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Old 08-27-2015, 05:30 AM   #16
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Couple things:
Lee_Lucas, did you write the review before, or after Talia texted she would not recommend you anymore?
Talia, instead of texting Lee to tell him you wouldn't recommend him anymore, did you think to ask him "what's up" to get his side of why he didn't respond the day before?

Talia, you've been here providing for a while and this may be your first "No" review...and it may have come as a shock to you, just guessing. As to why he didn't respond to your texts, only he can answer that. And, bringing up his race was not necessary...there are jerks of every race, color, religion here.

Just from years of experience here, my perspective is: when a Provider posts a thread bringing attention to a "No" review, it does more harm to the Provider than good. Had the client threatened you, not paid, etc. it would have been warranted on your part to never recommend him, even post in the Alerts about possible danger. It doesn't seem to be the case here; you two just didn't seem to click...or communicate.
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Old 08-27-2015, 01:03 PM   #17
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I am not spiteful just baffled.

If we had no chemistry why did he book another session with me while in session? If he had no chemistry with me why would you use me as a reference to another provider?

And why is it after I say you may not use me as a reference do I get a no?

I'm not spiteful...he isn't my first NCNS. I really just want to know if I got a "no" because we had no chemistry or because I wouldn't let you use me as reference.

That is all.
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Old 09-30-2015, 07:13 PM   #18
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Old 09-30-2015, 10:18 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Talia of Dallas View Post
I am not spiteful just baffled.

If we had no chemistry why did he book another session with me while in session? I would say this in the session to "encourage" excitement for a better current session, but I would say it not thinking it would be added to outlook calendar quite yet.If he had no chemistry with me why would you use me as a reference to another provider? I would do so if I felt you thought I was an ok guy (safe, polite, clean, on time w full donation, etc... and the chemistry part would be low priority relative to a referece

And why is it after I say you may not use me as a reference do I get a no? Personally my decision about the rating of a session is made right after it concludes, perhaps he is the same way. With that in mind, I suspect it was a case of timing, you said no reference from me prior to him writing the review with a no. BUT, the review and the no would have been done either way.

I'm not spiteful...he isn't my first NCNS. I really just want to know if I got a "no" because we had no chemistry or because I wouldn't let you use me as reference.

You aren't acting spiteful IMHO; and I have no issues with you, just sharing from my perspective what he MIGHT be thinking, to what I would have been thinking if I did the same

That is all.
If I were pretending that it was me that did the things you mention it would probably be for the reasons in red. And to your final question, I would suggest he gave the no due to no chemistry which happens more often than mentioned on this board I bet, sometimes because the guys don't want to hurt the provider and/or get slammed by others.
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Old 10-01-2015, 08:32 AM   #20
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This has been said before ,,,,, No reviews should be for providers that say 100 lbs and are 300 when you get there, very old pictures etc not just no chemistry.
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Old 10-01-2015, 09:32 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
This has been said before ,,,,, No reviews should be for providers that say 100 lbs and are 300 when you get there, very old pictures etc not just no chemistry.
I'm new here...But completely agree....After all the yes reviews....I believe a lack of "chemistry" can be as much the John's fault as the providers. That said, I agree some people don't play well with others but before I gave a chick her first "no" review, I would look long and hard at myself....just sayin

Let me please also remind the ladies. A lot of guys use a hobby phone, myself included, and don't check text, voicemail, or email but maybe once or twice a week (if that). So you can send me all the correspondence you want but there's a good chance you aren't getting a quick response unless I'm expecting to hear from you.
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Old 10-01-2015, 09:39 AM   #22
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Where is the "Taint" expert when we need him?
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Old 10-01-2015, 10:31 AM   #23
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Well after reading through this there are a few issues here that have been pointed out but I'll re-cap.

1) Just because you get a NO review isn't the end of the world. its if it becomes a trend is where the problem surfaces. Most hobbyist can read through the lines and can make an informed decision if it should have been a yes review or if the hobbyist is just being a picky asshole. No's can come for a variety of reasons such as no chemistry, a bad session, upselling, rushing, bait & switch, hygeine etc.

2) I have seen providers I personally would not see again, but I reccommend them to other hobbyist because the provider offers services he may enjoy. Just because you didn't get have a good session with him doesn't mean he shouldn't use you as a reference. Just be truthful about your experience so the other person knows what to expect and she can make her own decision on whether to see him or not.

3) If I'm understanding correctly, he scheduled with you for a second visit but did not establish any communication with you actually setting up a time of the appointment. Not an NC/NS. It doesn't sound like there was a time established. Maybe you held on to that in your mind but if you tried to contact him the day prior AND the day of and got no response, that should have been an indicator that nothing was going to happen. Feel free to schedule someone else at that point. This exact scenario has happened to me as recently as yesterday. I had a 2pm appt, I called a few hours to confirm and no answer. Guess what I did? I moved on and found someone else, she did text me 2 hours later to apologize but whats done is done. I'll just remember that next time.

As far as the whole race card goes...That shit really needs to stop. That had nothing to do with this situation. That horse has been beaten, stomped, kicked and burned. Actually I'm not even going to touch that subject.

Bottom line is you guys didn't sync, he wrote a no but it really won't ruin your reputation. This whole thing could have been resolved with a simple text response to Talia though.
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Old 11-04-2015, 10:05 AM   #24
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This guy ncns me this morning as well so maybe he does like to play games idk his refs checked out for me also

I hope he is okay and nothing bad happened other than that I'm a little pissed
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Old 11-04-2015, 09:06 PM   #25
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I'd really love to know who this guys "hobby friends" are
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Old 11-05-2015, 05:07 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by txboi817 View Post
Well after reading through this there are a few issues here that have been pointed out but I'll re-cap.

1) Just because you get a NO review isn't the end of the world. its if it becomes a trend is where the problem surfaces. Most hobbyist can read through the lines and can make an informed decision if it should have been a yes review or if the hobbyist is just being a picky asshole. No's can come for a variety of reasons such as no chemistry, a bad session, upselling, rushing, bait & switch, hygeine etc.

2) I have seen providers I personally would not see again, but I reccommend them to other hobbyist because the provider offers services he may enjoy. Just because you didn't get have a good session with him doesn't mean he shouldn't use you as a reference. Just be truthful about your experience so the other person knows what to expect and she can make her own decision on whether to see him or not.

3) If I'm understanding correctly, he scheduled with you for a second visit but did not establish any communication with you actually setting up a time of the appointment. Not an NC/NS. It doesn't sound like there was a time established. Maybe you held on to that in your mind but if you tried to contact him the day prior AND the day of and got no response, that should have been an indicator that nothing was going to happen. Feel free to schedule someone else at that point. This exact scenario has happened to me as recently as yesterday. I had a 2pm appt, I called a few hours to confirm and no answer. Guess what I did? I moved on and found someone else, she did text me 2 hours later to apologize but whats done is done. I'll just remember that next time.

As far as the whole race card goes...That shit really needs to stop. That had nothing to do with this situation. That horse has been beaten, stomped, kicked and burned. Actually I'm not even going to touch that subject.

Bottom line is you guys didn't sync, he wrote a no but it really won't ruin your reputation. This whole thing could have been resolved with a simple text response to Talia though.
I Totally agree with this.

Race has nothing to do with it. What the OP described as a NCNS is not really a NCNS. An appointment is not an appointment until it is confirmed by both parties either the day before and/or the same day, regardless of what is talked about a week or longer beforehand.

It appears that the guy said he wanted to her again at the time of the first appointment, but because he did not feel there was any chemistry between them, he simply did not reply to her on confirmation. He could have said "no thanks", but no response basically says the same thing.
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Old 11-05-2015, 05:45 AM   #27
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This guy is a stalker douchebag and now I can see why the op said that... I'd really like his "hobby friends" to come forward here.
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Old 11-05-2015, 06:18 AM   #28
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Lambs to sacrifice?
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