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09-06-2015, 11:38 AM
Join Date: Sep 12, 2014
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disabled sex handicaped an sexworkers
how many on eccie are disabled or have a handicap? any one in a wheelchair or mentally handicapped? how many providers are there in wheelchairs? ever seen a medical provider in a wheelchair or a dentist with a speech impairment? I know there for sure many phychiatristic providers whom proubly have mental illiness practicing medical arts yet how many here on eccie? Ive seen many info on sex workers on internet who see disabled yet none on disabled sex workersor sex addicts interesting
welcome to post away on this one
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09-06-2015, 11:39 AM
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assist people with disability and sex workers to connect with each other
Touching Base Inc is a charitable organisation, based in Sydney NSW Australia, that has been active since October 2000. Touching Base developed out of the need to assist people with disability and sex workers to connect with each other, focusing on access, discrimination, human rights and legal issues and the attitudinal barriers that these two marginalised communities can face. Information for people with disability or their carers on how to access the sex industry and the Touching Base Referral List is contained in the Clients section of this website. Information for sex workers including training workshops, resources and information about disability is contained in the Sex Workers section of this website. We also regulary offer training workshops tailored to Disability Service Providers. Please click here for more information. This website contains some material of a sexual nature suitable for adults only. Currently, Touching Base does not receive any government funding.
August 2015
Call to Action!
You may have heard that a select committee has formed to review sex industry regulation in NSW.
Decriminalisation in NSW is under threat.
Sex work in NSW was decriminalised in 1995 as a result of the Wood Royal Commission into police corruption. Decriminalisation is seen worldwide as the best practice model of sex industry regulation, especially for sex worker health and safety.
Touching Base have prepared this information kit for sex workers who work with people with disability, people with disability who access the sex industry and supporters. We encourage you to have a say in the inquiry. Submissions are due by 19th August 2015. Submissions can be as simple as a 1 page letter.
You can view the Touching Base info kit here:
Our info kit is based on an information pack for sex workers produced by Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association, and the Sex Workers Outreach Project NSW (SWOP).
The Touching Base information kit on the 2015 NSW inquiry into the regulation of brothels includes:- Information on how to have your say.
- Information on where to send your submission (including postal address).
- Two example submissions/letters (as a guide for your own).
- Facts, myths and misinformation (to help you write your submission).
- Suggestions you can give to people who support sex workers.
- A factsheet on new research findings about how Sydney metropolitan councils regulate the sex industry.
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09-06-2015, 11:41 AM
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Referral List information for People with Disability and their Carers/Support Workers
Touching Base has a Referral List of disability-friendly sex service providers.
The Referral List contains information provided by independent sex workers and commercial sex services premises to be shared with clients with disability and their families or support staff as required.
Although Touching Base is based in NSW our Referral List includes sex workers and premises in other states and territories within Australia. If you are looking for a referral in another country we recommend you first try an online search for services in your area. Tips to help your search can be found here:
How the Referral List Works
When someone with a disability (or their carer, family or friend) seeks a referral to a sex worker or brothel they get in touch with our volunteer Referral List operator.
The Referral List operator then checks out things like where the client wants the service (in-call or out-call, what suburb, etc.) and what sort of service they want (e.g. the gender of the sex worker, type of sexual activities they want to experience, etc.).
If possible the Referral List operator then provides them with the contact details of several sex workers, and/or the commercial premises that appear most likely to match the client’s needs. The person with disability (or carer etc.) then makes direct contact with the sex workers (and/or brothel receptionist) to discuss price, other details etc. and hopefully makes a booking.
Referral List information for People with Disability and their Carers/Support Workers
To inquire about the Referral List, please contact our Referral List operator:
To ensure you receive a reply email please add our email address to your email contact list and check your Spam or Junk Mail Folder if you do not receive a reply in your Inbox.
Mobile phone: 0499 05 44 00
Referral List information for Sex Workers
More information on the Referral List for Sex Workers can be found here
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09-12-2015, 04:08 PM
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Join Date: Apr 18, 2015
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
Posts: 10
Pardon my complete ignorance, but are there actually providors in the US who advertise as "disabled-friendly"?
If so, I may be able to participate in the hobby after all. I mean, I'm not technically disabled mentally or physically, but I do wear a medical appliance that can only be seen if I am nude. I have always been upfront about this to those who I have had the potential to become intimate with. Unfortunately, this little issue has made each of them run in fear when I tell them about it. Imagine this being repeated for thirty years. lol
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09-13-2015, 10:49 AM
Join Date: Sep 12, 2014
Location: i cant post O well give me time 2 contact the FBI about JOBS 4 roomate an SHIT
Posts: 223
I would have posted more about usa providers an local for disabled an disabled interests real life ...etc... yet I had limited time online last time of post an haven't done a lot or info lookup on that day some days are harder for me to function especially with out a home provider I haveto go to casino at Skiatook osage that's where I am now at osage casino I don't have home conncetion nor will pay a provider for internet services for theprice that's being asks for setup a connection since im looking to move .. I just come up here when I have ride withfriend usually stay in back seat of his car for 5minutues ten minutes 20 if im lucky or longer occasional go to carls jr of Skiatook mostly just library of Skiatook yet they don't allow access to eccie its banned an blocked from there internet provider an so is backpage I will research an post more when able
am will be watching ofr info an others responces yet so far my conclusion is voodoo hoodoo and DUCKTAPE MAYBE rape .....
by the way im at machine number 2087 with laptop on y lap not putting money in machine drinking gal of whole d GV milk and instant dollar general coffee milk and coffee mix pretty good my friends playing though he was on machine number 2088 lost couple dollars so im giving him PROVIDED already 1 dollar an he is switching to machine number 2090 , Im going to go now ill be at osage casino of Skiatook for awhile got white sunblock smeared on face lookin kinda VOODOO lookin African ritual clothed kinda with black an colorful robe on with sowercurtain rings and a black cut-off dress and black slip with a awhiteslip ....
Attachment 453199
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09-13-2015, 11:07 AM
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Posts: 223
WES CRAVEN died? such a good ARTIST ? Disabled and handicapp art pics
Disabled and handicapp art pics .... There are many actors and artist who are disabled an do amazing work singers as well as im sure many PROVIDERS and
WRITERS and movie producers an many into some DANGEROUS FETISHES AN DANGEROUS REALMS like SORCERY AN SACRIFICE SEX MAGIC id defenetly say that was craven freddy KRUGER turned me on an fantasies left me fantasisising about him an his glove .... wehethe love or not I did fall asleep at theaters during my first filming I mean 1st film viewing at theaters at Sheridan and 31st i was fairly young an remebr the 3d pictures i belive it was 3day perhaps not i was dreaming i hear that WAS CRAVEN died from BRAIN CANCER or cancer of somekind . so sad , ? did he not?ill research and post more he was such a good artist an so sexy i had so many fantasies of him an his freddy roles this saddens me a lot today .that an ive won no money off this machine dispite hearing HEARING i could win, yet did not por wes craven ....
many disabled have hallucinated naturaly an vidivid imaginations brought on art to make movies art music ie : Mozart , writing hours by candle light eventually left him disabled an handicapped with no vision or LEGALLY BLINDED BY THE LOW candle LIGHT MIMINAL LIGHT PROVIDED BY THE CANDLE with the cause from the candle light use so i hear that was Mozart it wasn't bethovan was it im sure its the same man who wrote furelizia however spelt fer fur eliza ... reat song great music great IM SICK nah .... voodoo hoodoo people sick or got me lookin lick shrunkin head voodoo dick still at machine number 2087 did WES CRAVEN ??
im looking for disabled artists an others looking to do art and can model waear paint be a human canvas make videos with condiments be blindfolded massaged video tapped what ever i feel i am able am capable of doing mabe rape or kidnapping scene shoots for a homemade movie or not for filming at all maybe just for roleplay an what ever selfish resons we call ART i call DISABLED ART ... for many theres beer for me theres DUCTTAPE ...
alc***L helping the disabled get LAID
DUCK TAPE .... hope it helps beein praying to the DUCTTAPE GOD an planning great art ... where see where it goes
follow the grey DUCT TAPE ROAD ,,,not the yellow brick road Attachment 453209
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09-13-2015, 12:05 PM
Join Date: Sep 12, 2014
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disabled art MUSIC FANTASIES looking of interests to providing
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09-13-2015, 12:09 PM
Join Date: Sep 12, 2014
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Posts: 223
"disabled-friendly"? yep,
Originally Posted by Z23B
Pardon my complete ignorance, but are there actually providors in the US who advertise as "disabled-friendly"?
If so, I may be able to participate in the hobby after all. I mean, I'm not technically disabled mentally or physically, but I do wear a medical appliance that can only be seen if I am nude. I have always been upfront about this to those who I have had the potential to become intimate with. Unfortunately, this little issue has made each of them run in fear when I tell them about it. Imagine this being repeated for thirty years. lol
"disabled-friendly"? YEP and cream magazine250 would give 4 stars
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09-15-2015, 09:19 AM
User ID: 863
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My ECCIE Reviews
Originally Posted by Z23B
Pardon my complete ignorance, but are there actually providors in the US who advertise as "disabled-friendly"?
If so, I may be able to participate in the hobby after all. I mean, I'm not technically disabled mentally or physically, but I do wear a medical appliance that can only be seen if I am nude. I have always been upfront about this to those who I have had the potential to become intimate with. Unfortunately, this little issue has made each of them run in fear when I tell them about it. Imagine this being repeated for thirty years. lol
This topic has gotten a bit crazy however, there are MANY ladies who do not mind, AT ALL, visiting with a disabled man. I've seen men in wheelchairs and men who are missing limbs, etc.
I'm SO sorry that you've had such difficulty meeting ladies who have refused to visit with you because of your issues.
I would suggest that you keep looking. Also, what TYPE of female are you attracted to? I, personally, find that older females have less of a problem with imperfections then the younger ones, do.
However, I'll also add that I used to have a young'ish roomie who completely enjoyed seeing men with disabilities. I think that she felt a certain kinship with them.
So that isn't a blanket statement, with regard to younger women. Just a general observation.
Hope this helps.
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09-17-2015, 12:58 PM
Hot, Smooth & Full-Bodied
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My ECCIE Reviews
I have never flat out put that i'm disabled friendly (i'm all kinds of people friendly really) BUT I have advertised there is not much discriminate on if you will other than age which is no one under 27. So ... thought it kind of went without saying that those with disabilities are warmly welcomed.
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09-17-2015, 01:33 PM
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I am visually impaired or "legally Blind" in the USA and "Registered Blind" in the UK. I do not hobby often, but when I do every provider has been mindful of my condition and made every effort to help me out however I may need it. My thanks to all.
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09-23-2015, 03:54 PM
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Handicap porno definetly interested
How cum we never see handicap porno or special people porno?
we got midget porn gay porn fat people porn, (I haven't seen much fat people porn) and yes being fat can be a handicap to disable yeah for sex when da belly hangs low over an you cant reach your thang awing or reach to masterbate this can be a handicap an hard to do many positions.... mmmm fat people an midgits that be interesting
so, if there is handicap porn id like to see could you share? id love to try an explore I have a fetish to blindfold so an mask people so me being with a blind man would be a definite or blind woman just too bad they couldn't watch the video afterwards that's sad , maybe in heaven one day they could watch
im defeninetly interested with sex in shower in wheelchair or just massage an water play perhaps other activities... so any one disabled an handicapp I welcome
im going to look for hadicapp porn now let yal now if I find any ...
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09-23-2015, 04:06 PM
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handicap porn pics an handicapp porn SHARING
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09-23-2015, 04:19 PM
Join Date: Sep 12, 2014
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more handicappp and special people porn pics
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