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Old 10-20-2015, 02:22 PM   #31
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Default Oh, please. The guy's obviously a fucking dunce.

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
If you honestly think he doesn't know when the market crashed, we don't have anything to talk about. Go give a thousand interviews and don't make any mistakes, then come talk to me.
Carefully parsing words, are you?

Since Biden didn't say what year the stock market crashed, perhaps he could ponder the issue for a minute and come up with "1929." But he clearly didn't know who was president at the time, and was blissfully unaware of the rather obvious fact that the public didn't watch presidents (or anyone else) on TV in those days.

That's close to Jay Leno "jaywalking" territory. At the very least, he's in Sarah Palin territory.

But if it gives you a Chris Matthews-style thrill up your leg to keep on telling us that Biden's no bonehead, go right ahead!
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Old 10-20-2015, 04:11 PM   #32
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There are two scary issues that no one has mentioned yet. The first being Biden's age. If he is elected, there is a better than good chance he could be incapacitated or dead during his term. The nation would then be left with a successive president that none of us voted for. There is a 50-50 chance of that scenario sending the country down the toilet. The second issue is the opportunity to name at least one if not two supreme court justices. There are enough people that are hard right and left on the court now. This country needs a justice that will look through all the bullshit presented the court and rule strictly on constitutionality of the cases. Federal powers are becoming exorbitant and need to be rained in. Biden is more likely than not to appoint hard left leaning justices, which would be detrimental to the country.
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Old 10-21-2015, 07:34 AM   #33
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Now comes word that Biden is eager to enter the national security debate, whether or not he decides to formally announce his presidential candidacy.

But he began debating with ... himself!

Yesterday he commented on how he urged the Big O to aggressively take out Bin Laden as soon as the opportunity seemed to have presented itself, but he's on record as having said something altogether different shortly after the decisive act was undertaken.

Now that's real leadership!

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Old 10-21-2015, 11:20 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post

I say he's in. I read an article where some famous dead politician stated "The only cure for presidential ambitions is embalming fluid."br />
Joe wants it, this is his last chance at it, and he senses that there are a lot of fence-sitters in relation to Hillary right now who recognize that someone who is an admitted socialist is not going to be elected POTUS and who have no other alternative to Hillary.
Wrong again...
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Old 10-21-2015, 11:29 AM   #35
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Well, damn! And just when I thought the campaign was going to get a lot more entertaining. I guess Biden realizes that he's already said and done enough embarrassing stuff for one lifetime, starting with the collapse of his 1988 presidential run amid revelations of plagiarism.

But I can't say that I blame him for deciding to bail.
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Old 10-21-2015, 05:17 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Ex-CEO View Post
Well, damn! And just when I thought the campaign was going to get a lot more entertaining. I guess Biden realizes that he's already said and done enough embarrassing stuff for one lifetime, starting with the collapse of his 1988 presidential run amid revelations of plagiarism

But I can't say that I blame him for deciding to bail.
I can't either but....he's still a BOZO

I actually admired him when he first made the scene. He was on Nightline just about every night during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. He was younger then and seemed to have it all together. I also voted for Jimmy Carter back then but not the second time. Just like I voted for BO the first time but not the second time.

There are a lot of good things about him but he's just been around so long that the other things he's done and said over the years are just too nuts....just like Hillary. We need new young blood for these times. No socialists, no commies, no Hillary, no BOZOs

Rubio/Fiorina 2016
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Old 10-21-2015, 05:30 PM   #37
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Spot on.

Fox is reporting now that he is in.
Funny, I was watching Fox and I didn't hear them say that Biden was in. Are you making up stories again or are you misrepresenting what someone like Krauthammer or Hume said. Which, if you're interested, is that likely Biden is leaving a door open for a draft Biden movement or to be there in case Hillary goes down. That is what they really said. Stop trying it get everyone wee weed up with lies.

I also take it that NBK, Timmie, and was it EVA have now gone full Biden and anti Hillary. Is that the way it is now?

I do agree with Krauthammer and Hume that this is Biden's last chance. He can't catch Hillary in the conventional way but if something trips her up then the democrats don't want a socialist to lead the way (it gives the dems a bad name) to the trash heap of history in 2016. So they need a plan B if you will. A savior to replace the monarch and to continue the great works of the supreme dictator. There is only one choice at that time; Biden the Bland.
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Old 10-21-2015, 05:31 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by ggew44 View Post
There are two scary issues that no one has mentioned yet. The first being Biden's age. If he is elected, there is a better than good chance he could be incapacitated or dead during his term. The nation would then be left with a successive president that none of us voted for. There is a 50-50 chance of that scenario sending the country down the toilet. The second issue is the opportunity to name at least one if not two supreme court justices. There are enough people that are hard right and left on the court now. This country needs a justice that will look through all the bullshit presented the court and rule strictly on constitutionality of the cases. Federal powers are becoming exorbitant and need to be rained in. Biden is more likely than not to appoint hard left leaning justices, which would be detrimental to the country.
Biden did have brain surgery a few years ago.... it didn't help.
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Old 10-21-2015, 05:36 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Again, if you honestly think he doesn't know who the president was when the market crashed, you're a fucking moron. Roosevelt led us out of the Depression. It was obvious he was referring to that. You don't like him, so you hear what you want to hear. Did he misspeak? Yes. So what?
What they are trying to tell you oh dunce a lot. Is that Biden didn't mention the year which was 1929 and the Roosevelt went on TV to talk about it. Roosevelt wasn't the president until 1933 and TV was still a few years in the future. Maybe Marty McFly and Doc Brown were nearby.

You think Biden knew something without any proof, you didn't know who the president was, and you didn't know that the TV was not out for the public (I say this because you're a known flea picker and will probably find that someone was working on a prototype in 1933).
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Old 10-21-2015, 06:11 PM   #40
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

I also take it that NBK, Timmie, and was it EVA have now gone full Biden and anti Hillary. Is that the way it is now?
Making statements like this shows how truly stupid you are.
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Old 10-21-2015, 06:30 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Making statements like this shows how truly stupid you are.


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