Originally Posted by The Player
Dude you guys are dogging Night Flight about what he did but he told the truth about so much if you only knew.
There are lots of guys out there who know the truth so if I were a white knight, I would be careful about getting caught being just that and defending a lie.
Trust me, there is proof about several people out there and Night Flight just exposed the folks he used to religiously defend.
RR always has some usefull info but he also almost always has an agenda. The key to giving a shit is based on the topic and thread. If its just guys asking questions and getting answers he's good for that. The shit he spewed here really served non of us. So what she got busted in another state, how does that effect us? Her phone was compromised-again I care why?
Now if I lived down there and had seen her or was thinking of seeing her and posted for some info about her then that would have been useful info to me. Here in Dallas it was nothing more then hateful spewing. As you mentioned he was WK'ing before so you can't take this little weasel too seriously. It's almost always agenda driven.
Rick has always been caught up in his own self importance and how badly the board needs him.
He also continues to try and date hookers and continues to get rejected at some point. This is the 3rd or 4th I can think of in the last few years. In every case he goes from WK's sick love child to rejected stalker hate monger.