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Old 12-06-2015, 12:11 PM   #46
Iron Butterfly
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MV your my favorite posting Provider on here even though you scold me from time to time (kind of Dommie like), you are a "bad ass" and any man lucky enough to be rocked by you...as there RW GF is fuckin lucky, rock on...

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Old 12-06-2015, 12:27 PM   #47
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Default Golfer, whatever you're taking.....

Originally Posted by Tpcgolfer View Post
Anyone every got carried away with the idea and fall for a provider? All signs pointing to only one person getting hurt, driving you freaking nuts. Thinking she's going to leave her life style for your 8-5 middle income ass with kids?

Damn, I recently had a tremendous time with a provider. It was like a movie. Both engaged and tune into each other. Left me with quite on impression. Still screwed up over it, but gotta keep it real.

I guess only time will help to move things along.


To fix this issue, ask her to help you clean your house on Saturday afternoon, and then you will take her out for tacos.
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Old 12-06-2015, 12:38 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
I believe a majority of men here are married or in some manner of relationship.

(can't be certain, I don't think there is peer reviewed scientific data about the horndogs on Eccie)

Many of those relationships are bad. But some are just fine and normal with one typical exception being that some men like to dive balls deep in strange moist lady pubis every chance they get.

But other than that, they're perfectly capable of having mostly healthy relationships. But somehow when it comes to providers having healthy relationships, well, it seems like the general consensus here is we can't which makes me laugh.

Hate to break it to you but there are married providers here, providers with boyfriends and family units: all functioning quite well thank you. It likely requires a complete 180 on Puritanical and Stone Age views on sexuality and ridding oneself of assumptions and pre-conceived notions about sexuality and relationships. Most find that impossible (as displayed in Co-ed all over the place), and a lot of people just don't want to put the effort into taking on that difficult proposition when there are civilian women with whom to have a relationship,with without all these complications and I understand that. But a lot of people are perfectly capable of having healthy relationships within and outside of the hobby.

And I have to laugh at people who say providers are "all about the money" Of course we are diddums. And so are you at your 9-5 corporate shill job. Unless of course you throw away your paycheck, because working for a living is kinda all about the money. That's how free markets work. I'm happy to explain the basics of capitalism to you but it will cost you.

I can't speak for other providers but I know I can have of having a healthy relationship with someone. I've always been a rad as fuck girlfriend and I will always be a rad as fuck girlfriend. I say as long as you have your eyes open and you're an open minded and reasonable person and she is too then go for it!

I unknowingly had a relationship with a provider for more that 5 years. When I found out it devastated me. I don't know any guy that would be OK with the woman they love doing this.
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Old 12-06-2015, 01:54 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Deznuttz View Post
I unknowingly had a relationship with a provider for more that 5 years. When I found out it devastated me. I don't know any guy that would be OK with the woman they love doing this.
I can see where not knowing could be a problem, but I also find it hard to believe you were in a relationship for more than 5 years and didn't know what she did. Maybe she was just really good at hiding it. *shrug*

I think if you met a provider while hobbying, fell in love, then told her that she'd have to give up her livelihood, and possibly the only thing she knows how to do, because you said three magic words it'd be pretty unfair, especially if you didn't plan to give up hobbying as well. Sure, maybe she was just waiting for Prince Charming to come and take her away from all this, but probably not.

I'm not sure anyone can really know if it would work unless they're in that situation. You might think it would be fine and you'd be okay with her doing what she does as long as she comes home to you, but once it's real and not just a thought in your head it might be very different.

I've never been in a relationship and hobbied at the same time, so I don't know if that would work for me. Monogamy and "hookers are dirty" are often drilled into our heads from an early age and it can be hard to break through those barriers. I like to think that if I was in a healthy relationship I wouldn't want to hobby, but then again I've eventually cheated on almost everyone I've ever had a relationship with so what do I know?

A relationship with a provider might work simply because all the cards would be on the table up front and you wouldn't need to hide things that might cause a relationship to break down.
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Old 12-06-2015, 02:42 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by knotty man View Post
One time, at band camp...

Thank you, Sir!
I shall smile for days!
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Old 12-06-2015, 04:47 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by RetiredNinja View Post
I can see where not knowing could be a problem, but I also find it hard to believe you were in a relationship for more than 5 years and didn't know what she did. Maybe she was just really good at hiding it. *shrug*

I think if you met a provider while hobbying, fell in love, then told her that she'd have to give up her livelihood, and possibly the only thing she knows how to do, because you said three magic words it'd be pretty unfair, especially if you didn't plan to give up hobbying as well. Sure, maybe she was just waiting for Prince Charming to come and take her away from all this, but probably not.

I'm not sure anyone can really know if it would work unless they're in that situation. You might think it would be fine and you'd be okay with her doing what she does as long as she comes home to you, but once it's real and not just a thought in your head it might be very different.

I've never been in a relationship and hobbied at the same time, so I don't know if that would work for me. Monogamy and "hookers are dirty" are often drilled into our heads from an early age and it can be hard to break through those barriers. I like to think that if I was in a healthy relationship I wouldn't want to hobby, but then again I've eventually cheated on almost everyone I've ever had a relationship with so what do I know?

A relationship with a provider might work simply because all the cards would be on the table up front and you wouldn't need to hide things that might cause a relationship to break down.

She wasn't a provider the whole time. The last year and half or so. She tried to justify it by saying that it wasn't cheating if it was her job. She is the reason I found aspd.
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Old 12-06-2015, 06:29 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Tpcgolfer View Post
Damn, I recently had a tremendous time with a provider. It was like a movie. Both engaged and tune into each other. Left me with quite on impression. Still screwed up over it, but gotta keep it real.
So she had a very high IOP (illusion of passion)... but that doesn't mean she is into you AT ALL. Some ladies are truly masters at this and can convince any number of guys that they are truly special and THE ONE. That GFE illusion is what you are paying $250-$300/hour for, right?

Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi View Post
Don't. Do. It. It almost always ends badly.
Very true.

If you did want to pursue something, you need to be upfront and open about it and get all the facts/dirty laundry on the table. It'll still go south at some point, but it could be a fun ride.

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Old 12-06-2015, 08:47 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly View Post
MV your my favorite posting Provider on here even though you scold me from time to time (kind of Dommie like), you are a "bad ass" and any man lucky enough to be rocked by you...as there RW GF is fuckin lucky, rock on...

Thanks IB, I really appreciate that. Thank you for saying it, I needed to hear it, especially today. xo
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Old 12-07-2015, 01:48 PM   #54
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Interesting thread...I think that a provider/client relationship could definitely work. Obviously, both would probably have similar morals to start out with.

The assumption in some previous threads is that most providers are sketchy people who like to prey on guys. Some are, i'm sure, but I am sure there are some providers out there who are sincerely good people...and i wouldn't hold this career choice against them. After all, being a provider has some wonderful benefits for a self-actualized person. (just have to see past societies moral judgment)

Of course, it would take some time to get to know the other person and determine if there are other problems, issues to be aware of and that you can thrive in the real world. But i think it could be possible to have a good, fulfilling relationship with a provider.

Of course, I don't know if i could handle them having sex with guys for a living while i was dating them. I think swingers are effectively able to compartmentalize separate love and sex. So if i was to do that i don't think i'd have a problem with it. Who knows?

Ladies, if you had a hobbiest boyfriend would you have a problem with them continuing to hobby while you're dating (or married) to them?
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Old 12-07-2015, 08:09 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Deznuttz View Post
She wasn't a provider the whole time. The last year and half or so. She tried to justify it by saying that it wasn't cheating if it was her job. She is the reason I found aspd.

I have never put my hands on a woman, but If I'm told that by my woman...



I would have nothing more to say except to yell a vulgarlity, followed by a blasphemy, ending with an obsenity.
and perhaps ...
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Old 12-07-2015, 08:24 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by LuvMuscle View Post
Interesting thread...I think that a provider/client relationship could definitely work. Obviously, both would probably have similar morals to start out with.

The assumption in some previous threads is that most providers are sketchy people who like to prey on guys. Some are, i'm sure, but I am sure there are some providers out there who are sincerely good people...and i wouldn't hold this career choice against them. After all, being a provider has some wonderful benefits for a self-actualized person. (just have to see past societies moral judgment)

Of course, it would take some time to get to know the other person and determine if there are other problems, issues to be aware of and that you can thrive in the real world. But i think it could be possible to have a good, fulfilling relationship with a provider.

Of course, I don't know if i could handle them having sex with guys for a living while i was dating them. I think swingers are effectively able to compartmentalize separate love and sex. So if i was to do that i don't think i'd have a problem with it. Who knows?

Ladies, if you had a hobbiest boyfriend would you have a problem with them continuing to hobby while you're dating (or married) to them?

But seriously, with regard to provider/client relationship, I could not have said it better than Luv Muscle, Yes it could work.
In the end, they are two human beings brought together by different goals.
The prospectvie couple should share the same values and bury any hipocrisy with regard to the hobby.

Whoring for the lady can be empowering, liberating, and offer indenpendence. It has for thousands of years.
Whoring for a man, well, we know that one...lol

But, yes as long as the two people are on the same page on key issues, they should be ok. Trust and honesty, like in any relationship are paramount.

Is it possible, yes, absolutely.

Is it probable, no. But one can dream.
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Old 12-07-2015, 08:41 PM   #57
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I know of one couple that is happily married that met in the hobby. I was lucky enough to watch them fall in love and see the evolution of their relationship. It wasn't always pretty, but they made it work.

It happens more than you think. I've had two, and although the relationships ended, I do not regret either of them. I'm still friends with both....Whatever that's worth.
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Old 12-08-2015, 05:15 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi View Post
I know of one couple that is happily married that met in the hobby. I was lucky enough to watch them fall in love and see the evolution of their relationship. It wasn't always pretty, but they made it work.

It happens more than you think. I've had two, and although the relationships ended, I do not regret either of them. I'm still friends with both....Whatever that's worth.
A friend of the family, married a girl who used to work in a brothel. They have been married for over 15 years closer to 20 and are perfectly happpy.

You'd never know by looking at her that she used to work. Once she left, she never looked back. The guy is a blue collar type but she didn't care. He makes enough along with her regular job they are fine.

They seem to have a better relationship than most 'traditional' ones that I have seen.

Yes, they met at 'work'.

On the flip side, wrt to a normal relationship, another buddy of mine married a hot bleached blonde with fake tits who after 10 years decided that she was too young to take care of an invalid and needed someone to take care of her. This guy just had a nerve problem in a leg and was no invalid. Additionally, he had lost his job and was finding it hard to get a new one that met his criteria. Leg is so-so now, and he got another 100k job. He's from South America and I told him that's what he got for marrying a white girl...lol.

However, with this 'civilian girl' who showed a true whore mentality, well,....money gone, whore gone.
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