Originally Posted by NikkiSecrets
Thank you. I will do that. I totally get you want the best bang for your buck as would I if I were spending my own hard earned money. BBBJ is just not my cup of tea. No amount of money would be worth risking my own health. That is just my own opinion and I do not knock or judge anyone else who is with it. This city is just honestly way more hectic and way more do deal with then from where I was before. BUT I am willing to learn and I will have patience.  
You will do well. Just have patience and it will take time.
You have to be YMMV. BBBJ isn't bad. Believe me. I understand your concern. Research the topic on YOUR own. Ask questions to well established women. Get their take on it. But at the end of the day, do what YOU feel comfortable with. Don't ever feel pressured. Some guys have bad hygienes, therefore if he isn't clean, don't do it. Some of us have good hygienes as we want you to have good hygienes too. If you really want to thrive in Houston, take good notes, and research for yourself.