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Old 09-17-2015, 05:47 AM   #1
Jackie S
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Default Carly Fiorina Shines In Debate

Yes, it was more show biz than substance. CNN wanted the the Candidates to engage each ther in the old "your mom wears combat boots" genere, but Carly was one that did it with class.

In Carly, the Republicans have a smart, attractive, successful woman who is not afraid to call out the Democrats for being exactly what they are, Demagoguing Socialist who pander and promise, but don't have a clue how to govern, outside of taking what one group has earned and giving it to someone who hasn't. All for the vote.

There is still a long way to go, but when you compare Carly to what the Dems have to offer, (a tired old lying bitch of a crone and two old white guys), America just might make her our first Woman President.

I damned sure can't see her apologizing to Foriegn Leaders for America's greatness. In her, I see the likes of Margret Thatcher.

But, as I said. it's a long way to go. The Democrats still have that base of moochers and takers who do represent a big chunk of the voting age public that she will have to overcome. Or for that fact, any Republican will have to overcome.

No small feat when the other Party simply says, "vote for us. We will take from them and give it to you".
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Old 09-17-2015, 05:59 AM   #2
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I like her. She has more balls then most of the neutered pets on the stage.
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Old 09-17-2015, 06:47 AM   #3
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She got to the top of HP by presenting herself well, not how she ran the company. She'll be useful in the Democrats "War Against Women" but she has little chance at winning the nomination, much less the general election. I don't really understand why she's running other than ego and a cabinet position. She couldn't even win the Senate seat in her home state but I'm glad she's running.
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Old 09-17-2015, 07:05 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Yes, it was more show biz than substance. CNN wanted the the Candidates to engage each ther in the old "your mom wears combat boots" genere, but Carly was one that did it with class.

In Carly, the Republicans have a smart, attractive, successful woman who is not afraid to call out the Democrats for being exactly what they are, Demagoguing Socialist who pander and promise, but don't have a clue how to govern, outside of taking what one group has earned and giving it to someone who hasn't. All for the vote.

There is still a long way to go, but when you compare Carly to what the Dems have to offer, (a tired old lying bitch of a crone and two old white guys), America just might make her our first Woman President.

I damned sure can't see her apologizing to Foriegn Leaders for America's greatness. In her, I see the likes of Margret Thatcher.

But, as I said. it's a long way to go. The Democrats still have that base of moochers and takers who do represent a big chunk of the voting age public that she will have to overcome. Or for that fact, any Republican will have to overcome.

No small feat when the other Party simply says, "vote for us. We will take from them and give it to you".
She is doing pretty well, as you say, but doesn't seem to be catching on too well with the voters. She is smart and handles herself with dignity. She is an asset to the party.
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Old 09-17-2015, 07:33 AM   #5
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But look at that face!
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Old 09-17-2015, 07:50 AM   #6
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
But look at that face!
Compared to Shrillary's, Barbara Mikulski's, Nancy Pug-ugli's, Maxine Watters', Debbie Wasserman-I know Nossing, including the difference between a Socialist and a dumbascrap-Shultz, Lieawatha Fauxcahontis Warren and all of the rest of those "beauty queens" faces, of BOTH genders, that YOU libs have stealing from us taxpayers, Fiorina would win that "beauty" contest ! The dogs on the libs side of the aisle can't even get starving wolves to go after them, even if they wear a " meat suit" !! So keep up your efforts for a FOURTH DOTY award there assup.
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Old 09-17-2015, 08:59 AM   #7
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there was one bit of a glimpse of worry with carly
she really hasn't made well known her entire position regarding illegal aliens

at least i haven't heard her stance

and may be it was just a tactic but she referred to the legal issues around the 14th amendment as "pandering" and it shouldn't be repealed, as if the amendment as currently put into practice is the correct interpretation and that interpretation is fine as is

I found that illuminating and worrisome
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Old 09-17-2015, 09:20 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
there was one bit of a glimpse of worry with carly
she really hasn't made well known her entire position regarding illegal aliens

at least i haven't heard her stance

and may be it was just a tactic but she referred to the legal issues around the 14th amendment as "pandering" and it shouldn't be repealed, as if the amendment as currently put into practice is the correct interpretation and that interpretation is fine as is

I found that illuminating and worrisome
Not a Paul fan, but his short, concise answer on the 14th amendment was correct...it does not say what the birthright citizen proponents say it does. That said, it will take serious political will and courage to reverse years of accepting it as law. Of the folks on the stage last night, the only one I see doing it would be Cruz.
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Old 09-17-2015, 09:45 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
She got to the top of HP by presenting herself well, not how she ran the company. She'll be useful in the Democrats "War Against Women" but she has little chance at winning the nomination, much less the general election. I don't really understand why she's running other than ego and a cabinet position. She couldn't even win the Senate seat in her home state but I'm glad she's running.
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Old 09-17-2015, 09:48 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN View Post
Not a Paul fan, but his short, concise answer on the 14th amendment was correct...it does not say what the birthright citizen proponents say it does. That said, it will take serious political will and courage to reverse years of accepting it as law. Of the folks on the stage last night, the only one I see doing it would be Cruz.
Paul made idiots out of the field...they all act as if when it comes to drug laws the Feds should disregard the 14th amendment. ..except for Paul. Christie made a fool of himself.
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Old 09-17-2015, 09:50 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Compared to Shrillary's, Barbara Mikulski's, Nancy Pug-ugli's, Maxine Watters', Debbie Wasserman-I know Nossing, including the difference between a Socialist and a dumbascrap-Shultz, Lieawatha Fauxcahontis Warren and all of the rest of those "beauty queens" faces, of BOTH genders, that YOU libs have stealing from us taxpayers, Fiorina would win that "beauty" contest ! The dogs on the libs side of the aisle can't even get starving wolves to go after them, even if they wear a " meat suit" !! So keep up your efforts for a FOURTH DOTY award there assup.
Dogs? But I thought you liked ugly women?

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Old 09-17-2015, 09:51 AM   #12
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Snowball and hell, come to mind.
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Old 09-17-2015, 11:17 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Paul made idiots out of the field...they all act as if when it comes to drug laws the Feds should disregard the 14th amendment. ..except for Paul. Christie made a fool of himself.
I liked what Paul had to say on drugs and the powers reserved for the states. You're right, he hurt the fat guy.
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Old 09-17-2015, 11:35 AM   #14
Jackie S
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The Bill of Rights is ripe with statements such as,....."congress shall pass no law" and "shall not be infringed", etc, but it seems the only one written in stone is the one that allows a 9 month pregnant woman to just get one foot across that river, drop a kid, and head for the nearest benefits line so her new " citizen", (and the rest of her Familly for that matter), can get on the federal tit.

I think Fiorina is right. The only way to get by the very first sentence in the text of the 14th Amendment is to Amend the Constitution again, just as we did with Prohibition. It is pretty damned clear what it says.
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Old 09-17-2015, 12:16 PM   #15
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Loved your "on the money" remarks about the faces of the Libtard reps . More tellingly your man-handling of the names to succinctly convey the characteristics of the owner of the name was side -splittingly funny and accurate.
Yes...compared with the mirror exploding visages of the socialist bunch you named Carly is positively angelic.
She was a most accomplished CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Look the vapid and venal parasites and bleeding-hearts who are transferring hard earned wealth from the Workers and Creators to themselves.
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