Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
Ya'll gotta admit, this threAD got out of hand. It was out there when everyone was kissing Natalie's ass, and even more so when she was getting that same ass kicked. Ya gotta take the good with the bad around here. Mod was just trying to put this miserable beast to sleep. But, unfortunately they're bound by the same rules we are and have to follow policy.
I wonder if Ike got pointed?

Nope, nor did he get slapped. Being a mod here has always been a thankless job. Often compared to herding cats. (no offence BM) Threads are allowed to run its course until nothing usefull will come of it.
Now at the old place there would have been points awarded galore warnings via pm's and bannings all around which really sucks because this place is actually very well run. I most enjoy it when the mods can join in on the fun instead of baby sitting the newbies. Threads like the lines from the old Hollywood Squares game show and some classic Threads from the old site. We managed to avoid most of the bad happenings from migrating over here at eccie. Now I don't have a dog in this fight. I thought she addressed the whole full name / hobby name issue early on... some had sent her pm's and when they did not get a response simply moved on and said "next!" Which is what you do...
I step out for popcorn and upon my return I notice she's getting dog piled and I'm thinking... just don't respond, shut it down, nothing good ever comes from these types of threads. (I mean we have all witnessed Dorothy and she was not all bad) But what does she do? Just like Donald Trump, she doubles down... frigging priceless. Let's face it newbies... Y'all got served!
Like I said I just came by for the popcorn. Actually to pm BL about a poker event but as always, looking for a place. And just so you know, I've made friendships here that have lasted longer that most relationships I've been in. Some over a poker table and even while waiting or should I say hiding in a members SUV after a most inconvenient interruption to what was a really nice social event. But even hiding in there while waiting to see if we could safely get back to our cars, I made great friends with a member and a provider or two. Remember its nice to be nice. A little respect goes a long ways.
And to you mods, know that your efforts are greatly appreciated. Its great fun when we can all participate in this thing of ours...