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Old 09-03-2015, 04:11 AM   #1
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My ECCIE Reviews
Question advice

So I got two bad reviews in a row I know why and it was my fault on one and to the client I apologize bbut the other one I was under the impression he enjoyed himself he posted it wasn't a good area when he. Came there before got scared his wife might see his car left the fee and then came back a later day and had a session so that makes no sense I'm a good provider this is effecting my biz how do I fix this please help
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Old 09-03-2015, 04:29 AM   #2
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Any bad review typically has at least one of the following:

Fake pics
Shortening of time
Lukewarm enthusiasm
Not performing agreed services
Provider not clean (hygiene wise or even as far as their room )
Having an NBA (no blacks allowed) policy...shows that you can't screen very well.

I would start there Carly
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Old 09-03-2015, 05:00 AM   #3
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Well start where how do I get biz again
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Old 09-03-2015, 08:12 AM   #4
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to me, making money in this game should be very simple. we are dudes and we are simple creatures and it doesn't take a lot to keep us happy.

be very clear about what you will and will not do.

be consistent with your services and your rates.

be responsive to every inquiry you get.

once you agree to see someone and the date is set, never, ever stand them up. if you have some reason that you cannot go through with the date, you absolutely should let them know. there's no excuse for not doing that. ever. unless you were dead.

you also have to read potential clients carefully. one of the best ways to keep from getting bad reviews is to stay away from jackasses. there's no reason for you to put up with any disrespect and these assholes will usually reveal themselves pretty quickly once they realize that you will not tolerate rude behavior.
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Old 09-03-2015, 08:23 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by carlybabes View Post
how do I fix this please help
Even more simple: go get good reviews.
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Old 09-03-2015, 09:01 AM   #6
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I texted you yesterday. Didn't identify myself through text, I was willing to give you another chance because I have read good stuff. You were to the point, which isn't a bad thing, but one work responses for rate was 200 and when I asked what that was for you responded hr. Great, to the point, but it was cold, like you didn't care if you wanted to me much less any client. Regardless, you put up with a lot of bullshit, I understand, it's the nature of the game!
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Old 09-03-2015, 09:27 AM   #7
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Carly, I will be as plainly honest as I know how. One thing that drives me insane personally, is the complete lack of respect for a clients time that all to often seems to be a providers downfall. It has become the norm rather than the exception that your time is more important than ours. This couldn't be further from reality. In truth they're equally as important and should be treated that way. It is very frustrating when a gal doesn't respond or worse leaves someone sitting somewhere for any length of time wondering what the deal is. Especially when it was all agreed upon in advance. According to your most recent reviews, you are showing the signs of wear that comes with this industry. You are not thinking about the mutual respect of your clients time. So why should they show any respect to yours? You would be livid if a client no showed you and called you 2.5hrs later expecting you drop what you're doing and tend to his desire(s). So why would you think it's correct to do that to anyone else? You shouldn't.
Take a break from the biz for a while and asses whether you want to continue this or not. If you want to stay, asses how you want to be treated and extend that same desire to your clients. If you're not able to do this, you will be forced out through lack of quality regulars/business. It's your call. I hope you make a good one for your sake as well as ours.....
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Old 09-03-2015, 09:59 AM   #8
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absolutely. amarillo seems to be pretty flush with girls who actually have their shit together right now, so it doesn't matter how good a hooker sucks dick if she's not answering the phone. it's pretty basic, really.
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Old 09-03-2015, 10:05 AM   #9
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Wow guys.... Don't hold back. Tell her what you really think.

I haven't met you Carly, but there seems to be a common theme in the responses here. Perhaps you should consider offering make-up sessions to your two bad review guys. Normally, I would never advise a provider to give it away.... But I have seen make-up sessions work very favorably for the provider. It might help to improve the perception of you that the guys have.
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Old 09-03-2015, 10:15 AM   #10
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It is not just the two no reviews that are bad, some of the yes reviews are not resounding. It seems like there is a lack of consistency in services.
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Old 09-03-2015, 11:00 AM   #11
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Run a "special rate review" for the holiday weekend or for a week. Would bring some clientele your way which would intale more reviews. Hopefully for the better....
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Old 09-03-2015, 12:18 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by westtexasbrowser View Post
Wow guys.... Don't hold back. Tell her what you really think.
should we hold back and not tell her what we really think? lolz

speaking at least for myself, it's not personal at all. she asked and i answered.

i respect that she sought the opinion of the market.
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Old 09-03-2015, 12:23 PM   #13
dirt street cowboy
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Exactly, you have to know what is wrong with something in order to fix it. It sounds to me like the gents of Amarillo eager and willing to support a new and improved Carly.
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Old 09-03-2015, 12:51 PM   #14
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When I first saw this post by Carly, I thought to myself, this isn't going to be good. Primarily due to her most recent reviews, and not only the No reviews, but the recent lackluster Yes Reviews. But, she opened the door & asked and as far as I'm concerned has been answered direct, to the point and very honestly. I understand what WTB is saying about don't hold back, but she did ask and Carly, your latest reviews have turned people off. Main issue being you not holding to your schedule that you've set up with your clients and poor performance if/when the poor bastard did make it in for a session.

I've always thought that our time is just as important as the providers. We should both respect each other in that sense. Some providers don't see it that way and tend to lean toward "what's best for me" and not worry about the time and effort us mongers have put into making the time and setting an appointment. Especially for those mongers who have short windows of opportunity. If it was me that you made wait 2 1/2 hrs and then you contacted me to "come now" after waiting all that time, I would have blatantly told you to take a hike.....with all due respect of course. Believe me, I've done it in the past and won't hesitate to do it again. I can totally understand being 15-20 mins late, l'm even ok with 30 mins late, we all have things that come up in our RWL's, but 2 1/2 hrs especially at that time of the evening is ludicrous.

You started getting some rave reviews, I became very interested and was hoping you would make your way to Midland, but after that last 2 or 3, I most likely wouldn't waste my time even "trying" to set up an appointment because from what history tells us, it wouldn't happen.

I also have not met you, but I wish you the best in getting it together and get back to being a top notch provider. From what I'm told, you are one hell of a good looking woman that is amazing BCD, but if we can't make it BCD, then...well....ya know. These guys are going to move on and many times not come back for a 2nd attempt.

edit: One request Carly.... Any possibility of putting up a showcase with pics? I for one would like to see more of that spinner body you're referring to and I do believe it would help in gaining attention as well.
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Old 09-03-2015, 12:51 PM   #15
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Carly, you have seen me many times and I always have a good time with you but I agree with the others as far as consistency. You can do one of two things to drive business... Be the 80-100$ cold, flakey provider who has super limited services but hot enough people can't pass up the price or you can be the 150-200$ girl who makes men hunger for more of the good stuff and are willing to pay going rate or slightly above because she is the girl that kisses them like an old girl friend, sucks their cock like its a movie and makes them feel like the porn star. You need to decide which place you feel comfortable being in and then adjust your services, menu, iop, and price to match the competition for the price.
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