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Old 09-19-2015, 06:06 PM   #1
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Default NCNSed by Limitless Lace

PMed her Friday a week ago for a date on Wednesday at a set time. She said fine and told me to PM or text the night before or morning of. I told her I'd PM at 9 am on the morning of. At 9, I texted, PMed and called and left a message. Crickets. She logged in 4 minutes before appointment time. She never contacted me again. I sent a PM asking politely what happened, and still... crickets. She's logging in, and seeing guys, but for me... crickets.

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Old 09-19-2015, 06:32 PM   #2
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Default Not Really A NCNS

Based on what you stated, it appears that was an appointment that was never confirmed. If it were a NCNS the appointment would have been confirmed and you showed up and she did not.
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Old 09-19-2015, 07:33 PM   #3
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Default Au Contraire

Actually, it sounds like he had an actual appointment set and confirmed, just a week ahead of time, with her requesting a reminder closer to the date. Looks like an NCNS to me. Can't believe a girl would do that to OldYeller. But, money saved for some other girl more reliable and responsive.
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Old 09-19-2015, 10:13 PM   #4
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Let's try this again..

Originally Posted by OldYeller View Post
PMed her Friday a week ago for a date on Wednesday at a set time. She said fine and told me to PM or text the night before or morning of.
That was the setting of the appointment. Not a confirming of an appointment already set. How would you set and confirm the appointment in the same call? Does not make much sense.

Originally Posted by OldYeller View Post
I told her I'd PM at 9 am on the morning of. At 9, I texted, PMed and called and left a message. Crickets.
This is the attempt at confirming the appointment. That did not complete. So, the appointment was not confirmed.

Now granted, it was not the desired outcome but an NCNS? No, I cannot agree with that based on the available information.

Sorry for your troubles OT. I hope the next one goes better for you.

In my view the communication request by the provider "the night before or morning of" was to be the confirmation that they were still on. Since that communication did not happen, the appointment was never confirmed.
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Old 09-19-2015, 10:28 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by OldYeller View Post
PMed her Friday a week ago for a date on Wednesday at a set time. She said fine and told me to PM or text the night before or morning of. I told her I'd PM at 9 am on the morning of. At 9, I texted, PMed and called and left a message. Crickets. She logged in 4 minutes before appointment time. She never contacted me again. I sent a PM asking politely what happened, and still... crickets. She's logging in, and seeing guys, but for me... crickets.

I donno, it could go either way...

Sounds like it was confirmed here...

Originally Posted by OldYeller View Post
PMed her Friday a week ago for a date on Wednesday at a set time. She said fine
Then, she said to PM again. The PM night before or day of could of been just to give directions, or to ask if they were still good in the event something didn't pop up unexpectedly. I have had things come up, myself or the lady, and things were handled and rescheduled. I usually set dates in advance myself, and follow up the day before or day of just to make sure we are still on for the ''set time'' that was agreed upon as even 2 or 3 days a lot can happen. Believe me, I have heard a lot.

Maybe not a NCNS in the event he showed up at her place and heard crickets. But perhaps we need a new acronym for the types of appointments like this that are scheduled, then one party doesn't communicate on the follow up for the scheduled appointment.

I can think of one example that if a doc calls me to set up my annual check up visit then we set an appointment for it a week in advance. Then the day of the doc calls me to see what's up or where I am at, and I don't call him back. Could be a case of a NCNS. Either way and not saying Mokoa is wrong, but there should of at least been some follow up on her end to let OY know what happened or at least to apologize and reschedule or perhaps why she won't see him.
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Old 09-20-2015, 05:28 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Mokoa View Post
In my view the communication request by the provider "the night before or morning of" was to be the confirmation that they were still on. Since that communication did not happen, the appointment was never confirmed.
From my point of view, the date was set - day, time, place (her incall). The requested call, I thought, was to give me the address. I almost never get the address until within 24 hours of the date. She did NOT say call to confirm or anything like that - she said that we were ON!

And hell, if I have Smelly Dick, someone should tell me ;-))))))))))))))
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Old 09-20-2015, 05:35 AM   #7
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Another voice for the chorus ... when a time and date is agreed upon, a commitment has been made. Both provider and client should expect it to be kept. Whichever of them backs out should inform the other in advance so they can make other arrangements. Failure to do so is a breach of etiquette (for a client) or professionalism (for a service provider).

It's forgivable if it happens once in a while - RW issues can come up by surprise and we don't always have the ability to reach the other person. An apology in arrears doesn't undo the failure, but it helps smooth things over, and should also be expected.

But the only way to know if it's an unusual incident or a pattern of behavior is for people to report when it happens. So thanks to the OP for posting the notice, but unless a number of other customers chime in to say they have had problems with this provider, it's probably an unusual incident.
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Old 09-20-2015, 05:42 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Dr. Grey View Post
But perhaps we need a new acronym for the types of appointments like this that are scheduled, then one party doesn't communicate on the follow up for the scheduled appointment.
It's a CHL, a Cool Hand Luke. "What we have here is failure to communicate."
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Old 09-20-2015, 12:48 PM   #9
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It's still a crapy thing even if it's not a true NCNS. I've had appointments scheduled quite a few times with travelers who couidnt get in touch with the day of appt. Sometimes a day or two later get a message saying not enough people scheduled to make trip worthwhile! Of course I had altered my schedule ! Poor business etiquette
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Old 09-20-2015, 01:03 PM   #10
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Now I apologize for not getting bk to you Wednesday, I have been sick and am just now getting better. I understand I should have communicated better or period and we would could have rescheduled etc. As far as me being logged in, sometimes I've noticed if I do not close tabs on my phone it will keep me logged in. I have not been active on here in almost 2 weeks actually, (have a lot of pent up energy to expel lol/pocketbook is starting to hurt). Please let me make it right for you, OY; as someone said up there I had terrible business etiquette, and I believe the customer is alway right anyway. I will strive to provide a solution to your time being wasted and potential blue balls. Pm me please
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Old 09-20-2015, 02:29 PM   #11
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As Peace settles once again into the Valley.
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