Well I was thinking maybe under each hobbyists profile they could already have a list of their references with contact information & all boards/sites they belong to with handle, & reviews theyve given? So I guess what i meant by screening was more along the lines of establishing their credibility and then being able to easily access additional info one may need... Sorry didnt clarify in my post.

Just a thought. Also tracking wise i just meant if its a map like structure. If a hobbyist is in a time crunch i can see how knowing what providers are available close by would be beneficial, but it would probably be safer to have just a list and then it can be filtered by distance,rating,etc to get the best fit within a certain mile radius. Also what I meant by boards/sites that a provider could link one ad to is maybe the top 10 boards+?
So when a provider initially creates a profile in the app it will ask for their login credentials to whatever board they already belongl. Maybe eccie, TER,P411,CityVibe,Datecheck,Er os etc.. I am sure thats probably tricky for a developer to do... but it would definitely be awesome.