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Old 08-13-2015, 04:38 PM   #1
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Post The Hobby, A Sad Life Tragedy, And The Persecution Of Providers By The Global Police State

For a moment, I thought about the remote possibility of settling down and leaving my hobby days behind, until tragedy struck close to me. My best friend passed away and his loss has given me something to think about. He went to college, became an engineer, landed a high paying job with a major company, he married a “good civilian religious lady”, had kids with her, and he bought a beautiful home. He was the traditional conservative type of guy. We were very close and many times he tried to persuade me to abandon my sinful ways and settle down like everyone else. Also many times I tried to explain to him that our current social and political system is a pyramid Ponzi scheme designed to keep ordinary people enslaved through debt, ignorance, and deception. But regardless of our ideological differences, we were still friends.

He knew I was a hobbyist and I would talk to him about my adventures as a hobby superhero. A few months ago, he complained to me about his wife not wanting to have sex with him. The sex was less and less frequent, until he just wasn’t getting any at all. His wife was spending more time outside of her home with her “girl friends”, leaving chores undone, and neglecting her husband. He confronted her about it and she confessed to him that she had found a “special man” that was interesting, fun, and exciting … unlike him. He was heartbroken and emotionally destroyed. She had her lawyer file for a divorce and he was served with the court papers. She was going to use the legal system to destroy his life, take away his home, fight over the children, and rape his finances so she could elope with and spend that $ with that “special man” of hers. Not too long ago, I got a phone call from my brother letting me know that my buddy had died in a wreck. I went to see his parents and I asked them what had happened. They said he lost control of his car in a two way two lane and he ran into oncoming traffic. Investigators want to determine through autopsy whether he was under the influence of a substance that might have impaired his judgement or if he had fallen asleep or if it was suicide.
While the autopsy results remain pending, my best friend’s wife got her new man to move in with her and not only that. I heard from another woman (female gossip) that she has filed to collect $ from his life insurance policy and is working on getting everything that was once his. I am not only saddened over the loss of my best friend but I am outraged by his betrayal at the hands of his civilian wife and her depraved co-conspirator the legal system. My best friend was a man who followed the rules of society, he did everything that society expected of him, he was hard working, responsible, a good father, loyal to his wife, law abiding, he was obedient to the system … and in the end the system and his wife destroyed him.
Before this happened I did for a moment consider reforming my life … and doing what society expected of me. I thought about finding a good civilian lady and settling down. But after seeing such immoral travesty take place I have decided that I do not want to be a part of this global pyramid scheme that enslaves, robs, and destroys the lives of good law abiding citizens.

This system says that marriage and divorce (license to financially rape your husband) is okay … but they look at Providers who work hard to earn their keep with contempt. Btw, I believe Providers are more honorable than most of the civilian wives out there. At least Providers take care of the men they see.

This system says that sex for free is legal … but they punish a Provider for selling sex and for wanting to have a good life. It is her body and her rules. The government should have no right over our bodies.

This system says that there is a separation of church and state … but the system uses the police to prosecute, arrest, and imprison Providers for “immoral” conduct. It seems to me that the system will use “religion” and “morals” to persecute those who will not comply with its agenda.

Is this what the System calls moral? ... Their moral system be damned! I will not be a part of it. Fuck the System!

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Old 08-13-2015, 04:47 PM   #2
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Lesson 1: wives are whores
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Old 08-13-2015, 05:00 PM   #3
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Truly it made me think for few moments, RIP for your friend.
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Old 08-13-2015, 05:16 PM   #4
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Swing by the wine bar at whole foods on a weekday, or one of the lunch places in a nice suburban shopping area. Place is full of wives getting hammered at lunch while hubby provides a nice living for the whole family. I bet your story, including the tragic end, isn't that unusual. Sorry for his children.

At least when I hobby, no one gets hurt. I finish my session and go back to regular life.
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Old 08-13-2015, 05:24 PM   #5
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Lightbulb WOW...Trip6

That was a lot to ponder 666. Truly sorry to hear about your mate, I think about his kid(s) losing their dad foremost. My condolences.

Just have fun, do whatever floats your boat, as long as it doesn't impede anyone else's, fuck the system and handle your business.

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Old 08-13-2015, 05:42 PM   #6
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666....I am truly sorry to hear about your best friend. I think at some point of time in our lives we have all been through something so hard that it makes us think twice about doing things.
I Provide because I truly enjoy meeting new people, able to pay the bills and because I truly enjoy fucking and sucking. I know for a fact if I were to ever marry that my husband would have a great sex life. Treat me like a princess and I'll treat you like my prince. I have had many clients in the past where I just listen to how their wives are sick with cancer or something where they have to fully take care of them. But they come and see me just to be able to get away from the madness once in a while. I can completely understand all that he is going through. One time I was dating a guy that knew what I did. Well, just give FBSM + HE, nothing else. But I looked at him one day and said....if we become serious enough and get married, if for any reason I am unable to please you if I sick or whatever. I would want you to see someone just like me. Just as long as I know you come home to me every night until something happens to me. I just recently became involved with someone. (believe it or not, through bp) We are getting pretty serious and he's ok with what I do. It's a normal everyday job to him. He just might be "the one" that I have been looking for all my life. Sometimes I feel guilty. But I still have to pay the bills, right?

Anyways...it is very sad to hear about your best friend and what his wife did was so wrong and one day, karma will hit her!

Thank you for sharing your story,
Take care
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Old 08-13-2015, 05:49 PM   #7
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Sorry about your friend.

Soul of a woman was created below.....
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Old 08-13-2015, 07:48 PM   #8
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6, your friend fucked up. Plain and simple. Those laws are there for a purpose. He could have changed the beneficiaries of the insurance policies. He could have moved money. He could have drug a couple of shallow holes in the backyard, too.
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Old 08-13-2015, 07:48 PM   #9
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Honestly, there are some great women out there, and they get taken advantage of by their husband's. Depends on the person.
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Old 08-13-2015, 08:33 PM   #10
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Sorry for your loss. I will drink a toast to your friend. Peace.
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Old 08-13-2015, 08:53 PM   #11
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Sorry for your loss AC666.

I learned about toeing the line and giving up way too much for the sake of a woman's "happiness". Didn't work out. I agree with your evaluation of the current state of marital bliss in America. Its bullshit and young guys are catching on, to their credit.

Witches are crying about men's lack of ability to commit. But men understand that its their last line of defense against feminization, finally.

My last years will be spent chasing whoever I think is worth my limited hobby budget and fuck all to the divorcees and widows.
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Old 08-13-2015, 09:55 PM   #12
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Sorry to hear about your friend, AC666.

Originally Posted by Island_Gent View Post
Just have fun, do whatever floats your boat, as long as it doesn't impede anyone else's, fuck the system and handle your business.
^^^This is a great philosophy to live by.....fuck the system.
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Old 08-14-2015, 12:04 AM   #13
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Condolences to you and his family 6...

............But this is why I'm staying single... Been through a divorce, been financially raped, won't do it again.. Being single, I get to go where I want, see who i want, travel to wherever I want, spend as much of MY money as I want..... .....And I don't have to answer to ANYONE!!!!!
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Old 08-14-2015, 12:29 AM   #14
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Amazingly thought out...
I agree with the commentary 200% about the "separation of church & state."
Bunch of brainwashed sheeple.....
(To pretentiously quote myself...)

I, too, have been fucked over by the systematic oppression of what "one should do"- and I once played by all the rules... I hadn't lost as much as your friend, but I had long since seen the very same light as you have... Now? I do what I want, how I want, with whom I want.

I will get mine "upfront"- and if I burn for it later, so be it; But it would seem the older I get, the more that I doubt the things that have been taught to me; the things which would oppress us into this mold: the "brain washing."

I am sorry for your friend, truly.
Here's to hoping he is looking down, and will get to see the day his treacherous wife is more than sorry... She is overdue for karma to bite her in the ass.
And here's to hoping that something will change... Will give. Fuck it, BREAK even. Anarchy?
It would be worth it, to get to the end goal.

And yes...... Fuck the system (the one set up to set us all up... and fuck the ones who set it up, too!)

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Old 08-14-2015, 05:00 AM   #15
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6, was your friend's ex hot? As in what is her contact info?
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