12-10-2015, 10:07 AM
Valued Poster
Join Date: Jun 12, 2011
Location: Olathe
Posts: 16,815
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They were pirates at sea. Hardly a religious crusade. But keep believing the lies. It keeps the war machine up and profitable.
The profiteers are now in DC, Wall Street and London. We need to swear off foreign oil, bring our troops home, and violence against Americans will quickly be reduced, then eliminated. We are the uniting force for radical Islam. Without us antagonizing them, their sectarian differences will become more pronounced, and they will kill each other, not us.
It's not "their" religion. It's religion. Religion is evil in the hands of extremists. All religion. Except maybe Taoism. I don't know what a Taoist extremist would be like. But I'd be careful, just the same.
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