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Old 08-13-2015, 01:46 PM   #1
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Default Question about BP reviews?

I'm sure this has been mentioned before.

Can we either add a backpage review section or move them to other reviews. I don't mind providers that are here and there being in independent reviews, but if she is specifically on backpage and you put backpage in title what's the point. Do they not get credit for reviews in others? The hope I would think is, you read a review of an independent or agency and go to ads or showcase here and pick. Not go to a different site.

Maybe just me.
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Old 08-13-2015, 07:18 PM   #2
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If a member posts a review that is filled out properly then he will receive Premium Access credit for it no matter what review forum it is located.

Why would you want to segregate the reviews of providers who advertise only on Backpage to their own forum?

Why would you want to exclude the reviews of providers who advertise only on Backpage from the Independent Provider Reviews forum?
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Old 08-13-2015, 07:39 PM   #3
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Most provisers advertise on multiple forums..js
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Old 08-14-2015, 06:27 AM   #4
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Default thanks for Mod answering me.

yes, I know cashmere(listed on eccie). My question is if you don't post or have a profile here on eccie and are specifically on backpage why have a review in independent or agency forums on eccie?

People can choose whatever site or provider they wish, just thought it weird eccie would help other competing sites business without getting anything out of it. Hobbyists personal preferences aside. (Moco reviews go in others forum, Moco and backpage seem similar)

Mod answered my question. just curious.
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Old 08-14-2015, 07:12 AM   #5
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Putting the OP's query another way: Why don't Verified ECCIE Non-Agency Providers have their own Forum?

Then gents who value that extra level of safety that ECCIE provides know exactly which forum to shop from.
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Old 08-15-2015, 10:08 AM   #6
Chica Chaser
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Its an interesting question and discussion. Most ladies here started on BP (and other sites), and many still advertise and cross-pollinate on them as well. The hope of course, is that those ladies will migrate to Eccie and enjoy the benefits of membership here.

Lets look at some of the possibilities/scenarios. Were we to segregate the BP-only reviews, what would become of those reviews once a lady did join here? Move them back to the Eccie-girls only review section? How about the ladies that advertise on three or more sites? Are you volunteering your time and services to attempt to keep track of that clusterfuck waiting to happen?

Why should we segregate BP-only ladies, that's not really fair to those that are on TER only, or BigDoggie only, or NaughtyReviews only, or even P411 only, or any of the other national sites. Not to mention all the more localized sites in various regions around the country and world? Should we then have specific review sections for all areas of the country (and world) for all of those ladies also? What about when someone complains that such-and-such review really should be posted in such-and-such forum, rather than the one its in, be handled? How about when those sites suddenly go dark or are involuntarily shut down, as has happened with several of them, i.e. myRedbook, Escorts.com, indys.com? Does that review forum we took the time and effort to setup and maintain, and you to post reviews on, then just die?

Your question has much larger ramifications than simply this one area of Eccie. We have somewhere around 87 individual geographic forums, plus more localized sub-forums within many of those, across the site to take into account when deciding on making changes.
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Old 08-15-2015, 02:30 PM   #7
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Default thanks chica

Thanks for your response. Yea I see it's a lot more complicated than I thought.

Some Hobbyists put in review or review title that provider is from BP or elsewhere, some don't. It can be irritating to read a review and go look for profile and info and no info on eccie. At least if their on eccie, you have a chance to tell if their real verified provider or not.

I know providers and hobbyists use multiple sites(Honestly, p411 has helped me a lot with screening, and even though I mostly hobby in Texas Ter and date-check, etc. help with hobbying elsewhere). Some start out elsewhere and come here. (One of my favorites came here from moco.)

BP may not be popular in SA, but I know is used a lot in other places.

I guess my point was, I understand the title E.C.C.I.E. and all reviews help with that info exchange. Hobbyists write reviews, so a provider can't be expected to know where that info is shared and provide info.
Was trying to figure out independent forum vs. other forum.( if to be on independent forum needed to be on eccie or if not were put on other forum like moco or streetwalkers)

Let alone the distinction between independent and agency. The difference must drive yous up the wall. The definition of agency can mean so many things. (plus all the ones that try to hide they have an "agent")

Can't imagine the amount of work trying to untangle this clusterfuck of info.

I'll say it, Thanks for all your hard work making my hobby life simpler.
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