Originally Posted by WMIM
It's advi ce by the way and last time I checked, prostitution is still illegal in Arizona and has a stigma among an overwhelming majority of people, like employers, media and family to name a few but if you think your advise [sic] to show face pictures is good, since "90% of the women on here have face pictures posted" and "they make a ton of money" you're certainly entitled. I think any reader has to be honest when they form an opinion about real, full facial pictures - sure it's nice to see an accurate depiction of the provider from a purely self-interest angle, but anyone with a grain of sensibility has to understand how damaging those images can be in the public domain to a poster, all for the glory of a half hour with the likes of you. I stand by my advice.
I have some really good glass, have shot thousands of images secondary to my work and most of my shots are done in RAW so the pros can do all of the post-production work when I submit. I don't want/need Spice's images or feel inclined to process them beyond the shot, so I suggested she bring an SD card and not have to worry I'm keeping any - she could look at my internal memory too if she really thought I was trying to steal images. For the resolution and size of the pictures on this web site, she could probably use any images I shoot. I’m really not sure what ramifications you are inferring in this regard, but again, you are certainly entitled to put your opinion out here for all to read, good, bad or misguided.
I do think you’re spot on about never meeting her.

Oh, you are one of those that points out grammar on a hooker board? And I do say grammar because my spelling was right, I just used the wrong word, (if you want to believe that). Either way, thank you for correcting me mom.
Back to the topic at hand though. Yes prostitution is illegal, but I am not sure why that matters since there are no prostitutes on here sir. If you want to admit that you are doing illegal things, that is fine with me, but don't drag me into your sick and twisted world! This site is full of escorts that sell their time and nothing else so we can rule out the prostitution being illegal issue.
With that said, I already said I understand her not posting her face pictures because she has another job and suggested blurring out her face. If her employer or peers happen to find her picture on here though, I'm pretty sure they will be keeping it to themselves instead of explaining what they were doing on a hooker board in the first place.
Next, the fact that their face is a huge part of why you would choose to spend time with one of these women is a huge part of why I need to see it before I pay for their time. If anything with tit's and a pussy will do for you, that is your preference, but I am sure that your preference is largely outnumbered by people who want a bit more out of the experience. I am assuming that sticking your dick in a hole, (since you already admitted you are looking for prostitutes) is more important than having a good time with a beautiful woman.
Finally, I will say that I have no idea what a "good glass" is or has to do with photography and I will not pretend to be a photographer or know the lingo. I was just pointing out the irony of you saying that posting photos online was a bad idea, but letting a complete stranger that you meet on a hooker board take pictures of you is OK...if you don't see the humor in that then I can't help you man.
Oh and I am not sure if you think the fact that me and Spice will never meet is an insult or if you have some inside information as to why we would never meet or what you even meant by that, but rest assured I am not nor ever will be offended if someone did not want to meet me. I am pretty sure that I could meet her if I really wanted to though. I mean that's what she is on here for and my money spends the same as yours. Don't think for a second that you are better than anyone here just because you are seeing someone who sells her time for money.
The last thing I will ever say to you is...lighten up man. I am one of the most sarcastic people you will never meet. most of what I say or type is meant as a joke, so don't take me so seriously man. In order to avoid any argument or drawn out back and forth bullshit, I will not reply to you anymore on this topic. You can reply if you want and point out my bad grammar or why I am wrong, but I have said everything I will on this topic.
Thank you