Originally Posted by southtown4488
The media does deserve its fair share of the blame, they are hyping and race baiting, the so called black lives matter movement deserves its share of the blame, bad sops and other cops that look the way when they know damn well these bad cops are making things worse deserve blame and the NRA deserves blame, they fought a proposed ban on "cop killer" bullets for fucks sake. . . plenty of blame to go around homies.
Wow! A blast of utter ignorance from the past! Let me break it down for those who are opened minded but don't remember. The so-called "cop killer" bullet was in reality a KTW bullet or as some would describe it, a Teflon coated bullet. The name "cop killer" was coined but the anti-gun forces on the East Coast. To date, no cop has ever been killed or even wounded by a KTW bullet. Why? Because KTW bullets are only for sale to police departments and the military. They are not available to the public. I am fully aware (I'm sure someone will try to pass this off) of the use of ceramic tipped bullets as KTW bulles. They are not and work just the opposite. It actually takes a lab to produce KTW bullets as the Teflon has to be bonded to the projectile and that takes a "clean" room. The term "cop killer" was widely used for any bullet that could penetrate body armor. Police body armor comes in layers and the anti-gun crowd (in Maryland in particular) lied about the penetration of bullets. They passed an armor piercing bullet law (that was later thrown out for junk science) that would have banned about 90% of the bullets on the market because of their definition of what constituted armor piercing.
So much easier to make "arcane" rounds for defeating body armor. Take copper or brass and machine the projectile into the shape of a cone. It will go through plate steel. We discovered these at the close of World War II. A number of cases of copper bullets were taken and when they were being used on the range, they discovered that the projectiles penetrated the metal back stop. They also found that they could penetrate the sides of an armored personnel carrier. "Arcane" rounds do not need a clean room, just a good lathe.
To conclude;
The "cop killer" bullet is a myth so any opposition by any organization to it is a moot point.
The KTW bullet is not available to civilians.
The process to make a KTW bullet is prohibitedly expensive and complicated.
Only shit for brain liberal-progressives still believe in this.