Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
From what I understood and from what clients have told me you had to use credits to access messages from "women"
You must have been REAL exceptional because now the data analysis shows that only 1 to 3% of the women there were actual real women and not computer generated bots. You didn't have one but two affairs. Go buy a lottery ticket right now because your luck is nothing short of a miracle.
Don't think I'm exceptional, lol.
I read an article about having success on that site.
Be interesting, original and not vulgar. The women on there can get sex from about any guy on that site. You have to differentiate yourself from the other guys. It's just as much of a personal connection than sex for a lot of women on there. They just want attention more than anything else, sex is a byproduct.
But regardless, I will not continue to use it. It was fun while it lasted.