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Old 08-02-2015, 10:53 AM   #1
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Default Casino Trolling

People I need some advice.

I just read the "READ THIS FIRST" sticky on the Introduction - Welcome to Vegas thread and found the Casino Girl scenario sexy: the look, the flirtation, the "let's go to my room" -- the ability to know right upfront if she makes my knees knock (something you cannot tell from pictures or reviews.) It sounds like the closest the hobby comes to being all fun as apposed to being all business. Or is that just a noob's delusions?

Is there a way to do this and avoid the upscale scam? And how do you handle the gift? If you don't know the price up front you can't have an envelope lying on the counter ready for her. And how do you negotiate without incriminating yourself if she is LE? I detest negotiating. It's not sexy. But it would be unavoidable in this situation. Not?

I've only been to Vegas twice and only inside a Vegas casino once -- to get my parking validated. I will have "rube" written all over me.

I have been to a NV brothel. Not sexy and prices absurd.
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Old 08-02-2015, 12:30 PM   #2
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IMHO you are asking for a problem, and possibly much much more, including physical danger if you, as unseasoned as you are in Vegas, attempt to do a casino girl.

Why put yourself to that possible danger when there are many ECCIE and P411 girls that are safe and give good service per their many reviews?
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Old 08-02-2015, 04:00 PM   #3
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That's a noobs delusions LOL

The real and physical dangers that are possible, along with the virtual guarantee of poor service and/or upsell from someone totally unknown, are the reality. Maybe you get lucky and find a good one....or maybe you don't, and get ripped off, or jacked, or worse, up in the room.

Roll the dice, its Vegas afterall.
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Old 08-02-2015, 09:14 PM   #4
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Yeah, I think you guys are probably right.

I'm not sure that there is much danger of getting beaten and robbed on the 10th floor of the MGM. But the upsell scam. That's pretty much a given. The only thing that would discourage that kind of behavior (since there is no review process) is the very real possibility of getting banned from the hotel when the client makes a scene.

I don't know anything about Vegas casino/hotels, but I assume management and security takes a very dim view of disturbances that might scare Mr. and Mrs. Peoria, IL. from coming back. On the other hand they probably want some escort activity to help business. Anyone in the hotel business is by default in the "entertainment" business, if they wanna be or not.. Or so I am told.

The whole idea of giving a young lady a public lascivious glance that leads to unlawful carnal knowledge is appealing to me. Plus I have heard that many of the Casino girls are smoking hot. Something that is sorely missing from P411 in my home town. The thing with the hobbying world going all online is the inability to see the provider before she is in your room and impossible to get rid of without spending some cash.

By the by, how do the Vegas "agencies" stay in business? The godawful experience has to get around to the guys' buddies. But there must be a heck of business in the scam judging by the number of people of involved and their expertise. Paying for those trucks cruising the strip cost money, as well as attracts LE. Do some men pay for bait and switch and enjoy the experience anyway? Something is going on that perpetuates the scam. Apparently some guys don't think it's a scam?
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Old 08-02-2015, 09:22 PM   #5
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With all due respect sir.... you are disillusion.....

Good luck to you!
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Old 08-03-2015, 02:53 PM   #6
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Lightbulb @Penniman

Do guys sometimes pick up casino girls with success/no drama? Yes.

Should you as a newbie attempt the same? No, IMO.

You're on an escort review site asking if you should roll the dice on an unknown lady. What answer did you really expect? You say you detest negotiating; how else do you think you will work out payment with a casino girl?



To answer your other questions:

Bait & switch agencies stay in business due to sheer volume. Guys come here having no clue of how they work and we know intoxicated, horny guys aren't making the best decisions OR they don't listen to reason when people tell them the services are bullshit.

Yes, some guys pay for the bait & switch and enjoy it. Usually, that's just when the girl in the photos isn't the girl who shows up, but the service is provided. I think most guys just get a ridiculous upsell ($600 for a HJ, for example) others get even worse, for example: upsold to $1K, no service and she threatens to tell security he raped her if he doesn't let her leave. Most men are too embarrassed to admit when this happens, so it doesn't get reported to police.

It's funny how guys who've never hired a sex worker here in Vegas often think they know better than seasoned clients & reviewed, reputable escorts, huh? Some people have to learn the hard way
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Old 08-03-2015, 03:24 PM   #7
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Although I do stick to well-reviewed p411 or Eccie girls for my pre-planned BCD fun time when in Vegas, I understand where Penniman is coming from. I get a kick out of making eye contact with casino girls, and even the girls walking the strip and just talking to them and feeling them out. Some of those casino girls are unbelievably hot!

You need to wait until about midnight to get started, then just walk around the nice casinos in the slot areas or near the night club entrances. If you see a good looking woman dressed kind of sexy sitting at a slot machine (probably playing the machine, but not seeming that interested in it) by herself, chances are she's working. It's amazing how quickly they'll make a bee line to you when you make eye contact!

Or, again starting around midnight, walk up and down the strip south of Flamingo. You're more likely to see them in pairs or threes, as well as alone, but as soon as you make eye contact; they'll zero in on you. Most of the girls outdoors are black or hispanic, but there are some hot ones out there, too.

Only one time did I let myself cross the line. I met a couple of girls walking and one of them was to my liking. The other quickly said she had somewhere to go and the hot one talked me into going inside one of the casinos for a drink. I got us a drink at one of the bars and we sat on a sofa-like seat near the periphery of the bar. It was very late and there weren't any other people around. She had on a very short skirt and as we talked, she encouraged me to place my hand on her thigh and move higher. I soon found she had no panties on and did some playing with her kitty. That let me know that it was probably ok to discuss terms. We came to an agreement and walked back to my hotel and to my room (I did have to tell the security guy at the elevator that,yes, this 20 something black girl was with me, a middle-aged white guy .) She delivered everything as promised without any upsell (lucky me.) But the crazy thing was -- after we were finished, she wanted to smoke. I told her it was a no-smoking room. She went in the bathroom and lit up anyway! After she was gone, I did everything I could to alleviate the odor. My company was paying for my room and I could just see explaining a $250 cleaning charge for smoking! Luckily, that didn't happen.
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Old 08-03-2015, 07:39 PM   #8
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I think with most of the ladies here everything is laid out in the ads/profiles... Upselling is more of an agency ploy...
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Old 08-04-2015, 08:50 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by wallywest View Post
Although I do stick to well-reviewed p411 or Eccie girls for my pre-planned BCD fun time when in Vegas, I understand where Penniman is coming from. I get a kick out of making eye contact with casino girls, and even the girls walking the strip and just talking to them and feeling them out. Some of those casino girls are unbelievably hot!
Finally, someone who understands where I'm coming from. I lived in Dallas, TX for a couple of years and there was a smoking hot black girl that I would pass sometimes on my way home from work when I worked late. She always smiled and made flirtatious eye contact with me. It was very hot. She wore those crotch-length, skin-tight, stretchy mini-dresses and had legs and onion to kill. I never talked to her, being the overly cautious man that I am. Her drug use was obvious even at a distance.

But the thing is, that kind of "foreplay" doesn't happen when viewing profiles and reviews. I understand that for many men (and probably providers as well) that is just a waste of time. They want the exchange and that's it. However, I am a newbie and don't profess to understand this business. Just feeling around as it where.

I had a less then stellar experience with a local provider. If I had seen her in person before hand I would have known that it wasn't going to be a good experience. But on the other hand, if I had seen her before hand the anticipation might have facilitated the experience. These are largely newbie equivocations. I understand that. Those of you who have been fighting and fucking every since you 13 years old are probably coming from a very different place.

I have some vacation time. Maybe I'll fly out and just hang around and see if anything develops. I've been overly cautious for too many years.
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Old 08-04-2015, 10:58 AM   #10
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Or why not find a lady that is reviewed and set something up like a role play? Where you decide to meet at a bar and you play out that foreplay sitting across the bar flirting with one another and she then comes over to you and creates a conversation. There are all types of ways to make your fantasies come true you know...... you just have to ask way better than taking a chance with LE and you still get what you ultimately want.

Bella Nicole
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Old 08-06-2015, 03:16 PM   #11
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I always had luck with a casino girl. Freemont street is where I stay and have been with 3 this past year. Just tell them this is what you want and here what I'm paying.
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Old 08-07-2015, 08:59 PM   #12
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I came to Vegas in the late 90s,went to the Palamino club got drunk and horny,found an escort in one of those sidewalk literature. she came to my room in a new infinity,with a moon roof.a smoking hot blonde in a evening gown,with a lot of jewelry. she wanted a thousand.I told how bout $500,she said you can't get a hand job in this town for 500.
So we get in her car and go to a casino to draw a grand of my card.boy she took me to school.but I'm so stupid I come back a year later and fuck her an her brunette side kick,for another grand.lol.. she went by Kelly said she was from Oklahoma City. I will never forget her.like they say a fool and his money soon go there separate ways
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Old 08-07-2015, 09:38 PM   #13
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The thrill is what Vegas is about for me. I do both. I see awesome gals on this site and others, but still enjoy trolling the casino. Have been burned, but have learned that if you negotiate up front chances are way better for no upsell. Stay away from gals working in together. Not been good for me. Have never considered Bella's approach of setting fantasy up ahead of time with verified provider and living the dream with very little risk of issues Might have to try when I am in Vegas at end of month. Any ladies interested? 8/25-8/28?
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Old 08-09-2015, 01:53 PM   #14
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Well I'd be interested of course!

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Old 08-10-2015, 04:47 PM   #15
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Count me in... A little fantasy role play can always be fun!
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