Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Sure hope neither of the names mentioned are members here.
I'll be awaiting a message in my inbox.
in a way I'm... as in a way it would be ... hell
is it to late to place a bet the lawyer for the lawyer gets the lawyer off
2nd bet eccie is not site GatesPD is talking about, errr darn it ( shhhhh
3rd bet if they are on here and eccie is the site GatesPD talking about. CC will not get a pm or email from the lawyer as his lawyer will tell him the bans will out him as being on eccie.
side bet on the 3rd bet. She will ignore her lawyer and send a note to CC Bans will out both being on eccie. Then she will start a threAD outing the handles also explaining its all the lawyers fault anyways.
I'm just a sweet heart of a gal trying to make ends meet. The lawyer is ass and needs a bath. whew
4th bet quotes will get me ... or ..., Fucking Awesome