Dallassss, I have no question that you get the rates you ask for because you have all the qualities of what men would look for and who they think will have a good time. You're young, attractive and has great assets.

Now just because some providers have lower rates doesn't mean that they will attract lesser quality clientele. Yes, I agree , sometimes, quality comes with a price but Target would never be as successful as Walmart because their business model is not about being the lowest priced retailer and on the same token, walmart would not be the biggest damn retailer in the WORLD ( Target always wanted to be that but could not) if they stray away from their current business structure.
Not everyone that goes to Walmart is a cheapskate and a horrible, rude, stinking person that makes $2/ hour and not everyone that goes to Target smells great, are polite and makes $100k a year. My point is, yes , some providers, like Selena, can definitely get away with charging what you're charging ( I know coz I've seen her and she's worth it) and to your point, they probably should but Selena's business model is not that. I've seen her and I don't consider myself as rude, impolite, or making anywhere close to $2/ hour.
It's a simple capitalist democratic model. One can charge whatever they think they're worth for their time, but just shouldn't chide others that don't follow suit.
We're in a smaller market here in AR compared to our surrounding area like Tulsa or Dallas so it's harder for some to raise rates and still make a living and enjoy it.
I'm sure you're definitely worth every bit you ask but I know for sure someone like Selena is too( I've seen her twice and she's the bomb)!
Just my $0.02. Sorry if I offended anyone.