I've received messages from a couple of well-known and respected providers regarding a hobbiest who they and a few others have backed away from seeing due to several ranting and borderline threatening e-mails to them. I'm trying this first to try to mediate the situation if you will, and not using names yet.
Disagreements between hobbyists and providers will happen. Being late, no-shows, poor service, poor conduct happens, and it's one thing to perhaps argue back and forth, but trying to solicit RL infro from other providers on an individual is crossing the line; it smacks of stalking. Not cool. I recently had issues with a provider online here; we bandied back and forth, and then were done with it once it was out of our system. No harm, no foul. However, I would not attempt to find out who she really is to harass her further. Like any of us, the job ends when we go home! Family time is family time.
So my fellow hobbiest, I hope you take this in the light it was intended. The ladies are talking to each other; they guys will if necessary, and if needed the moderators will be brought in. In many ways, we are one large, albeit dysfunctional family. Don't fuck it up!