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Old 10-09-2015, 12:07 PM   #1
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Default Wake-up call

I know that the men who need to understand this either won't or just don't give a shit, but I'm going to say it anyway. My intention is not to talk down on any women, it's a wake-up call to reality.

There are free and cheap advertising venues all over, so why would any women choose to walk the streets in the heat, rain, cold and snow? One who fits into one or multiple catagories:
  • She is desperate
  • Someone is making her
  • She needs her medicine
  • She is homeless
  • She is an underage runaway, or at least started out that way.
  • She is taking huge risks, risks that affect both of you
  • she has serious mental health issues
  • she has been raped or abused by men who pick her up on a somewhat regular basis
    The list could go on, but you get my point.

Those horrible statistics all of us incorrectly get lumped into are fairly accurate about street life. I'm sorry to bring up such an icky subject, but felt compelled to share what some men sadly haven't thought about. Just a quick reality check on how selfish it is of you to take advantage of people who ARE the victims in this hobby and to get off at their expense. To those of you who have not seen streetwalkers in KC, they are nothing like in the movies. They could be easily confused for a homeless person if they weren't doing the sway and looking at every male that comes by.

So, for future reference, the next time you get on here and talk about seeing sw's know that there is no longer a pink elephant in the corner. I personally think of you as a predator, preying on the weak and hope that others will as well.

You can disagree with me all day long, but I know what I know and will call a spade when I see one.

If ya really just liked to walk or enjoyed street life...would you choose KC?
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Old 10-09-2015, 12:39 PM   #2
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Absolutely agree Ari....I believe some guys do it for the thrill.
It very dangerous from a getting busted standpoint to a lifelong disease issue.

Then there is the whole being pimped (controlled) thing to girls who use sw as a way to support their vices....coming from a LE background I have had conversations with these women and tried to help many...but in alot of cases mental illness and vices are in control.

Its a bad game to play.

I see the thrill/illusion in it for some guys...some guys have this fantasy of driving down the road seeing a walking vagina and the thrill of the pick up and having a quickie....

Now I will say when I am driving my Mercedes through JoCo and I see a hot girl jogging I think to my self DAMN...wish I could hit that. But that's just a fantasy that aint happening!

SW are way different...they are not in a good place and why see a SW when you have the ability to be safer (yes pay more) and not risk your life or freedom.
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Old 10-09-2015, 07:22 PM   #3
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Nice post, Ari.
Originally Posted by BigDeal View Post
...when I am driving my Mercedes through JoCo and I see a hot girl jogging I think to my self DAMN...wish I could hit that. But that's just a fantasy that aint happening!
What a coincidence, BD! I do the same thing when driving my Ford Fairlane in WyCo!!
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Old 10-09-2015, 07:42 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs View Post
Nice post, Ari.What a coincidence, BD! I do the same thing when driving my Ford Fairlane in WyCo!!
Hey I grew up in one of those...in WYCO

Her name was Lori and she like to have sex in the back seat of that car while I was driving

Ok back to Ari's post...sorry Arianna... Wizard hijacked ya and then drug me in with him
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Old 10-09-2015, 09:31 PM   #5
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Well said once again Ari. Nobody walks the streets because they want to. For me it makes me sad to see how awry a life has gone for a woman to be in a place where survival, exploitation, mental illness or substance abuse drives them to the streets. I just don't see the draw.
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Old 10-09-2015, 09:47 PM   #6
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Bravo! Well Said.
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Old 10-09-2015, 10:33 PM   #7
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Nice thread Ari. Agree 100%.

But I must confess, I thought you were offering wake up calls with the title of your post. There goes my mind again.
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Old 10-09-2015, 11:07 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Ari816 View Post
I know that the men who need to understand this either won't or just don't give a shit, but I'm going to say it anyway. My intention is not to talk down on any women, it's a wake-up call to reality.

There are free and cheap advertising venues all over, so why would any women choose to walk the streets in the heat, rain, cold and snow? One who fits into one or multiple catagories:
  • She is desperate
  • Someone is making her
  • She needs her medicine
  • She is homeless
  • She is an underage runaway, or at least started out that way.
  • She is taking huge risks, risks that affect both of you
  • she has serious mental health issues
  • she has been raped or abused by men who pick her up on a somewhat regular basis
    The list could go on, but you get my point.

Those horrible statistics all of us incorrectly get lumped into are fairly accurate about street life. I'm sorry to bring up such an icky subject, but felt compelled to share what some men sadly haven't thought about. Just a quick reality check on how selfish it is of you to take advantage of people who ARE the victims in this hobby and to get off at their expense. To those of you who have not seen streetwalkers in KC, they are nothing like in the movies. They could be easily confused for a homeless person if they weren't doing the sway and looking at every male that comes by.

So, for future reference, the next time you get on here and talk about seeing sw's know that there is no longer a pink elephant in the corner. I personally think of you as a predator, preying on the weak and hope that others will as well.

You can disagree with me all day long, but I know what I know and will call a spade when I see one.

If ya really just liked to walk or enjoyed street life...would you choose KC?
Fucking genius, per usual coming from you my dear.
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Old 10-10-2015, 12:20 AM   #9
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Thanks for the insights, Arianna!

As Bbell intimated, I thought I was here for a different kind of wake-up call with Arianna too. Great minds think alike (in the gutter).
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Old 10-10-2015, 09:23 AM   #10
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Let the bashing begin... many will not like this.

Along the same lines are AMP. These women come here on promises of gainful employment only to have their passports and documents taken by the scum bags who fronted the expenses for their travel. Lacking English skills and without any documents they are forced into prostitution as a way to pay off their "debt."

Do you really think these women came here knowing that they would be forced into prostitution, working all day, seeing up to 20 johns a day and living in cramped quarters that are shared with a dozen other girls.

Their crappy apartments and food are then added onto their debt so they have no way to escape.
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Old 10-10-2015, 10:31 AM   #11
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Bigmike is correct. The line between a 'happy hooker' and a victim is not crisp and sharp. Its very blurry.

Amp - Probably somebody being exploited.
Agencies - Many take a large cut.
National Agencies - You know the ones based out of Miami, where the website rates how good the girls english is. Again somebody is likely exploited.
Pimps - Obvious exploitation...what isn't so obvious is which girls are pimped.
Vices - Sometimes its very clear that your cash is just going towards feeding a girl's problem.

I don't think you can monger for very long, without eventually contributing to the exploitation of somebody. Sooner or later we will all get that sinking feeling that something isn't 'right' when a girls 'ride' picks her up, etc.

And frankly, for years people have quipped that SW have gone to the internet, so there is certainly overlap...even girls who have been reviewed as both SW and Escort on this board, if you look hard enough. And a couple of the girls on this board....I would classify as homeless - quite literally screwing to pay the day's hotel bill, and not living anywhere in particular other than a string of hotel rooms.

So I guess everyone has a stopping point. A guy might see no problem at all seeing a hot 19 y/o elf, who travels up here all the way from NO, does all the 'nasty stuff', and quite literally has a pimp named Santa for crying out loud....yet be utterly repulsed by the notion of seeing a SW.

Its all a matter of degree
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Old 10-10-2015, 11:01 AM   #12
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Fantastic responses.

This is why I love KC MEN!!! By far the majority of men are gentleman who adore women and treat us like queens. I promise I would not play in the hobby if I were being mistreated. No way. To be honest, I think I've only had 1 NCNS, only an occassional arrogant jerk, who I ask politely to leave, and have never had anyone harm or attempt to physically harm me. I've had a couple of sketchy situations, but literally a couple and I get the fuck away, no questions, no care about donations...always my safety first.


Because I don't make a good target. I won't tolerate it and I would certainly involve LE, hotel, whatever before I would risk my safety. My point, the women on the street are set up to be preyed upon, just like the women who trafficked in, and the people who see them are contributing to the cycle of violence, abuse, and all the crime that comes with it.

I am absolutely for women making their own choices, but what I'm trying to say is that the women on the streets are not there by choice. I carry toiletries that I pick up from hotels and cheap gloves or hats to give to them when I decide to take an intentional ride down the stroll. I have talked to hundreds of women over the years and they almost always cry and flat out say they don't want to do this but are stuck. Giving them money doesn't help unfortunately because it doesn't go to them.

I contemplated if I should have posted this as it doesn't show the fun and playful side of me...however, I think a little meaningful dialogue is a good thing. Don't get me wrong...I much prefer to laugh about bloopers, but there was something posted the other day that made me think, "I'm not sure if everyone gets the reality of what's going on here." So I jumped on the cell from my cozy bed and spit it out. Just so anyone reading can't say they didn't know.

I don't talk about it much, but am very involved internationally with organizations who try to educate people and influence laws on why decriminalization or legalization would be a good thing for public health and safety, as well as sex worker's rights.

Someone posted many years back that you can get a bj on Independence Ave for cheaper than a 6 pack of beer.

All levels of this industry are not the same and everyone is not in the game by choice. We as a community dictate what is and is not acceptable. We set the standards. Everyone plays the game a little different, variety is great, what I ask is that you try to choose women who are doing this by choice.

Supply and demand. If you stop the demand it will decrease the supply. You will also help all of us men and women from being clumped into the lie this country sells about independent sex workers and respectful hobbyists.

Yes, there is crossover...but let your conscious be your guide. It's pretty obvious if you open your eyes.

As far as being on the boards, there hasn't been a post yet from a SW arguing my point.

Ultimately, my goal is to educate so that we can work towards decriminalization/legalization because the women it hurts the most are the most vulnerable. As long as the US can keep the idea going that we are all like that, things will never change.
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Old 10-10-2015, 05:38 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC View Post
Let the bashing begin... many will not like this.

Along the same lines are AMP. These women come here on promises of gainful employment only to have their passports and documents taken by the scum bags who fronted the expenses for their travel. Lacking English skills and without any documents they are forced into prostitution as a way to pay off their "debt."

Do you really think these women came here knowing that they would be forced into prostitution, working all day, seeing up to 20 johns a day and living in cramped quarters that are shared with a dozen other girls.

Their crappy apartments and food are then added onto their debt so they have no way to escape.
True. The only thing I would add to this post is this - unlike the SW's, it's less obvious. I hit a few AMP's before the first big JoCo cleanout of them, and the resulting news articles were where I learned what the deal really was with AMP's. Since then I've avoided them.

I personally try to avoid anything that smells, sounds, looks, or feels pimpish - but as another poster said, nearly all of us have probably seen a pimped girl - without knowing. It's hard not to. One method that I have that has probably helped me more than anything is avoiding the really young ones. With few exceptions, I don't even bother looking at girls under, say, 25.
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Old 10-11-2015, 06:03 AM   #14
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well i agree with the op but....i have seen some of the ladies on eccie working the street...so there is that/ just saying
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Old 10-11-2015, 08:08 AM   #15
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And this again forces us to consider how GOVERNMENT CONTROLLRED AND REGULATED legalized prostitution would affect this issue. give notice to CONTROLLED AND REGULATED. Meaning workers would have to be state licensed and taxed, and periodically checked for violations of regulations. The girls in the legal Nevada brothels are there by choice. there was a time when they thought bootlegged alcohol was impossible to prevent, yet it has been.
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