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Old 08-23-2015, 02:29 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
You haven't slammed anyone on this board in 10 years but your Austin Reacharound Crew buddies.

No you don't understand what was written. The author himself says to reset the deal. So the author himself is inviting catastrophe for American influence. The "catastrophe" started when Obama went on his "apology tour" near the beginning of his first term and has continued up until this point.

So you are a "flat earther" now.

A false choice. There are several issues: Do we trust the Iranians, is the treaty "good", is the treaty enforceable, etc?

But IMO, the deal is done. The sanctions were lifted when the UN voted for the treaty and the money will be be released. Russia is already making missile system deals with Iran. That's why the "snap back" sanctions argument was so laughable as well as you libtard's misplaced trust.
Why do you assume anyone trusts them? You act as if we had a chance at getting a better deal and there's no evidence for that.
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Old 08-23-2015, 03:31 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Obama is US, you fucking dumbass. When you blame him, you are blaming US. And how is Obama at fault for a fucking gutless Iraqi Army? You want more of our men dying in the sand over there for absolutely nothing? You want to continue the fucking war that your man Bush started. We wouldn't even BE in that shithole if it weren't for Shrubya. Don't forget that shit, you cocksucker. Goddamn you're stupid. And how about COG's points, you never addressed those, because your dumbass doesn't have an answer, do you?
odummer IS NOT US, ya cum guzzling liberal apologist !!!! He's another narcissistic lying liberal JUST LIKE YOU maricon ! Chupa uno jalapeno verga, chapete mamalon !
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Old 08-23-2015, 03:55 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Thanks to a gutless Iraqi army and your hero odummer not pursuing a status of forces agreement to preserve the gains we had made and the lives that were sacrificed there. Your hero just HAD to have THAT on his legacy that he pulled our troops out of Iraq. HE OWNS creating the conditions for what has become ISIS. His muzzie loving ass threw away all that had been achieved. And don't go on like you lying libs do about Al Maliki and how he wouldn't " play ball " .
It is not that Al Maliki wouldn't play ball with regards to wanting the USA there and working out a "collateral damage" agreement if there was a confrontation. The real issue is that Al Maliki did not want an inclusive government with all of the other "sects". The Kurds were able to win back the land from ISIL that they lost. Since the Iraq government was not inclusive the other "sects" were not strong enough to defend themselves. This comes from General Dempsey, Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff. In the link he talks about the need for a more inclusive Iraq instead of more boots on the ground from the USA.

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Old 08-23-2015, 04:57 PM   #154
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post

A false choice. There are several issues: Do we trust the Iranians, is the treaty "good", is the treaty enforceable, etc?
Yes, there are several issues. However, the main one is Iran gets rid of 90% of their Uranium which will push out the ability to make a nuclear bomb 10-15 years and the USA lifts the sanctions and give Iran access to their 150 billion dollars.

Do we trust Iran? Is the treaty enforceable? In post # 105 the worlds best nuclear physicists have stated that if Iran tries to cheat there are enough mechanisms that Iran would get caught most likely.
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Old 08-23-2015, 05:24 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
It is not that Al Maliki wouldn't play ball with regards to wanting the USA there and working out a "collateral damage" agreement if there was a confrontation. The real issue is that Al Maliki did not want an inclusive government with all of the other "sects". The Kurds were able to win back the land from ISIL that they lost. Since the Iraq government was not inclusive the other "sects" were not strong enough to defend themselves. This comes from General Dempsey, Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff. In the link he talks about the need for a more inclusive Iraq instead of more boots on the ground from the USA.


Goober frighter... http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2598...iel-greenfield

It’s time for Israel to kick two-timing terrorist supporters out of its house.
August 21, 2015 Daniel Greenfield

When Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited Israel’s parliament, he was heckled by Muslim politicians. Netanyahu told the conservative Canadian leader that the presence of a vocal opposition was the difference between Israel and Syria.

The leader of the Muslim hecklers pointed at parliamentarian Talab Abu-Arar and howled, “There is no water or electricity in his village. Perhaps in Syria they have such things.”

As it turned out, Talab Abu-Arar not only had water, electricity, air conditioners, high speed internet and a satellite television dish, the Muslim Brotherhood politician also had two wives.

Abu Arar had gotten “almost ten children” out of his first wife, but the middle-aged Imam added a second twenty-year old wife. Unfortunately the devout Muslim leader was apparently unable to get permission from his first wife which made the arrangement illegal under the infidel law of the Zionist entity.

Not only does the Israeli apartheid state interfere with cultural practices like beating wives and honor killing them, but it humiliates a Muslim man by telling him to ask his wife to let him get another wife.

While Islamic law does not require that a Muslim man get permission from his wife to expand his harem, Israel does. Talab Abu-Arar, who waged a persistent campaign against Israel, apparently could not overcome this sudden alliance between his wife and the Zionist devil. Much as Abu-Arar denounced Israel’s opposition to polygamy as “anti-democratic” in the Knesset, there was no way around it.

He couldn’t fight both Israel and his wife.

And so Wife #2, recognized by Islamic law, but illegal under Israeli law, lives in a separate house. Officially the second wife, who added more children to the clan, is only a mistress. But unofficially, Abu Arar, the head of a mosque in his village, appeared to have begun scouting for Wife #3 or Mistress #2.

Depending on how you keep count in the Arara drama of “As the Oasis Turns”.

Talab Abu-Arar’s official email address for Israel’s Knesset, its parliament, appeared on the list of addresses leaked from “dating” website Ashley Madison for men who want to cheat on their wives.

In his case, it was literally “wives”.

Like Anthony Weiner, another philandering politician with Muslim Brotherhood links, Talab Abu-Arar blamed “hackers” who had “signed up my email in order to damage my good name”. It’s unclear why a hacker would have wanted to covertly set up an account that no one outside the site’s management would know about or how these hackers would have managed to confirm his email.

Or how revealing that a man with an official mistress was seeking seventy-one more, even before martyrdom, could possibly damage his good name.

There are of course more damning things about Talab Abu-Arar than an alleged frantic attempt to hit the four-wife limit before he hits fifty.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Israel is divided into different sections. While Hamas is the best known of these, the Brotherhood also operates as the “Islamic Movement in ‘48 Palestine”. Typical of the Muslim Brotherhood’s two-faced strategy, the “Movement” is split between the “extremist” northern branch and the “moderate” southern branch.

Both want to destroy Israel, but only the southern “moderates” do it by running for public office.

Ibrahim Sarsour, the head of the southern Islamic movement, sat in the Knesset and promised to build a "Bridge between Israeli Jews and the Arab and Muslim world." The details of the architecture of that wonderful bridge however involved destroying Israel and establishing a caliphate in Jerusalem.

Like Abu Arar, Sarsour was a two-timer. While he was setting up dates with liberal Jewish leaders and promising them a bridge to the 7th century, he was also dating Hamas leaders. A Muslim Brotherhood politician who participates in political activities in an infidel country is always a two-timer. His ultimate allegiance is to the Islamic State, the thousand-year Reich of the Caliphate to be built on the ashes and bones of the people of the land his movement is colonizing.

The “moderate” and the “extreme” branches of the Islamic Movement share the same destructive goals as Hamas. When they aren’t looking for new wives on Ashley Madison, they’re trying to destroy Israel.

The roots of the Islamic Movement in Israel go back to Hitler’s Mufti who was named the first director of the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Mufti wasn’t around due to his Nazi connections, but the Brotherhood had also been allied with the Nazis. During Israel’s War of Independence, its forces invaded Israel with some 10,000 fighters in an attempt to exterminate the Jews.

A battalion of Brotherhood butchers went after the village of Kfar Darom where 400 men, women and children were defended by forty-five Israeli militia members. The Brotherhood’s Jihadists attacked and were beaten back. They launched an artillery barrage against the small village, but like many of the rockets fired by their Hamas descendants, the shelling fell short and instead killed the terrorists.

The Muslim Brotherhood had tanks, and the Jewish defenders were short on ammo and food, but the village held out for two months. Among the Muslim Brotherhood attackers was an Egyptian who would eventually become the face of the imaginary “Palestinian” people. His name was Yasser Arafat.

The myth of the moderate and the extremist terrorist is like the myth of the faithful cheating husband.

Arafat, Al Qaeda, Hamas and the branches of the Islamic Movement are all the same thing. It’s all the Muslim Brotherhood and behind the fronts, facades and false faces, the agenda is mass murder.

The “moderate” southern Islamic movement is the one whose kindergartens teach children to chant, “O Allah, slaughter them. O Allah, make widows of Jewish women… make orphans of their children.”

When Abu Arar isn’t searching for his 72 virgins, he is out giving interviews to Hamas publications or declaring that Jews have no right to pray at the site of their own temple, which is now under Muslim occupation, because “Any non-Muslim person has no right to pray at the holy Aqsa Mosque.”

“It should be closed all the time to Jews,” Abu Arar said.

This is true Apartheid.

Talab Abu-Arar, like the rest of the Islamic Movement politicians in the Knesset, is “cheating” on Israel, but like his double marriage, it’s an obvious adultery. No one expects a man who openly flaunts two wives to be faithful and no one should expect Muslim Brotherhood members to be loyal to whichever country they happen to be living and plotting in.

When the adultery is this obvious, it’s time for a divorce. In political terms that means booting Abu Arar and his confederates out of Israel’s parliament to give them more time to look for Wife #3 or #4.

The spectacle of terrorist supporters who openly advocate for Israel’s destruction sitting in its parliament is obscene all the more so because Israelis on the far right have been banned from running for public office for far less than the Jihadists of the Joint List. A political movement allied with the enemies of a country in order to destroy it is an enemy organization and should be treated that way.

As the Ashley Madison user names are leaked, unfaithful men will be getting kicked out of homes. It’s time for Israel to kick the two-timing terrorist supporters out of its house.
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Old 08-24-2015, 06:51 AM   #156
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Yes, there are several issues. However, the main one is Iran gets rid of 90% of their Uranium which will push out the ability to make a nuclear bomb 10-15 years and the USA lifts the sanctions and give Iran access to their 150 billion dollars.

Do we trust Iran? Is the treaty enforceable? In post # 105 the worlds best nuclear physicists have stated that if Iran tries to cheat there are enough mechanisms that Iran would get caught most likely.
So? Iran has already been caught cheating many times. Did you read the "letters" the scientists and military guys wrote? Not very impressive.

The sanctions have fallen, the Iranians are getting their money, the threat of "snap back" sanctions is laughable, the Supreme Leader is chanting "Death To America", the Iranian Parliament passed a law forbidding inspections on military sites, etc but you want to "trust Iran." Why? Because it may temporarily stave off Israel bombing them.

Save this post. A year from now let me know how much of the Iranian nuclear material has been verifiable turned over or "de-enriched." My guess is close to none.
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Old 08-24-2015, 07:12 AM   #157
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
So? Iran has already been caught cheating many times. Did you read the "letters" the scientists and military guys wrote? Not very impressive.

The sanctions have fallen, the Iranians are getting their money, the threat of "snap back" sanctions is laughable, the Supreme Leader is chanting "Death To America", the Iranian Parliament passed a law forbidding inspections on military sites, etc but you want to "trust Iran." Why? Because it may temporarily stave off Israel bombing them.

Save this post. A year from now let me know how much of the Iranian nuclear material has been verifiable turned over or "de-enriched." My guess is close to none.
So Iran was actually seeking nuclear material in 2003 and we invaded Iraq!

Let me get this straight Saudi Arabia was where most of the terrorist were from, Iraq who had no WMD's, was a counterweight to Iran who was actually seeking WMD's and Bush decided to go to war with Iraq?
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Old 08-24-2015, 07:46 AM   #158
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Hell, how can you criticize a terrorist for having two wives?
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Old 08-24-2015, 11:48 AM   #159
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How can YOU criticize anybody for sex slavery, JL?
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Old 08-24-2015, 05:28 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
So Iran was actually seeking nuclear material in 2003 and we invaded Iraq!

Let me get this straight Saudi Arabia was where most of the terrorist were from, Iraq who had no WMD's, was a counterweight to Iran who was actually seeking WMD's and Bush decided to go to war with Iraq?
Wow. WRTMF's lack of reading comprehension, inability to form logical conclusion and proclivity to build false strawmen is in full bloom!

Try to stay focused and on topic! There's medicine for that. Use your Obamacare, flateather.
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Old 08-24-2015, 10:15 PM   #161
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
How can YOU criticize anybody for sex slavery, JL?
what a fucktard hypocrite you are Assup. You, with 41 handjob reviews? i bet you'd tell your wife "but honey it wasn't sex!" .. yeah .. you try to sell that lie.

of course since all your reviews are white chicks that guarantees they aren't sex slaves? what if they have a pimp? would that make them sex slaves?


"Do we take frequent flyer miles?

"Damn right! and food stamps too!"

i've probably fucked 1,000 asian amp girls over 25 years as a whoremonger. my stock broker hates me. he'd rather i gave that 200k to him. my reply ...

not counting burned out providers i'd bet 5 "might" have been duped into the biz. the rest knew exactly what they were getting into.
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Old 08-25-2015, 03:09 AM   #162
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
So? Iran has already been caught cheating many times. Did you read the "letters" the scientists and military guys wrote? Not very impressive.

The sanctions have fallen, the Iranians are getting their money, the threat of "snap back" sanctions is laughable, the Supreme Leader is chanting "Death To America", the Iranian Parliament passed a law forbidding inspections on military sites, etc but you want to "trust Iran." Why? Because it may temporarily stave off Israel bombing them.

Save this post. A year from now let me know how much of the Iranian nuclear material has been verifiable turned over or "de-enriched." My guess is close to none.
I read the letter that the scientists wrote. Some of these guys have "Q" level clearance (that is Top Secret regarding bomb making). The following from the link is good enough for me.

The body of the letter praises the technical features of the Iran accord and offers tacit rebuttals to recent criticisms on such issues as verification and provisions for investigating what specialists see as evidence of Iran’s past research on nuclear arms.
It also focuses on whether Iran could use the accord as diplomatic cover to pursue nuclear weapons in secret.
The deal’s plan for resolving disputes, the letter says, greatly mitigates “concerns about clandestine activities.” It hails the 24-day cap on Iranian delays to site investigations as “unprecedented,” adding that the agreement “will allow effective challenge inspection for the suspected activities of greatest concern.”
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Old 08-25-2015, 04:18 AM   #163
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
So? Iran has already been caught cheating many times. Did you read the "letters" the scientists and military guys wrote? Not very impressive.

The sanctions have fallen, the Iranians are getting their money, the threat of "snap back" sanctions is laughable, the Supreme Leader is chanting "Death To America", the Iranian Parliament passed a law forbidding inspections on military sites, etc but you want to "trust Iran." Why? Because it may temporarily stave off Israel bombing them.

Save this post. A year from now let me know how much of the Iranian nuclear material has been verifiable turned over or "de-enriched." My guess is close to none.
In 1993, Netanyahu was beating the war drums on Iran. He said they would have a weapon within the year. That was over 20 years ago.
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Old 08-25-2015, 05:16 AM   #164
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
I read the letter that the scientists wrote. Some of these guys have "Q" level clearance (that is Top Secret regarding bomb making). The following from the link is good enough for me.

The body of the letter praises the technical features of the Iran accord and offers tacit rebuttals to recent criticisms on such issues as verification and provisions for investigating what specialists see as evidence of Iran’s past research on nuclear arms.
It also focuses on whether Iran could use the accord as diplomatic cover to pursue nuclear weapons in secret.
The deal’s plan for resolving disputes, the letter says, greatly mitigates “concerns about clandestine activities.” It hails the 24-day cap on Iranian delays to site investigations as “unprecedented,” adding that the agreement “will allow effective challenge inspection for the suspected activities of greatest concern.”
Again, So? I've read that the 24 days is in reality 60 days and the Iranians decide when the clock starts ticking. Look, they've cheated many times in the past. They've also delayed and denied access to inspectors. The Iranian have destroyed monitoring cameras and built secret sites. There's nothing stopping them from doing it again. The snap back sanctions are a joke. Read the "General's Report". All they say is if the Iranians cheat military options are still on the table. "Duh."

I'm not concerned about our ability to find out if the Iranians are cheating, we or the Israelis will figure it out eventually. We should have insisted that they freed the hostages and made some other hard prelude regarding the materials before we finished negotiations and took it to the UN for approval.

A couple of weeks ago Obama told Fareed Zakahira "Well, as I said, Fareed, you don't negotiate deals with your friends..." Bullshit, we negotiate deals with friendly nations all the time.
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Old 08-25-2015, 08:01 AM   #165
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Again, So? I've read that the 24 days is in reality 60 days and the Iranians decide when the clock starts ticking. Look, they've cheated many times in the past. They've also delayed and denied access to inspectors. The Iranian have destroyed monitoring cameras and built secret sites. There's nothing stopping them from doing it again. The snap back sanctions are a joke. Read the "General's Report". All they say is if the Iranians cheat military options are still on the table. "Duh."

I'm not concerned about our ability to find out if the Iranians are cheating, we or the Israelis will figure it out eventually. We should have insisted that they freed the hostages and made some other hard prelude regarding the materials before we finished negotiations and took it to the UN for approval.

A couple of weeks ago Obama told Fareed Zakahira "Well, as I said, Fareed, you don't negotiate deals with your friends..." Bullshit, we negotiate deals with friendly nations all the time.
So you spend a paragraph referencing their cheating and then in the next paragraph you begin by stating your lack of concern with their ability to cheat. Do you read any of this to yourself before you hit 'submit'?

As for your Obama quote, you, of course, failed to present any context. Why would you, it doesn't serve your purpose when context is present. Oh well. We don't negotiate deals with friendly nations. Not deals like this one. Deals like this, we negotiate with enemies. Of course, taking the extra time to add context and recognize the nuance, empties your gun of the ammunition, so you didn't take the time to do it. It's called being intellectually dishonest.
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