressure a gay man into suppressing his true attraction and enter marriage with a straight woman. Sooner or later, he will give in to his true attractions. And the straight woman's life is ruined. That isn't the fault of gays. That is the fault of straight society.

What does that tell you about "bisexuals"? Perhaps that a LOT of them are not really attracted to the opposite sex. They just play the part to fit in to society, perhaps for family or religious reasons.

If they're not attracted to the opposite sex at all, they're obviously gay, not bisexual. You are really just trying to substitute one behavioral excuse (“Society made me do something against my nature”) for another (“I was born that way”). That argument might work for people who are 100% gay, but not for bisexuals. They have a degree of choice and should be held responsible for their choices.

I have no idea what the nonsense above means. You're rambling. But really? "Held responsible for their actions"? Like what? Jail?

And "true" bisexuals - very rare in reality - do NOT have a choice about being attracted to at least some degree to both sexes. Got that? Stop saying they do have a choice. They make pick one gender to be in a relationship with for NOW, but that does not stop the attraction to both genders.

So, your argument rests on the alleged choices of people who are mostly faking same sex attraction.

You mean faking opposite-sex attraction, right? Bisexuals don't have to fake anything – they can reach orgasm and meet their sexual needs with partners from either sex. And I'm not in favor of faking anything. Your argument rests on the assumption that sexual orientation is essentially dichotomous – you're either gay or straight, nothing in between - and bisexuals are really just homosexuals who haven't admitted it yet.

Obviously, you can't read, I never said sexual orientation was dichotomous. I did say that a lot of gays pretend to be bisexual (and straight for that matter) in order to fit in better with society. Bisexuality exists, but it is much rarer than people believe.

And there you give away your whole argument. Thanks for putting cure in italics.

It's all about getting rid of people you don't like. And you will grasp at any dishonest straw to give yourself hope. Even phony reparative therapies that not only don't cure homosexuals, but often inflict significant emotional damage on them.

What about the emotional damage inflicted on a spouse and children when a self-indulgent bisexual chooses to dump them because he/she wants to explore new sexual preferences? Look, I am not an expert on “reparative therapies” and neither are you. It's ok to have a healthy skepticism but on what basis can anyone say they're all phony and can never work? The gay crowd is driven by politics, not empirical evidence.

See above. "You are putting blame in the wrong place. I don't know why straight society would think it smart to pressure a gay man into suppressing his true attraction and enter marriage with a straight woman. Sooner or later, he will give in to his true attractions. And the straight woman's life is ruined. That isn't the fault of gays. That is the fault of straight society."

Perhaps you should look at the emotional damage inflicted by straight society instead of gays or "self-indulgent" bisexuals.

As for political agendas, the Bible thumpers are driven by a political agenda, too.

You can't pray the gay away. No matter how much you pray you can.

Who said anything about praying? I was talking about professional therapy and counseling. For bisexuals, if not for gays.

FIND ONE THAT WORKS. Professional psychiatry has deemed all such therapies as ineffective and frequently fraudulent and recommends AGAINST them.

As you know, at one point professional psychiatry considered homosexuals to be deviants.
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Old 12-13-2015, 08:43 PM   #171
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What the fuck is professional psychiatry?

What the fuck is the other kind, JL?

As you know, it was once acceptable to traffic sex slaves.
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Old 12-13-2015, 10:25 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
What the fuck is professional psychiatry?

What the fuck is the other kind, JL?

As you know, it was once acceptable to traffic sex slaves.
Let me see if I can help YR figure this out.

Look up in DSM-II diagnostic codes. Homosexually was considered a mental disorder until 1987. I think it was call "gender dysforia." Something like that.

Yeah, good comparison fuck-stick. Sex slave trafficking, really? What century?

Well I guess sex slave trafficking could be comparable if you live in one of the peace loving moozi countries, China or Africa. But I still don't think it's legal. Well Africa nothing is illegal. Some parts anyway.

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Old 12-13-2015, 10:51 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Who wants to "cure" them? Let them do want they want. They're not a scourge to society. Only dumbfucks like Wombtard are.
I think womb-rat is both a homo and a scourge to society.

From their post, it looks like I'ba is womb-rat's jizz dumpster.

However, I don't give a second thought about homo's. Not sure I get the purpose of this post.
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Old 12-14-2015, 07:16 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by Muscleup View Post
Let me see if I can help YR figure this out.

Look up in DSM-II diagnostic codes. Homosexually was considered a mental disorder until 1987. I think it was call "gender dysforia." Something like that.

Yeah, good comparison fuck-stick. Sex slave trafficking, really? What century?

Well I guess sex slave trafficking could be comparable if you live in one of the peace loving moozi countries, China or Africa. But I still don't think it's legal. Well Africa nothing is illegal. Some parts anyway.

Obviously you haven't been paying attention...
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Old 12-14-2015, 02:45 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Obviously you haven't been paying attention...
you mean to the trafficking of Mexican hookers in Austin, and people like yourself who patronize them, thus perpetuating their enslavement?
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Old 12-14-2015, 05:53 PM   #176
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Right... JL, you are not going to play that shit. We all know who you are and how you roll.

Otherwise, why else would you be trying to deflect, JL?
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Old 12-14-2015, 06:30 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
As you know, at one point professional psychiatry considered homosexuals to be deviants.
Yes. Based on old biases and false assumptions.

Then careful examination and scientific inquiry demonstrated there was nothing mentally unbalanced about them. And also demonstrated that there was no therapy (assuming it was desired) that could change them.

Thus ended the outdated stereotype.
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Old 12-14-2015, 06:43 PM   #178
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However, a large slice of this pie is still freaking about it.

In fact, I'm surprised these fuckers aren't still howling about "intelligent design."
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Old 12-14-2015, 06:53 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
As you know, at one point professional psychiatry considered homosexuals to be deviants.
And we considered black folks as 3/5 worthy of voting rights.
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Old 12-14-2015, 06:56 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by Muscleup View Post
. Not sure I get the purpose of this post.
I think DSK is wanting find put how many dicks he can suck before he is officially considered gay.
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