Originally Posted by Mata Leon
LMFAO.. you wish you did.. you will see me you little pussy and NOT OFF GUARD. I ll keep you posted. and don't act fucking tough you little sissy, you target providers like a bitch and then send me a pm .. I DONT WANT TO FIGHT.. well I see why you got you ass handed to you after robbing the wrong provider. I told you before punk, you can say what ever you want on here, but we will see if your ball ever dropped,
Oh yeah isn't that what you JUST said earlier in the alert buddy? I got my ass whooped BY a provider lol I think that's funny how you forget to mention that my "ass whooping" was done by a female in this discussion. Like I said before I will say for you AGAIN bird brain, my ass was never whooped by a provider lol and IF it was, doesn't that make me a better man than you? For idk letting my ass get whooped and not, idk I guess taking on a woman like a real challenge like maybe idk a pussy like you would do. Mata you have my number and you have had it for a while now

my phone lines are on 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Sack up and take care of business already