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Old 09-26-2015, 10:18 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Dr. Grey View Post
But it's not a review though. Nothing happened and session didn't take place. So why is it in the review forum and others like it?

Please see the link I provided.

Are you saying you don't want coed to have ncns drama? It's really not as bad as u would think.

There is a complete difference if a guy had an hour session booked, but was asked to leave in 30 which would probably warrant a no recommendation. But if the session didn't take place, there really can't be a review let alone a recommendation. You guys could ruin the reputation of the providers before they even get started, and by keeping threads like that in the review thread doesn't even give them a chance to respond so mongers just say fuck it, money saved since a monger, a mod in this case, gave a no recommendation.
NCNS happens on both sides a good monger has a backup plan and sooner or later guys NCNS it just opens up a can of worms. Go home rub one off and drink a beer forget about getting even in a review or what not. The girls have a life and sometime things come up and the fact is they double book or take another over you so no matter what who cares rub one off or have backup.
Providers don't owe you or us an explanation of why what and where shit happened.
That type of shit is how clownville got started
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Old 09-26-2015, 11:34 AM   #17
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Oh I got an idea. Ban hammer Dr. Grey for both bumping old threads, reposting in wrong areas and revealing ROS in public forums. And don't come to pgh because we will send some steeler nation to your town to give you some feel of how the burgh handles shit. Now to the provider mentioned. She's fucking hot looking!
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Old 09-26-2015, 12:19 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Dr. Grey View Post
Lol, I ask a question that makes logical sense that could actually improve your board but instead get labeled as a bf, pimp, or LE? Might as well call me the Easter Bunny
OK Mr Easter bunny/po po/ pimp - rather than label you something else, which would be easy to do, here it is in a nutshell

We like our board the way it is.
We don't like fucking outsiders telling us to change it.

If people want the type of system you propose, their is another local board that provides just that. That local board's reviews as a result are utterly worthless. You either get a bunch of fluff reviews describing every provider as a 10+ with made up facts or on the rare occasion someone there does post a somewhat negative review, it turns into a he said she said drama thread. We live in the real world here. We prefer honest reviews. Things work well as it is set up now.

So take your suggestions back to Texas Mr Easter Bunny
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Old 09-26-2015, 03:54 PM   #19
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Here a point Dr. Grey. Just like you have done, she could have also posted in this section if she felt the need to respond to the original post. Discussion could have continued here if needed. There is no need for you to come on here and try to be the white knight or personally try to start your own cause to fix so that you can try to over inflate your own self-importance.
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Old 09-26-2015, 06:33 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Oh I got an idea. Ban hammer Dr. Grey for both bumping old threads, reposting in wrong areas and revealing ROS in public forums. And don't come to pgh because we will send some steeler nation to your town to give you some feel of how the burgh handles shit. Now to the provider mentioned. She's fucking hot looking!
Fyi, I didn't break any guidelines. Check again. Nice try. Lol

By all means though, come check the SA forums and see what's going on. Comment on whatever. I welcome you to do so.

And yes, she is hot. Happened to catch her profile at the top of eccie when I logged in so I checked her reviews. Which promoted me to start the thread seeing the ncns review. I often pm girls I find attractive and invite them down to visit or just to compliment them. She's a looker for sure.
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Old 09-26-2015, 06:37 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by nbattousai21 View Post
Mr. Po Po Easter bunny sir, is it your prerogative to go into every nook and corner of eccie and make them change to meet your standard? If so, well.....this area is a losing battle
Not really. Just wondering why you guys are different than most of eccie. There's nothing wrong with it.
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Old 09-26-2015, 06:42 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by loneshark View Post
NCNS happens on both sides a good monger has a backup plan and sooner or later guys NCNS it just opens up a can of worms. Go home rub one off and drink a beer forget about getting even in a review or what not. The girls have a life and sometime things come up and the fact is they double book or take another over you so no matter what who cares rub one off or have backup.
Providers don't owe you or us an explanation of why what and where shit happened.
That type of shit is how clownville got started
I agree. I personally never post about my ncns. Not in review form or in coed. I just see someone else who will see me and write a review on them. Case closed for me.

But apparently guys need to make a review out of it here and lessen any reputation of a lady by giving no recommendations when a session didn't take place. I just don't see how it's a review when there are not any activities, and coed would be the likely place of discussion. If any at all.

Which is what I'm getting at. Likely would see less of the ncns posts. Cuts the drama from people like me questioning things wouldn't it?
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Old 09-26-2015, 06:47 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
OK Mr Easter bunny/po po/ pimp - rather than label you something else, which would be easy to do, here it is in a nutshell

We like our board the way it is.
We don't like fucking outsiders telling us to change it.

If people want the type of system you propose, their is another local board that provides just that. That local board's reviews as a result are utterly worthless. You either get a bunch of fluff reviews describing every provider as a 10+ with made up facts or on the rare occasion someone there does post a somewhat negative review, it turns into a he said she said drama thread. We live in the real world here. We prefer honest reviews. Things work well as it is set up now.

So take your suggestions back to Texas Mr Easter Bunny
Not telling you all to change. Just wanted to know why there are ncns reviews when other cities of this board do it differently since you really can't have a review of a session that didn't take place. But if you all like your system, that's fine, just don't be surprised if ladies stop seeing those people likely to write those who report about ncns. Seen it happen many times. Wouldnt be surprised if ladies keep a list of gents for this purpose.
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Old 09-26-2015, 06:50 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
Here a point Dr. Grey. Just like you have done, she could have also posted in this section if she felt the need to respond to the original post. Discussion could have continued here if needed. There is no need for you to come on here and try to be the white knight or personally try to start your own cause to fix so that you can try to over inflate your own self-importance.
Im not being her wk whatsoever. Never met the gal. I'm personally just figuring out why it's different here and perhaps help the community out. Trust me. If I didn't think it benefited both sides, I would not even ask the question. And to be honest it would help the gents out more really.

Think of it this way. You rack up 50 reviews over the year. Do you really think a lady would want to see a guy who reported 10 to 15 ncns incidents after researching his reviews?

You all have valid points and it's cool to keep what you got. Just from experience and having seen it happen over the last 10 years, there is a reason why we made the change in other cities.
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Old 10-09-2015, 08:41 AM   #25
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Default NCNS's are NOT reviews

Actually, the OP is right...NCNS do belong in the Coed forum and they will be moved there from now on.

Quite simply, you can't "review" a provider if no activities took place...also, if the provider chooses to make a rebuttal about the NCNS, she is allowed to do it in the Coed, when she wouldn't be able to do it in any review forum.
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Old 10-09-2015, 12:12 PM   #26
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If I may interject

I dont believe any of rhe rebuttles were stating that the OP was necessarily wrong, it was more like telling him that nobody here gives a fuck. Its well known that fucktards in SA give way too many fucks...and blowjobs

Carry on.
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