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Old 09-02-2015, 09:52 PM   #1
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Default Trump is no business genius

According to this, he could've done just as well sticking his money in an index fund. Art of the deal, my ass.

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Old 09-02-2015, 10:15 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
According to this, he could've done just as well sticking his money in an index fund. Art of the deal, my ass.

everyone already knew that. he inherited most of Fred Trump's 400M estate. your index comparison is lame. while the Trumpster is not a self made millionaire, he did take that money and increase it to 4 Billion. if you take Forbes's estimate as a lowball number. i dispute his number of 8-10 Billion mainly because i don't agree with his estimate of the worth of his "brand name". Neither does Forbes.

regardless, this is yet another lame post by woombtard. are you going to say you could have taken 300M and made it 4 Billion? sure you could. Loser.

The Donald hates to have this brought up. But, he did take his father's holdings and increase them an order of magnitude. minus several Corporate bankruptcies but that's just business. Trump has never had to file personal bankruptcy has he?

the Donald lives large. get over it it dickhead.

do YOU live here? nope, you mope.

he also lives here.

in the penthouse of course.

LAME post!!!
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Old 09-02-2015, 10:21 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
everyone already knew that. he inherited most of Fred Trump's 400M estate. your index comparison is lame. while the Trumpster is not a self made millionaire, he did take that money and increase it to 4 Billion. if you take Forbes's estimate as a lowball number. i dispute his number of 8-10 Billion mainly because i don't agree with his estimate of the worth of his "brand name". Neither does Forbes.

regardless, this is yet another lame post by woombtard. are you going to say you could have taken 300M and made it 4 Billion? sure you could. Loser.

The Donald hates to have this brought up. But, he did take his father's holdings and increase them an order of magnitude. minus several Corporate bankruptcies but that's just business. Trump has never had to file personal bankruptcy has he?

the Donald lives large. get over it it dickhead.

do YOU live here? nope, you mope.

he also lives here.

in the penthouse of course.

LAME post!!!
Yes, if I had put that money in an index fund in 1974, it would be about exactly what he has. Did you even read the fucking thing? Even someone as stupid as you could have done it. Jesus Christ. I don't begrudge him living large. The point is that he paints himself as some art of the deal turd, but he could have made JUST as much by putting it in a Vanguard fund. That was the point, dumbass.
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Old 09-02-2015, 10:55 PM   #4
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Yes, if I had put that money in an index fund in 1974, it would be about exactly what he has. Did you even read the fucking thing? Even someone as stupid as you could have done it. Jesus Christ. I don't begrudge him living large. The point is that he paints himself as some art of the deal turd, but he could have made JUST as much by putting it in a Vanguard fund. That was the point, dumbass.
Your Momma / SEEster " could have " been your Daddy / brother if only SHE had some balls and a penis !!! Could have, would have, should have ! With all the times that Ex-CEO and Ex-NYker and others have wiped the floor with your sorry ass every time you talk about economics or finances, do you REALL think that ANYTHING you post related to money or finance will be taken seriously here ? HA ! HA ! HA ! Keep hating a successful individual that " DID build that " empire of his !! Maybe some day your 'holes franchises will take off too !! Now get back to the holes and make some money for your NEXT franchise location there in Arkansas !!!
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Old 09-03-2015, 12:57 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Your Momma / SEEster " could have " been your Daddy / brother if only SHE had some balls and a penis !!! Could have, would have, should have ! With all the times that Ex-CEO and Ex-NYker and others have wiped the floor with your sorry ass every time you talk about economics or finances, do you REALL think that ANYTHING you post related to money or finance will be taken seriously here ? HA ! HA ! HA ! Keep hating a successful individual that " DID build that " empire of his !! Maybe some day your 'holes franchises will take off too !! Now get back to the holes and make some money for your NEXT franchise location there in Arkansas !!!
Listen, fuckstick. The information you need is right in the article. If you could fucking read, you'd know that shit already, but you can't, so you don't.

And as for your jab at Obama, you wouldn't have the first fucking clue about what's involved in building something. It doesn't happen alone, shitface. You're too goddamn dumb, too fucking racist and too blind to get it. The infrastructure plays a large role in having the opportunity to build something successful. Where do you think that comes from? Everybody, dumbass. That's what he was talking about. He wasn't putting someone down, he was trying to recognize the part we all play. Go build a business all by yourself, don't use the internet or local sewage and water or loans from a bank and do it without customers and see how fucking far you get. Now, make a crack about me learning for my business down at the holes. Fucking loser.
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Old 09-03-2015, 05:30 AM   #6
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Do you have 10 billion dollars?


Then, STFU.
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Old 09-03-2015, 05:38 AM   #7
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0zombie janitors at Planned Parenthood get rich quicker... slinging tiny livers

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Old 09-03-2015, 06:10 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
According to this, he could've done just as well sticking his money in an index fund. Art of the deal, my ass.

Two points:

1. You would have had to pick the right index fund - winner bias in hindsight doesn't count.

2. He has retained that much money after taxes, living very large, and two divorces - so he has made twice as much.
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Old 09-03-2015, 06:47 AM   #9
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What the fuck does how much money he has made have to do with whether or not he is qualified to be the POTUS? He is an arrogant, narcissistic braggart who has no qualifications on his resume that qualify him to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world. He demonstrates exactly zero knowledge of the middle east or frankly, any other area of the world outside of the US. He knows nothing about trade or global politics. His proposed solution to ISIS is to bomb the oil fields in Iraq. He tells straight up lies about how he is going to solve the immigration problem. When he gets a question he doesn't like from the media, he personally attacks the journalist or just has his meathead security team remove the offender from the press conference. He spends his evenings tweeting insults out in relation to Megyn Kelly, among others. This is how a President acts? Sending out childish insults on social media?

He is a simplistic fucking idiot and the idea that he is even being considered for POTUS, much less leading the GOP pack, makes us look foolish to the rest of the world. The republicans have turned us into a third-world country politically, almost a banana republic where braggadocio, know-nothingness and bad behavior are admired and rewarded.
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Old 09-03-2015, 06:48 AM   #10
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it doenst matter if he's a genius or not

what does matter is we need a huge change of direction

and he sees that

that's what matters
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Old 09-03-2015, 07:32 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
What the fuck does how much money he has made have to do with whether or not he is qualified to be the POTUS? He is an arrogant, narcissistic braggart who has no qualifications on his resume that qualify him to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world. He demonstrates exactly zero knowledge of the middle east or frankly, any other area of the world outside of the US. He knows nothing about trade or global politics. His proposed solution to ISIS is to bomb the oil fields in Iraq. He tells straight up lies about how he is going to solve the immigration problem. When he gets a question he doesn't like from the media, he personally attacks the journalist or just has his meathead security team remove the offender from the press conference. He spends his evenings tweeting insults out in relation to Megyn Kelly, among others. This is how a President acts? Sending out childish insults on social media?

He is a simplistic fucking idiot and the idea that he is even being considered for POTUS, much less leading the GOP pack, makes us look foolish to the rest of the world. The republicans have turned us into a third-world country politically, almost a banana republic where braggadocio, know-nothingness and bad behavior are admired and rewarded.
Why are you so prideful about how the world views the Estados Unidos?

The immigration policies of the Democrats are bringing in millions of third world, poor, uneducated, and low skilled refugees - they are turning us into the third world, not a billionaire given to exaggeration.

Additionally, attacking Trump's wealth is a way to attempt to delegitimize him - as you well know and are just playing stupid.
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Old 09-03-2015, 07:41 AM   #12
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Why are you and the rest of the howler monkeys all in on this asshole?

He has the mannerisms and all the charm of Benito Mussolini.

And the look of Clint Eastwood's costar in he Any Which Way But Loose movies.

God Help America!
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Old 09-03-2015, 08:23 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
According to this, he could've done just as well sticking his money in an index fund. Art of the deal, my ass.


Didn't you tell us that you were some sort of hedge fund, day trader kind of guy?

Have anymore cock and bull stories?
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Old 09-03-2015, 08:53 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Why are you so prideful about how the world views the Estados Unidos?

The immigration policies of the Democrats are bringing in millions of third world, poor, uneducated, and low skilled refugees - they are turning us into the third world, not a billionaire given to exaggeration.

Additionally, attacking Trump's wealth is a way to attempt to delegitimize him - as you well know and are just playing stupid.
Because how the world views the US defines how the rest of the world treats the US. Are you fucking stupid?

We're a country of immigrants. Immigrants built the United States. Your hateful and intolerant attitude towards immigrants is based on racism, same as it's ever been.

You can't utilize Trump's wealth and his purported ability to build wealth as something that is politically attractive and as a political asset and then cry like the bitch you are when folks attack his wealth. Sorry, that's not the way the game gets played.
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Old 09-03-2015, 09:00 AM   #15
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cjohnny54 is a business genius, that why you been stealing his ideas for a very loooooong time....leech
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