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Old 11-07-2015, 01:39 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
STFU, fuck you have been everywhere according to your bragging ass. I heard the many times Bush told Saddam we were coming. It was all over the news, hell the news media was in Baghdad when the first strike occurred. We got to see it in real time.
He's got cobwebs in the cabeza as old gay rey would say. JD is like Forrest Fucking Gump, stumbled into every major military action in the last 50 years.
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Old 11-07-2015, 01:39 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Followed it back and it definitely shows you're full of shit. Looks like you NEED some laxatives...

You're unable to follow a simple train of thought. You're a perfect example of republitards; alway whining, never doing shit about it.
You're a fucking liar, sewer rat, and a perfect example of how libtards keep on lying even when you smack them in the face with the truth. You squirmed because you looked stupid claiming Hamas isn't a terrorist group. So you tried to jump the tracks and switch topics in post #145. Go back and follow the posting sequence again, dickwad. That's what you like to do anyway - either go backwards or around in circles. It's your favorite activity after sucking cocks.
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Old 11-07-2015, 01:45 AM   #168
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You're a fucking liar, sewer rat, and a perfect example of how libtards keep on lying even when you smack them in the face with the truth. You squirmed because you looked stupid claiming Hamas isn't a terrorist group. So you tried to jump the tracks and switch topics in post #145. Go back and follow the posting sequence again, dipshit. That's what you like to do anyway - either go backwards or around in circles. It's your favorite activity after sucking cocks.
You're the one who's got gay rey going in circles down at the dingleberry farm, solely to satiate your desire for crusty turd fingers and dingleberry pie. I didn't squirm shit. Hamas has a military wing that is a terrorist organization. There are countries that label the entire organization terrorist and there are countries that single out the military wing as the terrorist organization. At least be intellectually honest about it, shitstain.

Someone else mentioned presidential popularity, in between your posts on self flagellation and general turdbuggery. Am I not allowed to comment on someone else's post now? Go fuck yourself you degenerate cock gobbler. I'm sure gay rey should be around any minute with a fresh slice of dingleberry pie for you. He'd probably put a little dollop of 'cream' on top if'n you ask real nice.

You're a perfect example of a cunt.
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Old 11-07-2015, 10:24 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
No, it's not. It's funny to watch you try and school someone on writing though. Site the information that proves your point or STFU.
"Site" the information? Or do you want him to cite the site of the information?

The freelance faggot from Arkansas is in dire need of spelling and writing lessons. Here's my favorite example of his mastery of Ingles:

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You're illiteracy is rearing its ugly head again.

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Old 11-07-2015, 10:55 AM   #170
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
STFU, fuck you have been everywhere according to your bragging ass. I heard the many times Bush told Saddam we were coming. It was all over the news, hell the news media was in Baghdad when the first strike occurred. We got to see it in real time.
I'll take your words and shove up them up your sorry sagging ass. I was awakened at 0400 on the 18th of January to hear the captain announce that we had started the air war on Iraq. Our location? About 40 miles off the coast of Kuwait. So why don't you do a turn around have the Nazi Baby Killer pump some protein into your ass. Call it brain food.

I'm sure that some lame ass idiot will see that I wrote 18 January instead of 17 January. Before you have an orgasm, it was the 18th of January in the Gulf and the 17th of January in the United States.

Look at that...I just saved EVA, TIMMIE, and the NBK from making fools of themselves. I must be a nice guy.


1990s and fate[edit]

She departed from Norfolk in August 1990, under the command of Captain Chuck Saffell, to deploy to the Persian Gulf for Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, with less than a month's notice. When her crew received notice of the deployment the boilers and electrical generators were torn down for a long term overhaul. Many in the engineering department worked a full day to return two hours later for a following day.
On 2 January 1991, the Guam along with the USS Trenton were dispatched from anchorage off Oman to Somalia to airlift the US embassy in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, which had been suddenly enveloped by violence when rebels entered the city and the central government collapsed. On 5–6 January, 281 US and foreign nationals were airlifted from the embassy, including all of the embassy's staff along with diplomats from several nations (notably, the Soviet ambassador to Somalia and 38 Soviet diplomats). The vessels returned to Oman and the evacuees disembarked on 11 January, ending Operation Eastern Exit.[3]
In 1993, she won the Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award for the Atlantic Fleet.
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Old 11-07-2015, 11:33 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
... I didn't squirm shit. Hamas has a military wing that is a terrorist organization. There are countries that label the entire organization terrorist and there are countries that single out the military wing as the terrorist organization.
How very "nuanced" of you to make that distinction, sewer rat! Too bad Odumbo, Hildabeast and John Kerry don't appreciate nuances like you do. Keep on making the case for them to split hairs, though. Then they can start pouring our taxpayer dollars into Hamas' coffers and claim it doesn't finance terrorism. Just like they give taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood and claim it doesn't fund abortions.

Isn't it amazing what you can do once you gain a proper appreciation for "nuances"? Libtards love to duck responsibility - and nuances can let anyone or everyone off the hook. Iran doesn't sponsor terrorism - that's just the Revolutionary Guards. How about this one - the US didn't invade Iraq in 2003, that was just our "military arm." Fucking rogues. Ooops. ISIS didn't blow up that Russian airliner, it was the military arm of its Sinai affiliate... so let's be careful not to label them all terrorists!

Squirming again, sewer rat?
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Old 11-07-2015, 12:16 PM   #172
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I'll take your words and shove up them up your sorry sagging ass. I was awakened at 0400 on the 18th of January to hear the captain announce that we had started the air war on Iraq. Our location? About 40 miles off the coast of Kuwait. So why don't you do a turn around have the Nazi Baby Killer pump some protein into your ass. Call it brain food.

I'm sure that some lame ass idiot will see that I wrote 18 January instead of 17 January. Before you have an orgasm, it was the 18th of January in the Gulf and the 17th of January in the United States.

Look at that...I just saved EVA, TIMMIE, and the NBK from making fools of themselves. I must be a nice guy.


1990s and fate[edit]

She departed from Norfolk in August 1990, under the command of Captain Chuck Saffell, to deploy to the Persian Gulf for Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, with less than a month's notice. When her crew received notice of the deployment the boilers and electrical generators were torn down for a long term overhaul. Many in the engineering department worked a full day to return two hours later for a following day.
On 2 January 1991, the Guam along with the USS Trenton were dispatched from anchorage off Oman to Somalia to airlift the US embassy in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, which had been suddenly enveloped by violence when rebels entered the city and the central government collapsed. On 5–6 January, 281 US and foreign nationals were airlifted from the embassy, including all of the embassy's staff along with diplomats from several nations (notably, the Soviet ambassador to Somalia and 38 Soviet diplomats). The vessels returned to Oman and the evacuees disembarked on 11 January, ending Operation Eastern Exit.[3]
In 1993, she won the Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award for the Atlantic Fleet.

Is you ass fettish a carry over from your Navy days judy? Seeing you did not address anything on my post you did not save anything. Just blowing hot air as usual. With the obligatory look at me, look at me.
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Old 11-07-2015, 01:18 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
"Site" the information? Or do you want him to cite the site of the information?

The freelance faggot from Arkansas is in dire need of spelling and writing lessons. Here's my favorite example of his mastery of Ingles:

It was 2 in the morning, you degenerate turd burglar. I notice you didn't address the issue, though. Nice try, shitbird. You're in dire need of a dingleberry pie, better call gay rey.
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Old 11-07-2015, 01:21 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
How very "nuanced" of you to make that distinction, sewer rat! Too bad Odumbo, Hildabeast and John Kerry don't appreciate nuances like you do. Keep on making the case for them to split hairs, though. Then they can start pouring our taxpayer dollars into Hamas' coffers and claim it doesn't finance terrorism. Just like they give taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood and claim it doesn't fund abortions.

Isn't it amazing what you can do once you gain a proper appreciation for "nuances"? Libtards love to duck responsibility - and nuances can let anyone or everyone off the hook. Iran doesn't sponsor terrorism - that's just the Revolutionary Guards. How about this one - the US didn't invade Iraq in 2003, that was just our "military arm." Fucking rogues. Ooops. ISIS didn't blow up that Russian airliner, it was the military arm of its Sinai affiliate... so let's be careful not to label them all terrorists!

Squirming again, sewer rat?
You lack anything resembling intellectual honesty. I referenced one thing. You extrapolated it out to represent other situations that I didn't reference and don't have anything to do with the original assertion. If you want to talk about each of those individually, so be it, otherwise, don't put words in my mouth. I'm not like gay rey, I don't like people sticking things in my mouth.
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Old 11-07-2015, 01:22 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I'll take your words and shove up them up your sorry sagging ass. I was awakened at 0400 on the 18th of January to hear the captain announce that we had started the air war on Iraq. Our location? About 40 miles off the coast of Kuwait. So why don't you do a turn around have the Nazi Baby Killer pump some protein into your ass. Call it brain food.

I'm sure that some lame ass idiot will see that I wrote 18 January instead of 17 January. Before you have an orgasm, it was the 18th of January in the Gulf and the 17th of January in the United States.

Look at that...I just saved EVA, TIMMIE, and the NBK from making fools of themselves. I must be a nice guy.


1990s and fate[edit]

She departed from Norfolk in August 1990, under the command of Captain Chuck Saffell, to deploy to the Persian Gulf for Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, with less than a month's notice. When her crew received notice of the deployment the boilers and electrical generators were torn down for a long term overhaul. Many in the engineering department worked a full day to return two hours later for a following day.
On 2 January 1991, the Guam along with the USS Trenton were dispatched from anchorage off Oman to Somalia to airlift the US embassy in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, which had been suddenly enveloped by violence when rebels entered the city and the central government collapsed. On 5–6 January, 281 US and foreign nationals were airlifted from the embassy, including all of the embassy's staff along with diplomats from several nations (notably, the Soviet ambassador to Somalia and 38 Soviet diplomats). The vessels returned to Oman and the evacuees disembarked on 11 January, ending Operation Eastern Exit.[3]
In 1993, she won the Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award for the Atlantic Fleet.
How does you being there make you an expert?
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Old 11-07-2015, 03:29 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
It was 2 in the morning, you degenerate turd burglar.
So what? You're out there correcting everyone else's spelling and grammar 24/7. And you think you get a pass for your own sloppy writing because it's 2am? Doesn't work that way, sperm burper.

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You lack anything resembling intellectual honesty. I referenced one thing. You extrapolated it out to represent other situations that I didn't reference and don't have anything to do with the original assertion.
Hahahaha.... of course I anticipated this typical libtard response. You lay down a principle and then squirm when someone applies the same principle to other situations you didn't think of. Then you want to claim the right to decide when and where that principle applies.

If you libtards had anything resembling intellectual honesty, you would admit you're nothing but a bunch of fucking fascists. If you could, you would apply the Bill of Rights selectively to like-minded libtard fascists only. You would say things like "Freedom of speech? You mustn't extrapolate it out to represent other situations that I didn't reference."

Libtard thinking exposed again.

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Old 11-07-2015, 05:02 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Is you ass fettish a carry over from your Navy days judy? Seeing you did not address anything on my post you did not save anything. Just blowing hot air as usual. With the obligatory look at me, look at me.

You're forcing me to add you to the dimwitted list.
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Old 11-07-2015, 07:12 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You're forcing me to add you to the dimwitted list.
Your name has been at the top of that puppy for some time judy.
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Old 11-09-2015, 05:21 AM   #179
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When will the invasion force of 50 from the U.S. arrive in Syria?
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Old 11-09-2015, 09:03 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
So what? You're out there correcting everyone else's spelling and grammar 24/7. And you think you get a pass for your own sloppy writing because it's 2am? Doesn't work that way, sperm burper.

Hahahaha.... of course I anticipated this typical libtard response. You lay down a principle and then squirm when someone applies the same principle to other situations you didn't think of. Then you want to claim the right to decide when and where that principle applies.

If you libtards had anything resembling intellectual honesty, you would admit you're nothing but a bunch of fucking fascists. If you could, you would apply the Bill of Rights selectively to like-minded libtard fascists only. You would say things like "Freedom of speech? You mustn't extrapolate it out to represent other situations that I didn't reference."

Libtard thinking exposed again.

Now who can argue with that?

You've jammed a lot of frustration into that post, Junior. Still bristling over your omission from both popularity polls again? hMmm?
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