Originally Posted by CocoBrown
Gimme that.......You are not important enough for me to post about you in Co-ed,
You do it all the time. But its no biggie. You know you love my style. Recognize my steez. Gentle on the tip please.
Originally Posted by CocoBrown
its just aggravating to see a client have so much to say to providers in the New Orleans forum When you live in Alabama.
A client for who? I guess that's the only point that matters. What I want and seek for sessions is rare in and of itself, so if a few people overly sensitive about a board post wouldn't see me based upon that they do me no favor or no negatives. I'm just me.
Look chick. You live in Atlanta/ Georgia area. That board somewhat like alabama is dead as fuck. We are not limited in areas we can post. I post here because I live here, I post in alabama cause I live there. I post on topics I like same as you. Posting build local famalarity and trust. Too many times when I'm booking with ladies they already know who I am via my posts. Some don't. And I relay good information to guys wondering about stuff back channel.
Some of these same ladies post in other cities I do business in. Nothing wrong with being opinionated, if you don't like my opinion that's cool. I don't speak the hobby gospel lol. No need to censor me.....but you can use your ignore function in your user CP if you don't want to see what I post.
Originally Posted by CocoBrown
you have the tendency to play moderator, when you aren't a moderator, and pretend to be some type of provider coach like if they did this or that you would see them, knowing you wont. Im just giving them a heads up.
I don't play no mod. Definitely don't have the time and patience to be one right now. Commented for you to start a thread in co ed about me if you had beef with me. Since issue with me had nothing to do with the subject, I gave you an option to write a four page letter.
Most I've ever told a girl was I wish she was GFE, but since she wasn't I wasn't interested.....but not quite in those words.
Provider coach......good lord. Geezus indeed. It ain't that serious.
Originally Posted by CocoBrown
Strictly based on my personal experience and observing you for the last few years.........
Please get off my tip, and observe someone else, I'm cool. Not worried either way.
We need to just have a session and make up. Or just leave me alone and stop posting garbage BS about me. Haven't even done you anything to warrant all of this fanfare. Chill.
P.S. Here's a hint..........I'm planning on attempting to see Armani Banxx and maybe SknyDiva (if she wants to, haven't asked her yet so not sure) on an upcoming weekend in New Orleans if I can get the right weekend off there. Warn them why they shouldn't see me......and let's see if it effects me booking with them. If it does no biggie. If it doesn't and you notice a new review with either/and/or their names then you know your sisterhood of cockblockery isn't as strong as you thought, or I just might be a nice guy.....who knows. Plenty of fish in the pond here and others who would tour to me let's experiment.